Goy! Christians are the female genital mutilators now!

Fucking CNN going all in ...

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Oh well then it's perfectly fine if some white lunatics did it.

Not quite sure what they are trying to say with this story.

i'm sure it happened in white Christian america, but i doubt white Christians have practiced it.

Anything to normalize Islam and denounce white Christians is the CNN way!

Accept globalism you filthy peasant.

>white Christians have practiced it.
that's EXACTLY what these kikes are selling though.

The story is literally about a nigger who got her vagina cut in Africa...

Let's talk about routine infant circumcision a.k.a. male genital mutilation in the USA, shall we?

Did you not know? Genetics and culture are a racist lie. The moment a Muslim or African steps foot into a white country they IMMEDIATELY become model citizens and exactly the same as everyone else.

How dare you think otherwise!

Gets it

>but i doubt white Christians have practiced it.


>In his Ladies' Guide in Health and Disease, for nymphomania, he recommended: Cool sitz baths; the cool enema; a spare diet; the application of blisters and other irritants to the sensitive parts of the sexual organs, the removal of the clitoris and nymphae...

>In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.

>"I'm sure that it has affected my feeling," Aron, 58, told CNN. "If it was not cut, maybe I would have enjoyed whatever I would have enjoyed. It's a very sensitive area. So if that's cut, imagine -- imagine what I miss."

>"What I believe is, if (the clitoris) wasn't necessary, God wouldn't have put it there," said Aron, a deaconess at St. Luke Lutheran in Lansing, Michigan. "If it was not important, it would have not been there. It's part of our body. It is there for a reason."

holy shit, the hypocrisy is real, lads.

the two aren't remotely the same
a lot of people even interpret the islamic teaching as saying the whole clit needs to be cut out

Erm no sweetie that shit is just for Africans and Mudslimes ok? xxx

Well one is done for health benefits and the other to remove the pleasure from sex.

the sanitary benefit of circumcising a male is a meme. it also decreases the sexual enjoyment of male by doing it.

trimming or removing the clitoral hood ===== trimming or removing the penis-foreskin

one is illegal, the other isn't.

now shut the fuck up and educate yourself.

neck yourself, you cuntfuckshitasskikeniggerspicturd
tell me your address, so I can do it myself.

Try and educate us before jumping for the rope. Give some Intel on pros and cons of circumcision.

one shippale too far and the boy is mutiliated for life. both forms should be outlawed

i don't understand the argument of circumcizing a penis. like is it that fucking hard to pull the skin back and clean your dick? is it necessary to mutilate it when they are born to save one step of cleaning?

that pic is dedicated to you

>pros and cons of circumcision.
there are no pros.
why should there be advantages to unnecessarily amputating a part of your body?

Both were started to remove pleasure from masturbation. Except on males it took off successfully.

Drop some Sup Forums approved sources cunt

you first, as you are in favor of altering the natural state of male bodies.

>Christian women not wanting to be clean and healthy