Chance of us colonizing space before drowning in immigrants?

As the title reads, will we make it far enough to start colonizing space before the next dark age? Since no one wants to nuke the Islamic hordes leaving for greener pastures might be an option

>Since no one wants to nuke the Islamic hordes

You just committed a felony.




White civilization is going to fall in the next 3-7 years.

Humans aint going no where, except straight to hell.


Im not illiciting hate speech, Im merely pointing out a problem as I see it. Is that not fair? We sorta bomb them currently.
So we are completely fucked then? Game over? We have so much potential...

Im a newfag, yeah. Didnt know it was a bad thing to be Canadian. Understandable but we used to be cool, (I didnt vote for our current fucking muppet leader)

forget it

>next 3-7 years
Do you have evidence that civilization will fall that soon?

Fuck, so what is there to do? Wait until we are lined up for slaughter under a Sharia converted government?

been looking into making Kekistan on the Moon/Mars the communication delay will be ~1.3 secs and Mars would between ~3-21 mins. It would be great no normies.
I was thinking underground with solar panels above and batteries below for self susstaining power. Lights and indoor farms for food and whatever else we want.
Don't know if I would keep the flag though. normies would get mad, but then again what are they going to do?

The Islamic Empire is spreading able-bodied fighting age men throughout the world.

Rape Jihad is destroying Europe

Not to mention the anti-white rhetoric

Birth rates of pakis and subsaharan niggers far outweighs Westerners

Not to mention - 3 year ago? It wasnt half as bad as it is now, can you imagine in 3 years it being twice as bad? and twice as bad in 3 more? We're fucked in less than 10 years, this much, i feel.

Landmines; carpets and carpets of landmines so they cant fuck up the solar panels. Alternatively an island? Stockpile a shitload of MRE's and Russian surplus military equipment

>Im a newfag

The Chinese will be the ones to colonize space

True but how will you bypass the firmament?

Why not nuke 'em from orbit? Two birds with one stone.

It is RACIST to not take any people of color with you into space we need quotas for the minimum amount of POC!

and that's how that went

I need some brain bleach stay beautiful, your doing good work.

Sure the shitskins will become the majority some time this century, but within 10 years sounds ridiculously soon. Europe would need to take in an absolutely monsterous number of non-white immigrants for it to happen that soon. Either that or a nuclear war or something happens in the next 10 years. Here in burgerland, most estimates place non-Whites becoming the majority around 2050.

If they are reasonable and leave their fucking cancerous cultural marxism and shitty religion on Earth AND meet the training demands then I dont care if they tag along, earn your seat and make your bed on a new celestial body MERITOCRATICALLY, like what all the non degenerates do that they becry as WHITE/MALE/STRAIGHT PRIVILEGE or whatever the fuck it is they shit their pants over

Technically he is right though, Canada did pass a motion that bans any anti-muslim speech.

Im aware of that travesty of governmental paper, sadly Leafistan does not have actual rights to free speech. Cant hurt all the snowflakes FEELINGS now can we? Mark that as one of my jealousies of America, along with a military that actually gets funding.

>Chance of Soros colonizing space before drowning us in immigrants?


Seriously we allocate only $15.5B towards maintaining our crumbling military infrastructure and we need to replace most of our vehicle platforms due to age and lack of parts. Fuck half of our CC-130's have been cannibalized from lack of spare parts and our Sea Kings are all pushing 55+ years of service. It wounds me further because we have a rich military history that the public just shits all over.

yeah take the redpill of Jesus Christ leaf

Last blurb I promise; they went completely overboard with M-13, as in it covers ANY kind of anti-muslim rhetoric, even if it was of constructive nature. Im tired of being polite about a religion that is arguably full of ravening animals and that isnt me trying to be edgy; Im scared shitless about the safety of friends and family exposed to Islam.

Really need Russia, USA and China to play nice with each other to get into space properly.

How can this be achieved? Can the big 3 set aside the differences to get us up there?


Do what we do best, atleast in America:

Form the autism militia with all our guns, and hope to God the army comes to our side

I would like the sum of our scientific knowledge and human adventurous nature become something amazing, like the spacerace back in the 60's. Fuck, drinking this off is not helping in the slightest