Having a daughter is the ultimate blue pill

Having a daughter is the ultimate blue pill.

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made a vaporwave with this cover


>have daughter
>see every nog try to get their hands on her
>justified in killing them

>White women are trash
>Having a daughter is the ultimate blue pill.
What are jew trying to tell us?

having a sister is the ultimate red pill

>go to jail
>niggers get their hands on you and rape you

its a win win broski

Christ I would gf that blue skirt

Raising a daughter makes you the ultimate cuck

i went to high school in 1997. the girls were molls. a lot more masculine than what i was raised to believe.

Not having children and raising your wife's kids is a far bigger cuck

Is this what you wanted OP?

my fears in life

>I wake up and my guns are gone
>Kansas invades again
>having a daughter

I have a daughter and she's young but the days of puberty and just high school in general make me worry. Just try to keep her in as many activities as possbile and actually make an effort into knowing the girls she hangs out with and who their families are.

It's kind of true though, my hope is that grand kids are boys so I can teach them

Look at

I was in junior high in 1997, the 7th graders were giving blow jobs behind the shed during recess

>words are different
>behavior is the same

whenever she spends the night at her friends house, she will be going to parties and getting blacked out drunk and high on coke, then she'll get double teamed and come home and kiss you on the lips the next day
think about that next time before you have a daughter FAG

I'm so sad to say.. but, this.


good luck....she will fall for this BBC....sub-humans are not teachable.

No it's not. It's letting Mr. Schlomo teach her all the wrong values that is the problem.

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically Sup Forums.

Fucking awful m8

seems girls got way better, would love myself a 15 year old cumslut.

Times haven't changed,daughters are the same as they always are. You aren't meant to have high hopes for them, your son is the heir to your lineage. You teach him everything you know and put your hopes and dreams in his success, as it is he who carries on your name. His disgrace will in turn be yours.

Any daughters you are unfortunate enough to get, are sold off as quick as possible into other families, rich ones preferably. Having nothing but daughters is every man's nightmare, as his line has effectively ended.

You have both.

Sons that can carry on your name.
Daughters that you can use to bind another strong family to yours.

I left school in 93. The hotties were well rooting by about 14 I think. I wouldn't know for sure because I was a nerd.

Having a daughter is red pilled. She's not expected to be the main earner so you don't have to worry about what she does for a living so much.

Not this fucking thread again...

Alternativly if you do a good jobraising your daughter you would have proven yo be a great man.

This comes off as some dude who tried to fuck his daughter but she said no.

>tfw oldfag
Do you millenial fags have any idea how hard it is to seduce a kissless virgin chick?


Pic mildly related

so difficult I give up and fuck a different slut on the first date then bitch on Sup Forums that all women are whores
I'm such a fucking hypocrit

Tell your Mom that buddy.


It really does, producing good wives and mothers does not mean cuckoldry unless you wang to fuck her, 2hcih is really fucked.

This guy clearly wanted to fuck his daughter if all he's concerned about is who gets to fuck her.

girls were always sluts you fucking retard faggot.

Only if she hangs out in your nigger laden trailer park Chester.

I had 90s girls in Catholic middle school, I used to go to mixers and dances back then. I really should've married the girl I dated in 7th and 8th grade, she was the best gf I ever had and her family owned a chain of bakeries.


Oh this one AGAIN....someone's got daddy issues.

This. Have 14yo who dresses like 1997 girl but is far more beautiful. Accomplished, confident, on her way to greatness. She is my great joy..

This vaporwave sucks

kek in another post he said gypsies were the worst race followed by "I'm excluding Abos because I don't consider them to be Homo sapien."

must be a fellow Sup Forums browser

Actually raising you daughter instead of leaving it to the zog machine will solve this issue.

no sending her to public school is

>it's payback for treating women like shit.

>kansas invades again

that image


Things change get over it, the more adaptable you are the less likely you are to become outdated and fall behind

This is what happens when you have niggers in your country.

>for at least 18 years
>at least 20 years
Being optimistic, are we?

>it's payback for treating women like shit.

I don't think so. It's a byproduct of feminism. It has taught women to use sex as a bargaining chip, power tool, currency, etc.

Take the incestpill

>Change is good in all forms any forms total forms many forms great forms.

>fan of incest
Everything check out.

You are supposed to raise her to be a good woman of virtue. Find a good man and see her achieve her purpose. To be a mother and wife.
And that good man has the duty to raise a good daughter so she may marry a good man someday too.

See how it works?
That is how you perpetuate the species and keep society working.

Sadly the chain was broken with the boomers and now we have the consequences of it.

Lonely virgins, sluts out of control, and a feminized weak society that is being let itself be invaded by savages.

Reclaim women to reclaim society.



teach her right and vet her lovers

>20 minutes of a deep voice speaking bullshit
Yeah it's shit mate

I actually agree with that, people change explore ideas and move forward. If the idea proves bad, what does not kill you makes you stronger. We're stronger and more adapted because of having to deal with issues.