Women haven't changed

You have.

Other urls found in this thread:


But that's wrong and you're a cuck

I can't tell if that's chelsea clinton or marilyn manson.

>that nose

i agree women are objects, when we started treating them like humans everything went to shit

were not allowed to slap asses anymore or were signified as sex offenders and get our lives ruined, meanwhile helpless little jamal can slam every girls ass because he is oppressed.

I'm watching Forrest gump, women haven't changed. They've always been whores and stupid children.

Men changed because we finally realize this. There is literally nothing wrong with going your own way.

what the fuck are you even saying


Also, her gums look like they're eating her teeth.


>forrest ive fucked every man in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and im dying of AIDS
>forrest i noticed you're now a millionaire and you always loved me will you marry me

Yeah, we need to cut down the number of cucks so we can regulate women's behavior with a patriarchy again.

Ironic that one of the most popular films ever is a cuck movie with a blonde whore cock gobbling her way around the USA.
Thanks, American culture.

Then let them be drafted

This. Weak men = weak society.


I loved this movie when I was a kid. As an adult I realize how awful the message actually was. Forest probably should have been in special classes and his whore mother should have let the professionals make that diagnosis. He would have gotten on the short bus and never would have met Jenny. Fuck, maybe seeing a girl that spent all of her time alone instead of hanging out with the mentally disabled kid would have set off some alarms for some adults and realized the little girl was getting the bad touch from daddy.

Burn in hell tradcucks. If you're not mgtow by now i feel bad for you.


It's like setting your house on fire then believing that living in a tent in the backyard is going to put it out.

MGTOW - definition

I don't like that no one wants to fuck me, so I'm not going to try.

Weakest most pathetic community ever. Worse than actual cucks.

>implying mgtow is about sex
>confusing mgtow for incels
>ignoring role of state in marriage
>ignoring the fact that 99% of western women unworthy of marriage and would make terrible mothers

Stop being irrational. Calling us virgins isn't going to stop us, you're going to have incentivize marriage. We're going down Japan's route. 50%+ of kids born in the 90s will never be married. Personally I'm glad this whole redpill mgtow movement happened in my time. I'd be some cuck milling around but now I don't need to worry about impressing women. Women don't like things that are actually impressive. I can do what I want when I want. I know it's so hard for you tradcucks to understand

i think you should go see a psychologist, you appear to be a schizoid


"Nobody is allowed to be happy because I can't manage to be happy"

this is true op, but not in the cuck way you think.

I've been saying this for so long, it's rare to hear it from others.

Men gave women the power they have today, and we can take it back. The problem is that men today prefer a safe and consequence-free existence to confrontation.
We have effectively become the same as the women we complain about, we complain and wait for someone else to fix our problems, but it's men who are supposed to fix them, and for women to complain.

MGTOW and /reddit9k/ bullshit is just millennials refusing to do shit about shit, trying to justify their inaction by insisting that they're ineffectual anyway.

Men needs to become men again, hopefully before we all get nigged into oblivion.

You're wrong and should kill yourself.

The internet has changed wait we have

>Women haven't changed.

Not even women would agree with you.

It is true. From a moment man stopped forcing culture and civilization on female, its true nature, nature of degenerate subhuman with primitive brain, have been showing more and more.

>Men needs to become men again, hopefully before we all get nigged into oblivion.

I would love for polacks to form a committee and determine what being a man means and how women should be fixed. I have a sneaking suspicion you're all pining for the 50s and 60s madmen type era where men ran society and women stayed at home their entire lives.

Out of this period arose feminism, and while modern feminism is degenerate and harmful to both men and women, I don't think anyone on pol understands what gave birth to it in the first place.

I'll give you a hint. This golden era pol loves is directly responsible for the feminist movement. Men need to learn to be respectful, stop creating double standards in behavior for women (like sleeping around while expecting their wife to only ever fuck them), and then perhaps we can have a non-degenerate society. Feminism only taught women to be as degenerate as men, but I digress.

Then how would we have won the ping pong olympics?
His sacrifice was for our great nation.

Bullshit women have changed a lot since birth control was invented.

Women have always acted according to their base nature, where men have sought higher ideals.
When men decided that women should be free to decide how to live, and have the same power as men to decide on how society should work, we effectively handed over the keys to the kingdom to a bunch of narcissistic children.

Today we sit here complaining, wondering why women changed. They didn't, we just stopped enforcing the rules of civilization, and women are free to act according to their base nature.

Men 'dropping out' of their responsibility towards society is exactly what caused this. Men are responsible for women, because they can't be responsible for themselves.

What we need is a strong ideology, at this point i don't care where it comes from, or if it respects the ideals of liberalism or democracy. I'll just leave it at that. Oh, and kike free of course.

oh yea?

Then turns out that women are like children, and that men are stupid.
Sounds like humanity as a whole deserves to be wiped out.
Still crossing my fingers for some sweet GRB.

k go ahead do it.
try it.
it not like countless father lost their children, a to a corrupt system already, b it's not like they fought with their all to not have them taken away from them; it's also not like mra are shamed at every turn, and even by your movement, for even triyng to propose a change the might benefit men; it's not like suicide stories from father who lost their children is so common that theyaren't even news anymore.

oh wait those things do still happen all the time and your struggle is indeed useless.

What did you expect to happen? You have to rebel against the entire system that created this situation.
You have to be willing to do more than show up in court or tell a heartwrenching tale.

Do you think our jew infested governments will ever let us do what needs to be done? This situation is only solved when enough men acting on their ideology start to create real resistance. Time to join The Boys From Brazil.


Stop memeing. Women were socially elevated but politically dead. They had their place in society and were respected for it.


not even close user.



is this good enough for you?
the guy gave his life up and went in a massive killing rage in because his ex took everything from him.
but in the end it all melted into nothing, it was just another case showing how violent men are. over here many men die like this,or in a similar fashion. but it all get reverted in men being evil and women being oppressed.

if this is not what you meant by fighting the what is? if even this extreme of an action had no effect what will?

Be honest, what do you want more:
A) A return to traditional values
B) A life without responsibility, enough disposable income to buy figurines and dragon dildos

Millennials will pick option B)

behold, a real fat dickless feminist in a different enviroment. How many cats?

>Women have always acted according to their base nature, where men have sought higher ideals.

Oh come now. Men's higher ideals are generally ambitious and egotistical. How many women can you nail, how much money can you make, how big an empire can you grow, etc. It's not always a noble pursuit. And in this process, sometimes men completely disrespect and steamroll their wives and family.

These same women, who basically spend their lives being a side kick, stuck in a kitchen and unfulfilled, decided they wanted what men want - to have professions, be sexually promiscuous, get out of the fucking house now and then, etc. And that's what ignited feminism in the US back in the 60s.

Putting women back into that situation won't make it go away, but I suspect that's what pol wants. They want to go back to the days where women had a bunch of rules and men basically had none.

That's why I laugh when I see people here criticize alimony, for instance. These days it's rare thanks to women working. But it existed because some men completely fuck over their wives, who may have spent decades raising their family, only to be kicked to the curb with nothing - no education or skills to take care of themselves. That's how things used to be. Men had all the leverage and women had none. Feminism sought to correct that. But it's caused a lot of other problems now.

Frankly I don't have a problem with women working, being educated, voting and whatnot, so long as they don't completely abandon families. WGTOW is worse than MGTOW. But both are bad for society.

>white woman blamed everyone but herself for her actions
>hasn't changed
sounds right

yes i did.
i too the redpill
i started to understand
they did not and they never will
social politics will forever be the political spectrum for women and they will indeed never change

You missed my point earlier, that man ended up being nothing but an isolated tragedy. Instead of advocating for MGTOW bullshit you should have been advocating for an ideology that sees men band together to fight progressivism. MGTOW and it's retarded cousins do not fight for traditional values, they only fight for their right to be as free of responsibility as the modern whore.

In other words, i want you to change your narrative from: "shit's fucked i wont play", to "shits fucked let us get together and gas the people responsible". Keeping it simple here.

We don't need another group of complainers, we need to create a voice and community of men that want to change the entire system that allowed for progressivists to flourish.

We need to be radicalized, not further demoralized. Modern women aren't the disease, they are just a symptom. Attacking the symptom will not help at all.

>Frankly I don't have a problem with women working, being educated, voting and whatnot, so long as they don't completely abandon families.
But that is exactly what they're doing. Women will abandon tradition, and ideology at the drop of a hat.
Women don't care about their country, they don't care about anything but their own excitement. They can't be trusted to decide how our society is shaped.
Women will eagerly betray everything we hold dear for a fad, they are the greatest ally of the jew. Look how they vote, look how they live, and what their interest groups are working for. They won't stop anytime soon. Either men are in control, or women will wreck everything in their way while they LARP as men.

Second part of this post was intended for you.

man typos are so embarassing if you are trying to sound alpha

look i'm all in for what you bare saying, but are you willing to go all the way? are you willing to take the rights (specially the right to vote) away from women? because the majority of men aren't.

>>confusing mgtow for incels
>confusing squares for rectangles

>women will wreck everything in their way while they LARP as men.

kek. This is basically a good definition for feminism. And no argument from me. I don't think women should run the show, I'm just saying we can't change the clock back to pre-1960s.

There's a sweet spot men need to be - not an asshole, as we sometimes are, which created feminism, but not pussies either, which millenials are in response to feminism (or as a product of it). Time for the pendulum to swing back the other way. And I think it will. Society can only take so much. This whole "women should emulate men and men should be pussies" isn't going to work long term. Neither side finds it attractive.

Jenny thought she was molesting Forrest because he couldn't understand what love is, so she either suppressed her feelings or ran away.

and them she went to him because he miraculously understood after becoming rich. quiet convenient don't you think.

I'm not opposed to taking womens rights down a notch, i'm not saying we should chain them to the bed, i'm sure we can all come up with something more reasonable than victorian era womens rights and current day progressivist bullshit.
And we don't need the majority of men, we only need the ones that are willing to fight. This is not a question of votes, as i said i don't believe this can be resolved with ballots.
I want us to be the brownshirts of our age user, i want to set fire to our corrupt and hostile governments so we can replace it with ethno-centric nationalist traditionalist happy time.
A revolution can happen when 10% of the public become militarized, i don't necessarily think we can succeed this late, but i would rather fail than sit by and watch our nations wither into a corporatist globalist kike hell.

> I'm just saying we can't change the clock back to pre-1960s.
We don't need to, we can be more reasonable. But not when it comes to women deciding how to live. Women can have a say, but not a vote.
Feminism was also largely powered by communists and jews, both in their movements and places of education. No different from the SJW culture they are nourishing today. I'm all for women having a bit of freedom, the big issue is that right now we are rewarding them for destructive behavior, while we cheer them on.

Taking womens right to vote away will only make them unhappy short term. And the road to fixing progressivism will likely remove the power to vote from men too. Democracy lends too much power to our enemies, and we should get rid of it. It can come back when certain parties have been thoroughly gassed.

she had no problem climbing in his window and friend zoning him all his life, oh remember the long line of cocks and nude guitar singing he whiteknighted her for.

fuck jenny.

I get you.

>date girl
>she fucks you over
>its your fault, you picked the wrong girl

I turned 24 and something just triggered in me where women are just...a huge risk

It's not a sex thing, just seeds are sown.

>I turned 24 and something just triggered in me where women are just...a huge risk
MGTOW ideology will only remove you from the immediate issue, if you want the situation to change you can't 'drop out', you have to fight.
MGTOW is not confrontational, it's a dead end. Put your faith in something that actively seeks to change the root cause of progressivism instead of simply retiring from action in the hopes that you will be so severely missed society will change to try and court you back.

Don't be seduced by the MGTOW millennial cult of despair, insist on your beliefs and stand against the kikery that caused this.

Women are just vagina humans, but that barely these days when you got fat women and chemical mutated genders. Now faggots seem more on feminine side, if with nothing else, than with how they behave.

gtfo back to the kitchen then

>Women are just vagina humans, but that barely these days when you got fat women and chemical mutated genders. Now faggots seem more on feminine side, if with nothing else, than with how they behave.
Not sure if you're a bot or a Slovenian oracle

>women moved away from gender roles
>men have not moved away from gender roles
>but men have not changed
>women have changed

u wot m80

The problem with going your own way, is that you are the one losing out on it. Having a family is the foundation for your identity. It is impossible to live a fulfilling life without it. Get a wife and a bunch of kids. It really is for everybody.

Women moved away from gender roles for two reasons:

1) It is fucking boring to stay at home, if all cleaning can be done by a machine. You become a useless piece of shit then

2) men have become total pussies. Not a single one of you or your friends have been in a physical fight.. Ask your parents how often people fought in bars, when they were young.

yeah, the problem is women want us to keep our gender roles while they dont have to do shit, its a shit deal

The argument here is that women have always acted on their base nature when men did not enforce a moral code. When men decided to abandon that moral code, and elevate women to their equals in all things, then naturally women acted the way they always have.
Men decided to change society to cater to women, and now women are using their power to continually change things in favor of them living according to their base nature.
Men gave up their traditional role, and now women are no longer bound by morality or tradition.

In order to avoid mincing words by saying [x]-"changed", instead i'll say that men decided to no longer enforce the morality and tradition required to uphold western civilization. Women can not be trusted to do this, and as such the responsibility, for the situation and the solution to it, rests on men alone. Because women can not be expected to change.
Women moved away from gender roles around the same time our educational institutions were infiltrated by reds and kikes. It happened because we let it happen. Generally i do agree with you on the men part, nu-males will do everything to avoid conflict or responsibility.
MGTOW will not change that deal, only a strong traditional ideology will. If you want a better deal, you have to confront the progressivists, as opposed to 'drop out' and play Nintendo all day. Just sayan.

Men are fucking pussies nowadays



Well spoken

>Tfw schizoid
>Tfw don't care about interacting with people, having sex, having a relationship
>Tfw get called a mgtow virgin loser

Listen here, you little shit.
The world isn't fair. It is not about being right or wrong, fair or unfair. the world is about winning and losing. Fuck your idea, that things are going to be fair. You have to create your own little world, where you are in charge, and you determine the order.

That is what having a family is all about. If you are a piece of shit husband, she will leave you. Just like you would leave a piece of shit wife.

But if you want to be happy, you better realize, that no amount of video games can fill out the void in your identity. Be a man, for christ sakes.

be a man says the manlet beta cuck boy who wants all men to return to servitude

>the average Sup Forumsack can't stomach this redpill
>pic related

Based Dane.
>Tfw married to a Danish viking goddess

>1) It is fucking boring to stay at home, if all cleaning can be done by a machine. You become a useless piece of shit then
Most women still want to stay at home if they could, it's just impossible for most people now.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The role of women in society has changed substantially you fucking moron.

I hope you faggots can speak jihardi because that's what we gonna get now


>wants all men to return to servitude
Defeatist attitude. You insist that the only options are to quit or become a slave to a broken system. MGTOW is not a solution for the problem, it's only an excuse for you to not fix it.
I hate MGTOW for this reason, and because it is basically a movement designed to offer you an excuse for giving up. It's like feeding a depression, MGTOW offers you the respite of accepting your fate. And for a short while you might think that you have eased your pain, however you only seal your fate in the long term.

MGTOW is wasting manpower, you should be fighting to change things instead of insisting on going full millennial so you can abandon your responsibility. If you refuse to actively combat the source of this problem, and take the easy way out, then you have no right to complain.

You need to believe that you've already lost to validate your choice to be a MGTOW. As long as you accept that "THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED" etc you never have to deal with it. Don't let the millennial cult of despair suck you in user, fight back against the jewry.

go get cucked faggot

Well you're not getting any upboats from me. Fuck off back to r/mgtow and come back when you have an argument nigger.

>You insist that the only options are to quit or become a slave to a broken system.

But those are the only options
>Get married
>Don't get married

There is obvious differences between each generation of women.

Talk to a boomer woman. They are pretty simple minded but are usually quite affable and fairly friendly, you still have to tread pretty carefully because they are women.

Talk to a gen x woman. They are usually quite insular and princessy, would rather spit in your face than talk to you at times and will not try to hide it. Can be fairly funny and cool at times like rebel Wilson. In their minds their life is Beverly Hills 90210.

Talk to a gen y woman. Basically perpetual teenagers, you get the valley girl types, like this like that, they're ok, then you got the leftist psychos, and you'll have a visceral hatred for them immediately.

im gonna need sauce on that bottom picture

>women haven't changed
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh... this empirical evidence says otherwise.

Doesn't that discredit the progress women have made over the years?

You missed the point. Even assuming that what you're saying is true, you should support an ideology that affects change over one that just gives you an excuse to stop fighting.
MGTOW often preaches that 60% of marriages end in divorce, and then acts as if the last 40% doesn't exist. I'd suggest you aim for the latter, you're already familiar with some of the issues with modern family unions, so you're ahead of the curve here.
Even if you still don't want to get married(i suspect most MGTOWs never intended to in the first place), you should still not support the ideology. It brings absolutely nothing worthwhile, it offers nothing except an excuse to turn a blind eye to an increasingly huge problem that will affect us all, married or not.

MGTOW is a distraction, that takes away attention from the disease in order to focus on a symptom. Don't support it, support traditionalist ideologies instead. MGTOW will do nothing for us other than provide an excuse for being single in your 30s.

If you want women to stop acting on their base nature with impunity, you have to attack the root problem. Progressivism is killing us all, it is ruining men as well as women. This is not a gender problem, it is an ideological problem.

Women were always vapid whores, but we kept them in line for the sake of living in a moral and stable society. Men changed, and now women are free to act the way they always wanted to. The issue here is narcissism and progressivism. NOT women.

>Women were always vapid whores
Well at least you got that right, except we don't live in a patriarchy anymore and women have complete control over relationships, if you want to get rid of MGTOW get rid of no fault divorce which won't happen because the backlash from feminazis and women would be too great for any lawmaker to even consider it

Women only have the power we give them. You can't vote your way out of this, nor can you do it by organizing a sit out.
This, like most other ideological problems in the west requires nothing less than men willing to spark a revolution. As long as we play nice, nothing will happen.
If we were willing to do something, no one would give a shit about a backlash from women. We need to support a strong ideology that makes men realize that they have not only the responsibility, but also the power to affect change. That is if we ever want to rid our nations of neo-marxists and anti-white policies.

Supporting MGTOW when you could support traditionalism and ethno-nationalism is a wasted effort. MGTOW will never affect change, it will just give you an excuse to remain undeclared in the fight for our future.

>Women only have the power we give them.

And the government has given them so much power they can't possibly take it away from them anymore

That is why i have been continually advocating to you and others in this thread, that supporting a organization that does absolutely nothing is useless.

Don't focus on women, focus on the people that have taken us down this road. MGTOW is selfish and useless, it is incompatible with traditionalism and ethno-nationalism. Both require a sense of duty, and active efforts to bring about.

Women are a symptom, not the actual disease. If you want to cure the disease, don't be fooled into thinking MGTOW will do anything positive.

Even if you don't plan on getting married, support traditionalism and ethno-nationalism unconditionally. Fight for the side that wants to bring things back in order, not the people that want to surrender.

>you should still not support the ideology

MGTOW is not an ideology. It's not a movement, it's not a belief system, it's not even necessarily a community (you can be a man that goes his own way without associating with any other MGTOW at all if you wish). It's merely a description. A description of a phenomenon that exists.

I don't understand why this is so hard for some people to grasp. You spend so much time spilling ink trying to shame MGTOW and telling flat out lies about it that you just undercut your own point. MGTOW don't see that shit and go, "oh, he has a great point!" They say, "this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. Typical tradcuck."

>don't be fooled into thinking MGTOW will do anything positive

I do think spreading the word about how fucked up the system is, is doing at least some good, you can't just change the system with only 50 people

>degrading your nations flag like that.

I will never underrstand americans, you should have some respect towards it

Men and women make society complete. When one or both of them are currupted your society falls into shambles.

relly mak me thunk

>yfw normie faggots are stuck in an endless loop of hell

>MGTOW is not an ideology.
But it is. Take a moment to consider how rigid it is, how it insists on a set worldview in order to justify itself. These ideas are shared across MGTOW groups. The most common idea is that all serious attempts at creating a family is DOOMED to fail. You can call it a movement, but there is a clear ideology behind it, it might not have a specific and active political component, as much as just a number of complaints, but it does have a goal and a number of set beliefs. Of course this is the part where we start to bicker over words. Call it a movement if you want, and read my previous post again substituting ideology for the correct/preferred term. My argument still stands.

I agree that it is a problem that should be discussed, but instead of lending your voice in support of defeatism, my point is that we'd all be better off if you did the same exclusively for an ideology that presented a solution. A return to tradition that is.
There are more than 50 people critical of this, regardless of our numbers, we should be concentrating on the solution(traditionalism), rather than how we avoid dealing with the problem(MGTOW).

Men have gone their own way throughout history and these men ha e invented things to pish society further. My ossure isnt loner men, i will even argue these people are vital, my issue is our society will soon be comprised entirely out of lone wolfs and trashy sluts. A society that is Individual to its core. You will not have a civilization for very long when families become more amd more irrelevant to the social enviorments of your countries. They are the very core and this the most important units to be cratered to as every age and sex is accounted for when family is priority.

You're right, they haven't changed.