Keeps debunking and destroying "alt right" ideology. How do we STOP Kyle Kulinski

Keeps debunking and destroying "alt right" ideology. How do we STOP Kyle Kulinski


Who the hell is this guy?

Just another fag that makes a post about himself on POL so when we
react he can get attention and play the victim.

we can't. he's a force of nature.
give up. do not watch his videos. just keep shitposting. hopefully he'll give up on his own. do not say his name again, it only legitimizes and spreads his influence.

Kyle Kulinski is part of the new left that's pol's worse nightmare

Litterally who?

Honestly what's so bad about Kyle? He makes some pretty good points. He has some good arguments that make me rethink my anti-leftist positions.

(((Kyle Kulinski)))

Are you saying that Kyle "I won't debate anyone who doesn't agree with me on at least 50% of the issues" Kulinski persuaded you?

stop now. don't look him up. I was almost pulled away from the alt right by his videos. just imagine you had never heard the name, Kyle Kulinski.

Tha goy is a radical socialist, about all you need to know

You'll join us soon enough i use to love that guy but then i realised he just makes the same dumb arguments that are clearly based on white guilt blacks can be proud of there race but oh no if white people do it ,its muh nazi muh KKK .White guilt is the new religion to these people taken from original sin from Christianity these moral bussy bodies are are so quite to remind you how virtues they are.

Even though i don't agree with him he is very entertaining to watch.

Reminder that Kyle refuses to debate anyone to the right of Sargon of Akkad

Eh, I dunno, he seems pretty arrogant and that's a bit of a turn-off. He automatically dismisses people who disagree with him.

It's like when Cenk ever talks about libertarians he uses this condescending tone and says shit like "oookay go back to loopy land".

I mean he's not as bad as Cenk. He's at least tolerable. And I'm not saying he's convinced me but he has made me question my positions which I think is a good thing.

Go ask Reddit, we aren't aut kike.

>giving two fucks what this liberal lesbians says
nigger, kys plz

Were not all kids on here user

A major problem I have with most personalities on the left, Kyle included, is that they attribute the right's general notion of less government to malice.
Example: Lowering medicaid = Hate Poor People, and so on

didn't those newspapermen complaining about terrorist advertising on google do that for you

Crowder asked that he debate him after some retarded remark Kyle made, and at that point Kyle went completely silent after having tweeted so many tweets on that particular subject (I think it was on gun control, after Crowder's Sky News appearance). Kyle chickened out f debating Crowder. What a fucking pussy.

He makes no arguments, all he does is screech in a high pitched voice about how stupid people on the right are. He's embarrassing.

Kyle is better than most leftists; he makes some ok arguments and he's right about campaign finance reform and our rotten financial system. He's also made me rethink single payer or a public option. Finally he's 100% right on ending the wars and drug policy. But he's a complete cuck when it comes to immigration. He doesn't get that refugees won't integrate and cause tremendous problems and eventually form voting blocks that destroy the country.

I'd like to see him debate right wingers.

Don't respond to the advertising bots. Sage

low test retard faggot

Never debunked anything, just bitches and cries a lot

If you are going to post an eceleb do it right.


>I'd like to see him debate right wingers.
That's the problem: he literally won't.


is this the guy secular talk?

He's just a nerd trying to entertain himself in his basement, leave him.

I went to the left because of Kyle. He makes excellent points. He's anti-SJW and has BTFO Trump supporters.

I wouldn't debate Crowder either dudes a hardcore neo Nazi that makes zyklon ben look like a moderate

he fucking worships that weak cuck jew sanders also how is he destorying the alt right?

Never heard of, don't care, will never listen to.