Your nation keep declining thanks to "nationalist"

>Your nation keep declining thanks to "nationalist"
>rational people notice that immigrants will boost GDP growth rate
>only Sup Forumstards and nationalists can not understand this because they are least educated

oh look, it's that cuck chink again

Stay out gook

Gook detected

Not enough white men having consensual sex with your women, eh?

>immigrants will boost GDP growth rate

if GDP growth rate is all that matters then why don't you just sell 20 trillion in bonds and increase government spending?

same thread every day

Hi socialist. why do you support Bernie?

plz can you find me a cute waifu I can marry?

>English teacher

Fuck off, David.

I would never support a social democrat or civic nationalist, especially one of jewish pedigree, Kim..

then, why don't you support market? MORON

I support economic policies which benefit the nation, not multinational corporate entities.

Culture and the Nation are vastly more important than numbers on a computer screen "GDP growth rate" you fucking retard shill.

Then stop being a whiny chink faggot over the internet and go out into the real world so you can fuck a gook girl and continue your shitty technophilic weeb culture.


US education folks

I am patriot and I am doing practice in Sup Forums to defend my points.

Fuck you moron. My name will be written in history book as a true hero of the nation

>Implying your even a nip
Post your ID then you faggot english teacher.

i know you have little nip dick, but you could always procreate for more workers if you wanted to

those arabs do have bigger dicks though. i think its time to open the gates and let your women enjoy the wonders of immigration

honestly, jap "culture" is highly problematic anyways and you guys probably should start adopting muslim practices. have you bought a Quran yet? arabic is a beautiful language

Hes just poking the hornet nest for fun. Japan calling america overly nationalist is silly. Japan needs white countrys to stay white or they will be next on the list. Sorry japan, you are the other white people and former nazi the way the commie globalist see it.



Yuri on Ice is the most redpilled anime

>Immigrants improve our GDP
>Improving things for the populus and animating our hoards of NEET manchild Men to go outside would also raise the GDP
>Lets pick the first tho

Koreans should leave Japan.

This. As soon as (((they))) have total control over the EU and US, Japan will be their next target. You guys will begin to feel the pressure of the NWO to do as the hand rubbers please or be hit with sanctions and heavy import taxes, while slandering you in the media turning the normie citizens against your own culture like they are currently doing to the rest of the world. """They""" will make you take in a bunch of dindus and gibmes and turn your country a yellowish-brown slant eyed population of materialist consumers.


it's okay tarou, the yamato samurai spirit that inhabits every nipponese will overcome this so called ' decline' that american waito piggus kepe talking about.
尊皇攘夷 !

Just boost your birthrate ffs

Put your fists up big boy, I'll make you think twice with my fists!

>judges a country soley by GDP growth rate
>calls others "least educated"

anyone who still replies to these b8 threads without saging should be run over by a truck

yeah yeah keep saying this to yourself
the actual heroes of the nation are these who died for japan in WW2
you're just another mindless bot who's advocating for refugees and immigrants just because you have no other purpose in your gray, boring, shitty life.

lel, do you know the history of Japan?

These people who claims that eventually converted to 富国強兵

>America accepted many "illegal", "non-educated" mexican
>Sup Forumsclaim it is bad
>now, it actually has better performance than homogeneous Japanese society


epic graph!

>muh money
wtf I hate my blood and soil now, give it away to the Jew!

Again the zainichi makes his shill thread


This is what they like to worship.


Fuck, wrong post!

So you would rather have this 'GDP' imaginary numbers increase or would you rather have your own country?