So I found this.... Really makes you think

So I found this.... Really makes you think.

Holy shit fuck drumpf!
>I'm for her
>Let's become the next third world shit hole as soon as possible.
Please and kindly lurk more. .

>babby learns the US didn't do as much in WWII as they say they did
The reason all of Europe sucks US dick for WWII is because we threw money at them after the war. We did our best to spread our culture there.

I kekd i thought the same shit when i saw this shill post

Well, with most of us it's actual gratitude for not using the nuke when you technically had every reason to (which is also why Americans - and not a horde of kike-whipped subhumans who thought that being worth less than the bullet needed to waste them was civilisation - are called the heroes of that whole war), but I mean, hey, the money also helped.



Really makes me think that the world would be a better place if Hitler had won.

thanks for fighting for the jews and saving them, russia

Fuck that's hot

Where can I buy a visor cap like that

>the country that got invaded sacrificed more than the US did
Weird. It's almost like the US would've done more to defeat Germany than Russia would've if we were the ones who got invaded.

the US was also the only developed nation that didnt get fucked by the war
Pearl harbor was the only attack on us soil
US was responsible for like a 1/3 of the worlds production after ww2

former antifa here
wtf i love Russia now

Russian strategy since Napoleon, and hasn't changed since.

Destroy everything between germany and the Ural mountains with fire

Wait until winter

Use the somehow infinite supply of troops to steamroll your enemy because russia has magical people farms for some reason

Not give a fuck about casualties

Spend next 5 years rebuilding

Russia just sent men into the line of fire to melt the enemys guns down,

Many battles were won because the germans ran out of ammo

OP here I just saw this picture on kikebook and wanted to share. Rofl. Didnt mean to troll like a shill.

Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure OP is mocking the article... But, hey. Maybe it's just me.


And the war was won because Hitler believed he could conquer Russia in a month. If he had sent them better equipped to handle rasputitsa and the Russian winter, the Nazi army could very well have broken the Red Army.

You would be correct sir

Yeah, I saw his explanation right after I posted mine.
Poe's Law I suppose

The post was reposted by a lefty that I only keep around to find out how insane they are getting. And that is pretty insane. Changing history because barnie sandlers said.

oh but you see, that's a drawing though