Germans, why do you hate your own race and country so?

Germans, why do you hate your own race and country so?

Ehm. It's mainstream?

I wonder (((why)))...

Wow, her face is like all forehead.

That Fucking Forehead.


ayy lmao

She's repulsive

>not hating germany
what are you? racist?

> race transitioning


I really hope this chick dies in a fire.


Finally i can become jew

she looked hapa beforehand. Also >korean is a race

Germans are scum. When I travel to another country I always tell them that I'm swiss.

a true FIVEhead if ever there was one

Jesus Christ her forehead can take you from Germany to Korea

What are we looking at here? I Huwhite girl magically transitioning into a Korean by putting on geisha lips? Did her bf transition from girl to boy as well?
Look at these two. Where are the parents?

That forehead though

I don't know whats wrong with germans.
We literally deserve to be purged

so westeners become koreans and koreans become westeners

What the fuck is that?

user she's trans racial. But seriously why do white chicks like doing this stuff. Extra brownie points?

Guessing she doesn't know a word of Korean

How do you even fix a forehead that large?

With bangs. Never date a girl with bangs.

the problem is that people like her are accepted and opposing positions are not

probably because of guilt

>race transitioning
delusions are now being accepted as reality.
hans your the ground zero for these degenerate freaks the always seem to originate in germany why?

You people are retarded ... that twitter person is American and uses pictures of a girl which is actually half Korean/half German to make jokes ... because she 'looks funny'.

gee, i wonder (((why)))?

Our women are either halfway decent or complete trash, as a cunt you don't have to worry about a thing here, so you have enough time and money to become a fucking retard.

This is what happens when humans no longer have to struggle in life, they get retarded life goals.

So yeah, ''Anna Hyunijn'' doesn't exist. Het name is Lisa, she's a German YouTuber and she actually lives in KR. So fuck off and look at your own ugly bitches.

>hans your the ground zero for these degenerate freaks the always seem to originate in germany why?
We've only been ground zero once. It started in Germany in the 30s went to France, then America and now it's made it's way back here.

It is a truly a shame that they have abandoned their history and heritage because (((foreigners))) orderend them to.
At this point we are the only ones who still honour the memory of the Waffen SS, those who fought for Europe.

Thats at least a sixhead holy shit. I've seen a fivehead before but it doesnt take up half your face goddamn thats like Victorian era paintings and shit

The destruction of the moral, social and spiritual fabric of the German people is almost complete.
Their guilt levels are reaching a stage that even the greatest Elders of Anglo could have never predicted.
Soon - the nation of Germany and its people will be but a dirty, blood stained footnote in history.

>wants to be Korean
>gets facial plastic surgery





that's a solid 6head, fuck outta here with that trans race shit


What kind of moron wants to be Korean.

Can white people go extinct already?

>"race transitioning"
>not a meme
>actual 21st century German female

You poor Huns are absolutely fucked. Doomed I tell thee.

why cant stupid people start to build the base of who they are philosophically as a young adult instead of starting when they are 22?

fucking aussie had to break the combo goddamn

Fuck this, I identify as Israeli now.
Now pay reparations for (((Holocaust))), you goys.


How about banging a girl with bangs?

what the fuck
how can one even turn himself/herself into an asian
wtf science

South Korea, why do you let the fat kid with the silly haircut bully you?

In all seriousness, no surprise there's at least one nutjob of that kind among 82 million people.
Hardly represents anything.
Fuck off.