Can you fucks stop doing this? It's cringe as fuck, you're making us look like teenagers...

Can you fucks stop doing this? It's cringe as fuck, you're making us look like teenagers. Definitely not helping our cause.

Other urls found in this thread:

>begin two week campaign saying (((we))) think shit is cringey to soften up support for people we plan to attack in the media
>after support weakened begin publishing many hit pieces
>nobody wants to defend because (((peers))) say it's cringey

Sup Forums can't see a psyop coming

That's the beauty. A lot of us are teenagers. They always said that young people gravitate towards thw Democratic party. We're proving them wrong.

Wow Jones is such a handsome news guy.

If the media called infowars fake news they'd literally be right though.

I highly doubt Emerick is a better option than your shitty democratic party.

What media? CNN? The outlet talking about two scoops of ice cream?

Alex Jones is fine because he's funny.
Gavin's a retard.
Middle right is /literally who/
And pjw is a complete fuckwit.
You can't claim that liking celebrities is degenerate while also creating your own celebrities. You're trying to have your cake, eat it, then turn around and shout FUCK YOU MUM I'M TOO GOOD FOR CAKE.

Yeah, but you're teenagers in the historical context of being from the biggest generation of faggot pussies this country has ever known.

They're fake news too but Alex "Bavarian nazi death cults run everything and arabs own the media" Jonestein is too.


Yes I used that word in the right context.

But jews do run the media you shabbbos goy,

That's what I'm saying lol. Jonestein has said numerous times that the arabs actually control the media, not the kikes.

All 100% degenerate scum

Actually it's Bill Gates & the Illuminati

"Cringe" and "cringey" make me think you're a faggot from Reddit. Go back.

My bad. I feel like the Jewish Question is slowly becoming mainstream.

I mean this Youtuber made a video called
"Bill Nye the Jewish Guy" with 164,000 views.

We have to keep pushing.

Since when is the word "cringe" from Reddit, you Redditor?


what a shitty phrase

Because you are fucking teenagers.

wtf i love temple OS now

Do ALL of mainstream media is propaganda.
news movies tv shows commercials radio
We don't have a choice.


Infowars are ok, but I'm not a fan of Gavin, Cernovich or PJW though. They come across as very unprofessional and biased IMO.

nobody actually watches alex jones, its a nu-pol meme.

atleast infowars doesn't report on fucking icecream scoops

You're forgetting the hippies that paved the way to this in the 1960s they were way bigger faggots


shit burgers got conned.

also don't forget to help israel you guys