Did we ever figure out if this bodyguard was human...

Did we ever figure out if this bodyguard was human? Could Donald Trump be one of the first people on earth to have a robot bodyguard?

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Most likely you're just retarded.

Lol u dummy. That's a fake arm his real arm is holding an m4a1 with a drum mag + a master key

I saw an old Kung Fu movie and the villain had a fake hand and he could change it to weapons.

Lol u dummy.that's a fake arm his real arm is holding an RPD 200 round drum mag + a servant key

>5 fingers
>2 arms

What the fuck is the problem here?

it's not a fake arm, you're the dumbass. SS agents keep their hands together like that(or by holding onto their jacket) so they can very quickly draw their gun if they need to.

lol first this I checked too.

No this guy's hand was immobile and in the same tense position. Go look at the video of the inauguration day walk that is a false hand.

Lol at your face if you think they are shoulder holstering and not ready to flip up straight fire

Yah, definitely a fake hand, most likely the barrel of an AR-15 behind the pinky.


Two seconds in MS paint

This is what's actually happening

He was the same 'man' guarding Obama in that Obama-alien bodyguard video.

Hes supposed to be a prototype of one of those top secret elite supersoldiers the DoD is rolling out soon.

My dad is the head of the DoD & he says thats fake news

Nice try Moishe


Scratch that, after seeing this


I'm with this guy

Who the fuck moves their hand like that

what most likely is happening is the guy has his hands in the exact position they need to be in to quick draw and fire a long barrel rifle. don't be fucking retarded why the fuck would they use bulky fake arms that would ultimately hinder you in the event of an active shooter.

So you can't tell who has the rifle

>why the fuck would they use bulky fake arms that would ultimately hinder you in the event of an active shooter.

bulky? wtf do you get that idea?

those arms are not being taken care of if he has to shoot a gun at someone...it's not like he's going to put them away safely and make sure they are in their case before he shoots

same model?

looks like a fuckin stressful job. Check out the mad cunt behind trump in this vid, fucking guy is earning his pay.


hands in front of the waist is the SS ready position. If they wanna hide a piece they just drape a coat over their hands. Having an M4 as your first option in a crowd like that is asking for over-penetration problems.

Kek at that music

Did you assholes ever stop to think maybe he lost a hand in some sort of accident and he's just really self conscious about it so he walks around with a fake hand?

damn. maybe your right

Bullshit, you can see him closing the door with his "fake" arms.

This guys are carrying concealed SMGs and have body armor on. Just gives them a weird posture.

yeap and his hand is completely straight when he does it retard....why isn't his right hand gripping the door, why is his hand/arm so high on the door?

fuck you're a retard eh buddy?

press F for the poor guy's hand


He's just keeping his coat closed. He had his arms swinging when he was walking. He probably has an FNP90 under his jacket that he's trying to keep concealed. You know SS carries guns like that, right? They're concealable but not flawlessly. Cute LARP though.

I've seen this posted on conspiracy blogs when it was actually fresh. There is footage of this guy moving his arms and hands

Wow OP, this sure is something... but it's making me sleepy I might just go to bed

In that video the guy moves his hand around before they start walking though.
At 12 minutes

>He was the same 'man' guarding Obama in that Obama-alien bodyguard video.