Iraqi living in America answering questions back for another round!

Thread from yesterday got archived and had some pretty good questions:
Feel free to ask anything and I'll try my best to answer!

When are you going back?

>Can Baathists and Kurds get along? Like in Syria for example, they both have varying levels of secularism (so, they share at least something in common), yet the Baathist Syrian government treats them like shit for being gypsy-like, denying basic rights.

First of all let me get something straight. The baathist party in Syria is/was nothing like the one in Iraq. Kinda like the communist party in the soviet union vs china. In Iraq the kurds are highly self governing, something that Saddam didnt approve of since in lots of major conflicts they acted independently and at times helped enemies of the state against him. I cant blame them though since under Saddam they were treated like second class citizens and were harshly discriminated against. I have been to the Kurdish part of Iraq and it was beautiful, peoples included.

>What do you think about Saddam?
Without going into too much detail I respect him for being a person who controlled Iraq (something that the current "government" isnt even close to doing) but I also despise him for giving it all away for war which ended up ruining the whole country. In history he will go down as just another dictator who ended up making his country a shithole in the end. Sad thing because with so much power, a good person can do so much to improve the country.

What is your typical breakfast?
I usually have cereal and eggs on toast.


Hey I'm an assyrian living in California, my uncle died in the Iran Iraq war, either he was in the popular army or the normal army not sure. Did you have any family in the Iran Iraq war or Gulf war? What do you think about Kurds?

Answered in last thread:

Currently have no concrete plans of going back since I'm perusing a computer science degree in an American University and have an internship here. Also would be tough to leave friends and close family since they are here.

Some day I do plan to go back if not to make my country a better place then to marry a good educated woman who comes from a respected family.

>Qassim who is a Kurd makes them the most privileged minorities in the middle east
>Kurds still chimp out because he didn't allow Daddy Barzani to be a monarch

What makes you and other Muslims think you're entitled to live in Europe and America just because your countries suck?

that was me in the last thread too.


If I am alone then I have 5 scrambled eggs, 5 slices of turkey bacon (I know), 5 turkey sausages, and some coffee. But with my family it ranges from normal things my mom can cook to cultural foods like kahi which is basically crispy pita with some sugary syrup like thing applied to it. Dosnt sound too good from the way I described it but its tops!

>Did you have any family in the Iran Iraq war or Gulf war?

I didnt have anyone that fought in it but both of my parents and their extended families were there at the time.

>What do you think about Kurds?

I think that they have a lovely country (was there when the insurgency got bad) and had lots of fun. I understand their lack of trust to us regular arab Iraqis but honestly why can we just be friends?

Well I get your points. I've seen it with my own eyes where Iraqis and other refugees play the system and get government benefits without putting in any work. As for me and family I feel like we earned the right because both of my parents worked with Americans in the green zone during the war and my family is also working full time jobs here in the states in order to give back!

Ya you're very on top of things!

>5 unscrambled eggs
That's a lot of cholesterol, man

that's a lot of food. I'm 49 years old and that is a big breakfast. I would be the size of a house if I ate that amount every morning.

How did you survive the plane crash? Did you bring a parachute or was it just some kind of miracle?

I would eat those before I had 4 lectures back to back, then after I'd eat some oat meal and go workout usually. God me through the day while tasting amazing!

No plane crash. Happiest moment of my life was when I got out of JFK airport and saw the city. Felt like it was the first time I see civilization.

No doubt on the amazing part, but my mom's high cholesterol had a significant contribution from the "an egg a day" thing, so 5 eggs is a bit worrying

To be completely honest this is the first time I hear eggs are bad for cholesterol. This whole time I though it was the over use of oil when cooking or stuff like that. I personally use butter on the pan before I cook the egg and it comes out perfect, if too much oil is used the egg is ruined and tastes way too soggy, starts feeling like your eating egg with fish oil instead.