Nutritionfags... is soy sauce the reason asian men are effeminate?

Nutritionfags... is soy sauce the reason asian men are effeminate?

No, it's the raw or less cooked soybeans that does it

Effeminate relative to what?
White men take the cake in the effeminacy department -- they're masters of the cringe and capable of profound levels of faggotry unsurpassed by all other races.

A lot of Asians are quite masculine and traditionalist.
I don't see what you're seeing.

Depends. What would you consider asian men? Soy sauce was around in the age of the mongol hordes.

Not soy sauce itself, but high consumption of soy.

Its why chinese boys have turned into such useless pieces of shit while girls have turned into picrelated


>Hey English teacher, whatcha doin'?

Soy sause is God.

He's right. Have you ever watched Naruto?

You must be asian and trying to do some damage control, kek. The reason you fags are so effeminate is here . This isn't a matter of "are asian men effeminate?", it's a question of "why are they so effeminate?".

On the one hand it makes you a woman. On the other hand it makes you immune to radiation.

shits loaded with iodine, the japs keep getting exposed to radiation and they just keep on goin

So what your saying is you need to put your daughter on a diet of like 90% soy and they will turn out 10/10?

You're just picturing the wrong type of Asian thanks to the (((media))). There's tons of masculine Asians. Way more than any effeminate ones.

I'm a gook and i'm normal as shit. Don't get me wrong, I see faggy Asian dudes every now and then.

>A lot of Asians are quite masculine
Hahahahaha oh you!

That has more to do with the scarcity of females in China you dumb insectiod chink.

No. Plant based phytoestrogen only interacts with the body in a positive way. Unless of course you are eating wildly ridiculous amounts of soy which wouldn't be healthy with any other foods either.

Lol where are these masculine asians? I'd love to meet one

That or go butch

I'm in hong kong you stupid jew

Have u even watched Naruto

>Lol where are these masculine asians? I'd love to meet one

You won't see them in hong kong.

>That or go butch
Why would it make them go butch?

Wouldn't testosterone do that?

You need a balance of hormones. That is not to say 1:1, but if you get too much of either you start to suffer adverse side effects.

Don't see them in the mainland cities either. And who would want to fuck a farmer?

No, I'm not 14

You guys are fucking retarded. Animal based foods like flesh and milk contain actual estrogen compounds that our bodies recognize and deal with. Soy is plant based phytoestrogen which interacts with different receptors and interacts with the body in a positive way like improving bone health. TLDR industrial residue xenoestrogens and actual literal estrogen in meat and milk feminize you, not plant based food.

>eating farm trash
Soy replaced radishes as the go-to plant to put nitrogen back into soil for crops like corn. This means that corn subsidies are also soy subsidies. Because soybeans are a shitty plant the agricultural industry had to use propaganda to push the crop into a marketable product by fooling people into thinking soy milk and tofu and the like are health foods.

tl;dr: Soy is the byproduct of farming and is pushed on you by media to make money off idiots

...why are white so stupid?


Why exactly is it shit? It's a complete protein, flexible and does not have a overwhelming flavor on its own.

Smart enough to develop a nuclear bomb