White males are superior!

>white males are superior!
>turns out science shows that white males have the least dynamic and least evolved brains of all classifiable groups and genders

You can't make up pottery this beautiful. Racists BTFO for good, end of discussion.

>Nigger needs to work harder to figure out shit because of more complex tfw to intellilelligent brain
No shit, that's already understood here

>""""diverse""" group becomes more prone to serving its own interests

>than do white males
I wonder what race could be behind this great scientific paper? I bet they got an A+ due to good dindu points.

>implying a Marxist infected university would publish accurate result if it broke their narrative.

This post again.

"Cognitive complexity" is defined as the number of connections between different parts of the brain, not the density of the connections.

The same study on a page not being posted shows white males have a higher density of connections between fewer parts of their brains. The parts used for reasoning.

Racism is a social construct!

>there's no such thing as race, we're all the same
>gender is a social construct
>white males are inferior to other races and genders

>race and gender are social constructs
>but white men have inferior brains

This is a white supremacist lie.

Just FYI for passerbys.

>"research shows"
>not quoting the author and facts stated in research
>not even adding a footnote linking said research

As my professor once told me, this kind of statement is even more worthless than leaving a void in the page.

ITT angry and insecure white males

That's fine, as long as they admit race is real and racial differences actually exist. Then we can just see who ends up on top.

So you admit races can be superior to others?

>(((that entire booklet)))

You've made this thread already there are better ways to try to troll.

Race having any biological basis is a myth believed by bitter outcast white males and not backed up by science. In fact, science says it doesn't exist and there's little to no dissent. The science is settled.

Only whites males refuse to believe science, by the way. Women and nonwhites agree with climate change, race being a social construct, etc.

>white males have the least dynamic and least evolved brains of all classifiable groups and genders
Why are you saying whites are inferior then? Who is superior?

This is exactly what the pper is talking about. White males have difficulty with dynamic, flexible, modern thoughts, and nuance.

There is an outdated rigidity and simplistic mechanical nature of the white male brain that makes this like explaining algebra to a horse, no offense intended.

But you just said race is a myth. And now you're saying that whites are inferior to non-whites. So which is it? Are whites the same as everyone else, or does race exist?

Refer to I am afraid you can't grasp this no matter how hard I try. We're just going to both become frustrated.

So race doesn't exist, but there are differences between races. Is that your final argument?

What's the truth fuccboi? That white men achieved what they did where others could not, because of simpler brains? The mensa overlords down in africa routinely test 80 iq because they're TOO SMART?

sdo my white boy benis is actually sufficient for femal is final analysis ???

lol, so they want to start talking about brains and IQ now do they?

I look forward to seeing how this turns out.


He's saying that when it comes to proving his own races superiority there is race but when it entails saying that whites are superior evidenced by the fact the western world is directly by white innovation,discovery and maintenance then we're all the same. IE let menhave what youre having it and claim it as my own but you can't be in the same position of empowerment than me because it hurts my fee fees.

>((( )))

The image in the OP is a few years old This Norwegian cuckboi has been making this thread multiple times all day.

Science and academia proves that western success was entirely a function of the exploitation of nonwhite backs, such as in colonization and slavery.

Do you have anything other than appeals to authority?

It's what is needed more than anything in here. I've encountered nothing but conspiracy theories and made up bullshit that's contradicted by all systematized consensus reality human knowledge.

How did they colonize in the first place without superior technology?

>least dynamic
>least evolved
Still conquered nearly the entire worthwhile world and still have the best tech and everything in society.

White fragility is real and it's cancer.

>(((science and academia)))

>europoors consider this trolling
The state of their countries make more sense by the day.

What if we stop all this talk and just have our war? That is truly the best way to settle it. Then all the perceived superiority/inferiority will be of no moment.

The living will have proved their superiority. And no one will care for the dead at all.


>Instead of arguing against those positions I'm going to shitposting about stupid whitey lmao
Uhuh, you sure do sound like the kind of person who'd be clever enough to disprove everything on Sup Forums.

Secondly, conspiricy theories are THEORIES for a reason. This board allows them, deal with it.

>less tolerant of ambiguity than women
Sounds about right
[spoiler]Just say what the fuck you mean fucking cunts reeeee[/spoiler]

>women excel at completely ambiguous activities
That sums up women pretty well, actually. Maybe social science isn't a crock after all.
If we stop talking and have a war, they'll lose. That's why they keep talking.

>white men are not as evolved
>literally enslaved everyone else and run the world


Define 'ambiguous tasks' so I can laugh at these researchers.

>define ambiguous tasks

Another inflexible white man who can't handle ambiguity.