What's wrong with communism?

What's wrong with communism?

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Has no understanding whatsoever of human nature and biodiversity.

Product of capitalism, loser

Human nature adapts to its surroundings. Don't pretend like you know what you're talking about.



>Human nature adapts to its surroundings.

Communism is a failed system.

You dont get to steal my stuff just because you want and vote for it


Nobody is stealing "your stuff". When communists talk about private property, they talk about factories, roads and things like that. Kill yourself

Capitalist world is in $200 trillion debt. That's unsustainable. If you consider that success then you're very stupid person.

Trump card always beats the Stalin card. You loose.


>capitalist world
>$200 trillion in debt
[citation needed]
That's not anything close to how debt works. Don't pretend like you know what you're talking about.

I don't know. The people who live under communism aren't allowed to talk about what's wrong with it.

Who owns the factory user? If for example I bought the building and the machinery, and then the government seizes it, is that not stealing my stuff? Why is that any different to confiscating my house or other belongings?


You and people like you.

>keeps fucking you in the ass
>you keep defending him because you're too desperate
cuck mentality. Very sad.

Not an argument.

Why are you talking to yourself?

You rely on other people's hard work and knowledge for the betterment of the government and more specifically a few people in command at the top. Communism is just a tool to consolidate power under the guise of "everybody helps everybody".

Name a successful example.


Communism is a lot like feudalism.

Marxism, a.k.a Communism: a Jewish ideology founded by Karl Marx in the mid-1800s; Marxism was an attack on White Western culture that was cleverly disguised as a poor man’s weapon against rich oppressors; it was really a Jewish weapon against White people (i.e., White men).

It assumes eliminating class is a good thing, even though class is a result of biological differences in human beings manifesting themselves through a natural hierarchy

Its anti-Biblical and goes against all laws of Free-will. Therefore it's of the Devil and should be regarded as such. In a secular view it just gives the Government more power.

Just 150 million deaths and human misery like never before witnesses on earth

no biggie

Name a successful, happy communist country.

>literally (((Bloomberg)))
>Why are you talking to yourself?
Dismissed. All ~communists~ are larpers and entitled burnouts.
Make your own money, you fucking child.

Concentration of power and central planning.

Bloomberg is literally more credible than you're ever going to be. You dismiss it because you don't like facts. Stop living in your own little bubble, loser.

When you need to build a wall to keep people IN, your system is a pretty big failure

Hey I didn't make the rules.
Trump literally > anything

No one lives under communism
And even so
At least it is straight-forward,
Better than your system based on an insidious, shifty, camouflaged privation of freedom and basic rights...
Don't be fooled, every political system is based on securing the powerful and rich in their positions at the expense of the people
And in that perspective, our capitalistic globalized world is closer to orwellian hell than anything else

wow wow wow
go back to grade school, champ


it's just too good

>What's wrong, goyim? You don't like (((facts)))?
The fucking arrogance of these kikes to give their publications Jewish names.
Goodify yourself, fucking larper.

Because people can't be equal

>communism intends to destroy the state
>communist states end up being the most oppressive governments in history

What's right with communism?

I truly hope you to live under communism during your lifetime.

too good

It kills communists

There's a difference between treating people as equals and people actually being equal.

Also hang yourself traitor


Enviromently sensitive Best Koreans have an "earth hour" all year long every years

death to fascism

"alright YouTube" *clicks spoon* "time to talk about the bourgeoisie"

I want you to be raped by 250 niggers with 10 inch dicks for 50 years

It's (((communism))).

Fascism is the exception, dear one.
The upside down pyramid will triumph over all.
Mark 9:35 "He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, 'Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.'”

>o noes i cant drink coca-cola or put myself in debt for 20 years to buy the new Iphone, i have no freedom
keep getting cucked by banks and corporations, fool

>What's wrong with communism?

The same thing as every thread, Pinkie!

E V E R Y T H I N G.


>What's wrong with communism?
It attracts autistic Finns that ask the same fucking question every single day

International capitalism has always cooperated with international communism.

Communism and the banks are allies


Go read "to have or to be" by Erich Fromm.
The mechanism of greed is everywhere and not just in capitalism

Give one example of a great communist nation.

>"... with a foregone conclusion before he even approached the problem."
This. True scientific method goes through the steps of observation, asking a question, hypothesis, testing/experimentation, data gathering, and conclusion. The Jewish mind doesn't seem to be wired to think like that.

They're more into working backwards by picking a desired outcome (ex: "commienizum iz gud!"), then synthesizing the rest of the steps to agree with the conclusion, even to synthesize "facts"/lies to agree with the conclusion--it's not surprising because many Jews are dyslexic (one of many mental disorders from all that inbreeding). Their favorite way to synthesize "facts" is statistics. Data, depending on how you sample, can yield multiple outcomes; the key is to sample in a way that produces the "facts" you want.

And this flawed scientific method is what (((leftists))) are using today to come up with arguments to support their insane claims. If you possess above average intellect, you can easily see the flaws. And that's when (((they))) resort to other means, such as shaming and violence.