Why do millennials want the minimum wage to be a living wage?

Why do millennials want the minimum wage to be a living wage?

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Why not?

Why can't millennials just accept that we need a low minimum wage if we want increased immigration?


working is hard and stupid
I'll give you my 8 hours, fuck, fine!
If I give you 1/3 of my entire day, I should at least be able to live!!

oh shit its the bang bus.

How many times will you post a thread with

>when will millennials x

And put Soe picture ?

Idk because when the minimum wage was a living wage we had 1950s america where women were in the home and raising kids and men had a living wage.


so they can immediately move out and live their life

Because the school system has spent years rewarding them for minimum effort.

They don't.
They want it to be able to afford them an upper middle class lifestyle.
I lived of min. wage just fine until I finished trade school

It will never end

this, i want to move back out of my parents house, but i dont want to have to go back to living in an apartment with 5 other people just to afford rent

Shit if I could make a living wage as a shoe salesman or a grocer and live a happy life?

I'd take it. Beats being forced to go to college and being 100k in debt.That said, bumping up the minimum wage isnt going to do shit these days,except maybe drive up prices even higher.

This is a slide thread and it will reach +200 posts.

>Raising minimum wage
>Driving up unemployment and overworking employees

What could go wrong?

>having to pay welfare or government assistance is better economics than just a livable wage.

IS that Toby Van Kenobi ?

Its not. The guy on the right is Toby Van dota 2 caster


Wow im surprised you think you can live on .75c an hour.
aka minimum wage in the 50s

thats not really how economics work see

because they are lazy faggots who think they are entitled to career pay for pushing a button on a coffee machine.

because thats the first step to communism faggot, and you should know first hand how well that goes.

Think about if we just paid workers about $35-$40 an hour. Everyone could feed their family along with their rent staying the same price, their food prices staying the same, and all of the other services never changing in price, either.

What about learning a real profession?

Why must people be happy with tje minimum, its easy as duck to make $14/h in America.

Work for an inbound callcenter and you can make upwards of $70k if you know how to close.

Minimum wage is a living wage as long as you're okay with renting a single room... if you eat modestly and keep entertainment/commit cost low enough you can save ~8k a year as well, setting you up for a pretty comfy retirement in 40 years.

what are people sliding? go back to 8ch paranoid freak

Lol what? Sorry, but your 8 hours are up to you to use. If you cannot sustain yourself by working 8 hours - work 16. You are entitled to die at peace at the most.

Like all leftist talking points it's based on a lie. Minimum wage is already a living wage. The overwhelming majority of people in poverty are unemployed, the rest only work part time.

Daily Reminded that if you make minimum wage, your labour is actually worth LESS than minimum wage.

start at 2:24

ha, as if paying livable wage would discount taxes. Fuck you, statist bitch

Because they want unemployment. Here's how:

They typically advocate citizenship for illegal immigrants. They also typically advocate increased minimum wage. Making 10 million illegals suddenly legal not only immediately prices them out of the labor pool, but adding an increased minimum wage at the same time compounds the effect.

Basically they're dumb and don't understand economics in the slightest.

pause that webm at 00:12. that is the face of evil.

Yep if you can change oil on a car and are not a drug addict you can make $15/hour easy

Every dealership in the US is desperate for non-meth head techs and will happily pay you 15/hour starting to be a lube tech and then pay for all your training and tools to become a master mechanic over a few years.

Then you make $80-100k.

damn i thought i saw redeye and soe

toby grew a beard huh


kek. its better to have higher unemployment with a higher minimum wage than having low unemployment with lower/no minimum wage.

the only reason taxes are as high as they are now is because of all the welfare programs we have due to people not making enough money to survive. in 1900 the highest tax rate was 15%, then a bunch of psychopaths decided to drive immigration to drive down wages, so daddy government had to step in and protect the people lest they chimp out and destroy society, so they increased the taxes to where the average person now pays 30% in taxes. If we dont make employeers pay a living wage and heavily tax robot workers, taxes are just going to keep going up like you europoors who pay 50% in taxes

which bangbus is this

I make 60k and am always flat broke living with my parents in rural Ohio.

I worked at the largest dodge dealership in AZ, the lube guys only made $10 per hour and they don't receive training to become a mechanic

Is that Faye Reagan's faggot boyfriend? I think I'd hit that guy if I ever saw him, he ruins every scene he's a part of

op replied once. sage.

cause they're fucking lazy

It is a living wage, just not a luxurious living. Millennials can't cook or let their phones be a single gen out of date.

Any time some min wage person falls into some extra money, they blow it on booze or nights out or toys. Maybe I'm less sympathetic because I've been homeless and then on min wage and then saved up for trade school and can't stand lazy entitled fucks.

This! We MAKE money using a PRINTER, why don't we give it out so everyone can be rich?!

Still waiting on the downside to this. This is obviously realistic and everyone who disagrees is a bigot.

>if you know how to close
I hear the coffee is pretty good too.

Why stop there? Why not go to $50/hr?

Prices were cheaper back then. My grandfather bought his first house back then for $15k

Don't you believe that 15 year olds with a summer job should be able to afford a middle class apartment?

If everyone had too much money, then their wealth would cause them all to turn into assholes. A bunch of rich assholes would be bad.

Hell, why not $6GORILLION an hour?

No one hires teens anymore as immigrants do the work for cheap.

Because of supermarkets.

Think about it: children enter a giant warehouse store the size of an airfield and see all of that food, more food than they could even eat in ten years.

Because a child has no concept of the size of the human population, they subconsciously believe that we must be post-scarcity.

Subconscious beliefs are very hard to shake, and direct conscious activity. In their minds the world is stuffed full of consumer products just sitting on the shelf that will always be replaced.

Therefore it is only Evil Rich People hoarding all the money that prevents them from having everyhting they desire.

It doesn't occur to them that their purchases even in this crazy worldview is going to make rich people i.e.providers of desirable products they themselves want, with no evil or malice involved, but then again they're thick as shit.

Because they want to live alone and get the easiest job possible.

It would be really nice to not have to work 60 hours plus for 16$ an hour to support my wife and baby I'm 25.
Oh wait that's right... I'm a white goy and my fate has been decided by YHWH

So we just ignore the core economic concept of Supply-Demand and hope it all works out for the best?

It's working out in Seattle is it not?

It's pretty clear that "income inequality" is bad economics. I'm open to any means of mitigating that.

>your 8 hours are up to you to use
I dare you go live in east Europe and keep believing this bullshit.

I have the solution:

Instead of college, send them into a recreations of medieval farming communes for four years.

On some islands somewhere where they can't just escape. Let them live as peasants for a few years, only eating what they can grow or kill themselves. Water has to be purified. Medicine is either plant-based or non-existent. They have to build their own hovels and shit in a hole in the ground.

In their third year, have them invaded by fascist soldiers who enslave them, forcing them to hand over 35-45% of their produce as taxation.

We'll see how marxist they are if they survive what their ancestors had to endure for centuries, eh?

You'll notice a lot if these threads reach 200 replies, and a very large number of the posters sound suspiciously inauthentic in their posts.

it's not a slide thread, it was an attempt at a Laci advertising thread that got derailed hilariously. nobody even posted any pics of her after the first few posts.

no you fucking moron, it isn't working in seattle. businesses are closing all over the city. only people able to afford the new minimum wage there are corporations

good job goys

>"income inequality" is bad economics
Income equality IS economics?

If you hand $1 to someone in exchange for something, are they evil?

That 1,000,000 other people hand that same person $1 for the same thing does not magically make them any more or less evil, either?

Transactions create "inequality" after the transactions are complete. "Hey, that guy's got $1 more than me now, that's not fair!" misses out the part where you got something for that dollar. The sheer size of societies nowdays does not change this obvious reality gap manifest in neo-marxism. "Hey, that guy's got £1million more than us now!"

whoops wrong thread lmao

The core concept was thrown out when we started overproducing by several magnitudes everything we consume, in other words you believe in the artificial scarcity meme, nothing more blue pilled than that.

>business depends on slave wages to be viable
>should stay in business

why is communism so bad? Don't you want what's good for everyone else?

Why wouldn't they?

Purchasing power hasn't moved since the 90's, and if millennial works just as their parents did, it will take them 3-5 times the time and resources to acquire bigger purchases such as a modest house or car.

Many peers I know have degrees in Architecture, engineering, nursing etc, with technical post grad diplomas on top of that. Many are having a hard time finding work, even in fields that are supposedly going to expand. Others are settling for lower jobs because they simply can't get in right now.

So no, $15 is a fair wage. If you business cannot afford to pay the minimum, reconsider your business model

They have no skills to do anything other than minimum wage jobs.

because they dont understand the value of the dollar has dropped like 50,000% since 1971. and that in order to make the minimum wage a living wage is to not increase the min wage, but to restore the power of the american dollar, increasing the min wage would speed up the collapse of the dollar.

>poorfags in 2017

If your family isn't already rich, then your genetic line failed and needs to be cleansed ASAP.

Sorry, but there is zero excuses. We are going to keep raising the bar until what you weak faggots call the middle and lower class are both slowly boiled alive.

We are tired of paying for your existence, and have decided you need to go back, to the ditch. You are no longer needed as robots and automation will take care of all of our needs.

because they're confused and think "minimum wage" actually means "minimum wage to survive on" when really it just means "minimum amount of money that employers are allowed to pay" with no deeper connotation.

It's technically impossible for a minimum wage to be a living wage because it would offset the middle class and upper class from the lower class by even more than they already are, and would inevitably result in some kind of price fixing on shelter, food, utilities, transportation, etc. and block the free market as a result; saying that minimum wage is living wage would result in eventual hyperinflation without price fixing.

>only really large businesses should be permitted to exist
>this won't generate monopolies bad for consumers OR employees

You are always going to be just barely scratching by if you earn minimum wage or work part time. Inflation will consume your initial "gain" within five years, the first price hike being rent, then emphemeral things like petrol and booze, then finally food and you are back to square one, only this time the only employers are the corporations forever looking out for new ways to employ less people.

I'd love minimum wage to work. I'd love rent control to work, and I'd really love universal basic income to raise everyone out of poverty. None of these things will make us richer though, it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about wealth itself. You have to create new ways of generating wealth to get richer, no amount of wishful thinking changes this cold reality.

Because they are lazy, stupid, and entitled.

why do you keep posting her?

trips knows what is up

dont cut urself on that edge son

Lel, truth hurts doesn't it poorfag?

You are in our kettle and we will raise the temperature as high as we feel like.

money isnt the only thing ur gonna be rich in

>Others are settling for lower jobs because they simply can't get in right now
They're not settling m8. That's the economy they live in.

Do you really not understand that Architectural Degrees are valueless in an economy with enough architects already?

There is no way your nursing peers are unemployable. They can instantly earn £26,000-£35,000 a year over here in the NHS, for example, they will get their hands bitten off, in fact. Our economy includes a religious devotion to taxpayer funded healthcare, you see?

It's like listening to 3/10 women bitching that "they've settled" for a 5/10 guy. No, love, that's your level right now.

>If you business cannot afford to pay the minimum, reconsider your business model
Again, only large corporation should be permitted to exist by that logic, ensuring a monopoly as no start up business can ever grow to that size overnight.

They didn't give us minimum wage to help the poor m8, they did it to stifle competition and justify higher taxation.

is that something your grandparents told you about your parents?

look at all the shills

>look at the lack of reading comprehension

no one who thinks paying people $35-$40 an hour just cause is in any place to talk shit about reading comprehension fag

go get a trade or get a degree that won't be worthless when you graduate. go get your gimmedats from somewhere else nigger

>doesn't understand economics

I've managed several different restaurants and stores. If they make the minimum wage a living wage they literally will not be able to pay their workers without going out of business. They instead will just transition to automation.

I personally support increasing the minimum wage because I want to push people out of the jobs robots should have. Liberals just don't understand businesses because they don't have real jobs

does your brain hurt when your this stupid? jesus fuck man ever heard of inflation? you must be a basement dwelling neckbeard NEET


>Everyone could feed their family along with their rent staying the same price, their food prices staying the same, and all of the other services never changing in price
>rent staying the same price
>food prices staying the same
>all of the other services never changing in price

You are one to say get a degree, quite.


The sooner the FIRE industry dies the sooner liberals will wake up. Can't happen soon enough

>What is inflation and why have living costs outstripped wages?

Actually, if the unemployment rate is that low, the wages would rise naturally as there is increased competition for scarce labour, meaning the minimum wage has no impact on it, and is thus redundant.

On the other hand, if unemployment continues to stay that low, it encourages labour intensive firms to invest in labour reduction, due to rising wages.

Elaborate, I'm curious

Try reading academic studies and not neo-marxist propaganda, eh?

>In a region where all low-wage workers, including those in Seattle, have enjoyed access
to more jobs and more hours, Seattle’s low-wage workers show some preliminary signs
of lagging behind similar workers in comparison regions.
>The minimum wage appears to have slightly reduced the employment rate of
low-wage workers by about one percentage point.
>It appears that the Minimum
Wage Ordinance modestly held back Seattle’s employment of low-wage workers
relative to the level we could have expected.

We're really not trash talking minimum wage because we're cunts m8. Minimum Wage destroys low-income jobs which is devastating to the poor trying to get off of welfare.

>If you business cannot afford to pay the minimum, reconsider your business model

I'll reconsider my model and not hire people, thus driving down the number of jobs.