A Book on Sup Forums and the 2015-2017 Meme War

I am in the early process of writing a book chronicling the Meme War 2015-2017 and the actions of Sup Forums and the greater right-wing troll community to influence the election.

I want to do this to:

1. Document the history of this board.
2. Dispel the myth that "Russian Hackers" influenced the election, and promote the idea it was white goyim.
3. Expose the odious acts of various shill/raid groups (CTR, ShareBlue, etc)

So, what topics, moments, themes, ideas, and histories do you want documented? Share stories, memes, red-pills etc. I will post my outline when I am finished so you know I'm not a LARP.

A bit about me:

1. This will be my 3rd book on Amazon, though I would publish under pseudonym (others are technical books)
2. I am a crypto-WN and would be writing with the intent to frogwhistle throughout.
3. I am hoping to spark a greater effort to churn out propaganda style pieces in the future. We all have a role to play. 14

Document that OP is a faggot


>implying thats not the point

Kill yourself OP.
Greedy Jew trying to make money off us.

I'm not trying to make money at all the book will be free.

Dude your fucked anyway
Kiss your kids & pray instead




That's gonna be a big book

That's pretty fuckin dumb, OP, and will only serve to further integrate redditors and their braindead culture by giving new ones an outlet and a way to believe they've skipped lurking.

Naw, plan is 150-200 words and make it free on Amz for maximum distribution.

1. Combat "muh russia"
2. Document a part of american culture and electoral history
3. frogwhistle WN themes
4. Expose leftist shills raids

JIDF convinced people that Trump wasn't a shabbos goy, so they voluntarily shilled for him. Now that he is in office, we can see just howthroughly jewed he, his family, and his administration is. It is quite impressive actually.

>150-200 words
So a single paragraph?

Yeah this may end up being what is is. But either way WN, white advocacy, the JQ, redpills of race/islam, all of these things are 100x more exposed now then in circa 2014. So we have momentum.

Can't let the movement die even if Trump goes full shabbos goy. Trump wasn;t lying when he said he was the messanger. He just doesn't know WN is the message.

Err..thats the scotch typing, 150-200 pages, so easily readable and digestible

Anything that normalized WN themes, draws a crowd, and shifts the overton window is worthwhile.

I'm saving your post/thread to use for Amazon review purposes when this great work is finally released. Bonus prize, maybe the alphabets will like to put some names to faces.

Well good luck then. Unfortunately I don't have anything for you because I would rather forget about the election. Every day since it has me increasingly convinced that acclerationism would have been the better path.

Please title your book "Op is a fag"

Hurt dirt accelerationism

Because when the country is ruled. Y lefties and 45% white the normies will wake up? Come on