North Korea and american education

How do we get rid of this problem?

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I really don't understand why maps are so difficult for people. I feel like most people look at a map like its a real, yet highly stylized representation of the world.

Hold on, are you serious? We all know how retarded the average Murican't is, but this is so horribly stupid.

Didn't they get taught about the Korean war in elementary or middle-school? Why did so many of them guess they're in Japan or India or even fucking Oman? Dear Lord...

>Be Murican
>Get threaten by a country for the last 60 years
>Still don't know where it is

I just noticed that they go down all the way to Australia and all the way up to Russia.

How the fuck can anyone be this stupid? They had a nearly 50-year-old cold war with one of them and regularly trade with the other, they even drive some rebadged Chevys built in Australia by Holden, and they STILL make mistakes this huge?

Oh, and taken from the article about young adults being asked to locate a state in the USA...

>"and only half could identify New York state."

And I thought only middle-aged Americans made this mistake, turns out it passes through generations.

>men 45
>women 27
the 19th was a mistake

be careful
a burger might think you're north korean

>women and democrats are the most retarded

really activates the almonds

07 apr 2014 - 84% of Americans are unable to locate Ukraine on a world map; those that can't are more likely to support military intervention.

>those dots in the ocean
thats just trolling

>Right in the middle of Ocean

Hello doors fee amrika here , it's impossible to finish a sentence when disagreeing w any burger because they know everything. Hence they never learn anything new

>36% found north korea


>How the fuck can anyone be this stupid?

Mate, it's a country they don't actually care about in any way.

Americans more often than not might misplace NK, but Arabs more often that mistake their cousins for their wives.

Christ, is it really that bad? I was a geography and history nerd in school, but I didn't think it was really this bad.

I guess a new virulent plague might work.

why would they mistake their wives for cousins when they marry their cousins

LOL they didn't slant the study.

The amature fools.


Americans are taught history through a pro-America lens. Anything we've done that can't be spun in a positive light is glossed over or omitted.

Having said that, I'm not sure why Americans not being able to point to North Korea on a map is all that big of a deal. The average mechanic, florist, baker, etc. doesn't need to know this shit. Knowing things for the average person has been made irrelevant by the internet.

>Lowest average of EVERYONE

Which generation is this?

>Know where NK is
>still support gooky Kim getting blown the fuck out
I'd volunteer in second Korean war to fucking kill commies.

>giving a fuck about the geographical location of a no-thought country

Thats like giving a fuck about where my dog shits in the yard.

Is their any geography class during high school?

Sounds like someone went to white schools.

What you learn in non-white schools is how to have a screaming match with your teacher for most of the day.

Most of the geography I learned when still in school I learned playing old strategy games.

Introduce topology to education
Distribute atlas books
Distribute globes

Why isnt there a breakdown by race?

>half of Ph.Ds still don't know where the norks live

Dats rasis.

But we could always infer.

I am a bachelor of science and have never taken a geography class in my life. I think I needed to memorize all the countries in Africa once though for a history test.

>The average mechanic, florist, baker, etc. doesn't need to know this shit. Knowing things for the average person has been made irrelevant by the internet.
You don't even need to know math, or what the french revolution was, or the mona lisa, or shakespeare. Keep this train of thought and next generation will be 100% dumb idiots. Good mechanics, florists and bakers, but dumb idiots nonetheless

Fuckin pathetic.
Why are people so stupid??

t. american

Is it hopeless for these people?

There are retards in every country. I live in New Zealand, and I've had to help people find America on a map. Not a particular State, just "the USA"


>private vs public education in america

This is the tale end of the baby boom

Honestly, if you ask nigs and beaufs in France they cannot find North Korea on a map either.

Yeah nah that's fake as fuck. Who chose the tiny pacific islands? You can't even see them on a map so how would these supposedly geographically illiterate people know those islands are there? There's no way this is an honest report on an honest study.

what happened in 1964?

sure, blacks always went Democrat, but before those numbers still show a good, noticeable chunk going Republican. Hell before 1964 it looks like there was a chance to get enough black votes to be worth going after it.

now its like less then half what used to be possible to get....

>what happened in 1964?
Welfare state put into place by vice president after JKS conveniently shot.

>only 53% of post-grads could locate North Korea
I'm ready for the ride to end.


Fuck Ukraines location

Why are people guessing Sri Lanka? It isn't north of anything.

I'm sure the majority of the less than 30yo in France know where north korea is.
In USA it's only 37%

There's a reason it's called the forgotten war.

oh, yeah that.

damn, Sup Forums had always said so but seeing the numbers shift and stay like they did, i dunno, hits harder for some reason.

burgers are so stupid

and their wife even more

Did the retards who put their dot in the middle of the fucking ocean think the white areas represent land and the grey was water? Now I know why you Americans always talk about science like its some magical and incomprehensible out-of-reach force. And don't try to blame your shitty school system, every person should know basic fucking geography.

I know its one of the on the china's dong but I didn't know there were so many.

show me by race

canada and mexico shouldnt count as "other countries"

Democrats are always pretending being more intelligent and shit than rep
Found out they are even more stupid


History is a tool that's being constantly pruned and altered to fit whatever political narrative of the time.

>North Korea in Sri Lanka

What does the "North" stands for then" ?

Does it really matter? North Korea is about to be removed from the map.

We exterminate every last one of them with Russian nukes.

Lol no

I'd be surprised if your average hs graduate even knew the Korean War happened

>if you're a man sixty five and older, who has a post graduate degree, who has Korean ancestry, who has visited another country, and has independent political views; You probably know where North Korea is
>If you are a Democratic Female, between the ages of 18 and 29, with a bachelor's degree, who studied abroad once or twice, and does not have Korean ancestry; You probably do not know where North Korea is

Why is geography so difficult for plebs?

>The average mechanic, florist, baker, etc. doesn't need to know this shit.

That's a logic I could subscribe if those people didn't vote, but they do.
Noone ask ask you to be a polymath but knowing a bit about the main international issues your country is engaged in seems a reasonnable minimum.

I look at maps for fun, I can locate every country in the world except some of africa because they don't matter that much

>representing America by polling niggers

I'm a chef with no formal education beyond regular school and I can point to every country on the map with certainty other than some more obscure African and Slavic nations as well as some island nations in the central / south Pacific

Same, I only really have a problem remembering the location of some countries below Hungary and other countries like Laos and its neighboring countries.

This, the only hard countries to remember are the shitholes in Africa, and I can still tell you about half of them

>Post-grad deg 53%

That can't be right

>some people chose the water
Yeah, everyone was taking this really seriously

>Get masters degree in gender studies
>Still can't point at norks

>Implying you need to be a worldly person with practical knowledge of normal things to succeed in higher education.
I'm surprised more than half of them knew

Americans are a fucking farce.

That's because you are an icelander, just like the finns you live in Jötunheim with nothing much to do other than fucking, reading and playing with hot water or snow, so of course you end up pretty cultured.

>Finnish highschool
>Had to locate every country in Europe, Africa and Asia to pass, including oceans, rivers, islands and mountans

Doesnt US education system have standards?

Retards all around

I'm not even a native Icelander I'm just somewhat intelligent

What the fuck are they even teaching in American schools?

I don't see anything wrong with these results, goyim...

Yeah, Ill give you an example of a US highschool question in geography:

>The state capital of Rhode Island is:
>a. Providence
>b. Newport
>c. Warwick
>d. Woonsocket


>Which US president came after Lincoln
>a. Nixon
>b. Eisenhower
>c. Johnson
>d. Carter

US "education" is nothing but a scheme to make money and keep the middle class stupid.

How to shoot

>Post-grad deg. : 53%
How can you get that far while being that much of an uncultured lazy piece of shit? Not blaming american education since ours isnt better but how can society be this fucking shit.

Good results for people who have been working and busy for the past 20 years m8

Why are the dots so far spaced out on China? Did they think only part of China was North Korea?

It essentially is anyway


Wait, North Korea isn't in Straya? Why the fuck are we trying to fight them then?

>tfw you've been living in North Korea and didn't even know it.

>How can you get that far while being that much of an uncultured lazy piece of shit? Not blaming american education since ours isnt better but how can society be this fucking shit.

Anybody studying anything useful in college avoids any cultural classes like the plague because they are invariably liberal propaganda.

I once took a film class to learn about cultures of the world because it sounded interesting because required (not prerequisite, just required) and there were sections literally about fat shaming women and feminist rhetoric.

I saw this study....All the wildly wrong picks were the same cucks who answered "yes" to the "whether Trump colluded with the Russians" question....

>tfw you can locate any country in the world because map painting games gave you a fetish for maps.

>Tolerants enlightened diverse Democrats are more likely to be unable to find North Korea on a map than bigoted fascist nazi Republicans

Oy vey what a shoah!

Just predicting the future, friends

>US "education" is nothing but a scheme to make money and keep the middle class stupid.
...and to get foreign (read: CHINK) $tudent$' money rolling in ( exchange for steal all of burgers' R&D)

the last time we had geography in class was like 10 years ago and im 99% sure everyone in my class would nail this.


How can you be so fking retarded , just look for 2 countries next one another , touching land only from the top.

Murican-"hurp durp chooses Thailand".

>only 53% of post grads are able to locate North Korea on a map

Most people are pretty retarded and oblivious these days. They exist just for the sake of existing. They do not want. They do not think. They just exist and act to pleasure themselves and perpetuate their meaningless existence.

the only reason I know where it is is because I'm a weeb and know where Japan is, and know where it is relative to japan from there.