Is fox hunting the ultimate "i have a small dick" activity?

Is fox hunting the ultimate "i have a small dick" activity?

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Depends really, some people claim it's a sport, i think hunting animals for any reason other than food is retarded

If you aren't hunting for meat or pest control you are a degenerate

Just hunting in general.

>the ultimate "i have a small dick" activity
internet atheist evangelism

Yes, using a hundred hounds to hund a few foxes is pussy tier cheating but Americans are no better
>Muh weaponized anthrax and automatic 200cal sniper rifle for deer huntin'

I think most americans who comment on it are ignorant to the fact that the fox is torn apart by dogs rather than being dispatched with a rifle

Hunting for anything but food is wrong

Conservation efforts are paid for by hunting tags in my country.
The sportsman is Mother Nature number one ally , if you cared about animals you would shoot them too.


animals are much more civil when they kill each other

faggots. foxes are scum and deserve no kindness

foxhunting is a part of your culture whether you like it or not.

Fucking faggots, go suck the foxes dicks you fucking homos

I used to think this way too. In Canada you can shoot wild animals unless you get a tag or they threaten you or your property.
Only enough tags are given out to keep the ecosystem in balance as the presence of people has fucked with that balance.
We know how many we can lose from surveyors flying around doing head counts, these surveyors are paid for by the tags

I thought the fox wasn't killed?

why would you assume that ?

It's a pointless sport, its not even a sport. Its just a bunch of twats chaseing a fucking stupid foxs. Who gives a fuck tho.

What kind of rifles are allowed for hunting Is VERY regulated, where I live you cannot have anything larger than a 5 round fixed magazine.

Good goy, you bought into the left wing bullshit.

is accusing people of having a small dick the ultimate "I'm a homosexual numale" activity?

The hunters are mad at the fox........for having a bigger dick

More like;
Im tired of losing chickens the game

The last people we need to hear from are fucking Ivory Coast niggers.

the posh cunts who go on fox hunts don't own chickens and wouldn't give a fuck even if they did. Farmers shoot foxes if they catch them.

>can't even tame a 600kg animal to ride him around like a bitch
to a cuck like you maybe

you should limit yourself to hunting with a knife, otherwise youre a lazy pussy and its not real hunting

Dated a girl whos family did fox hunting. At least over here they don't kill it. Essentially just chase it into its burrow.

Effeminate faggots with severe overweight make this accusation very often. Every person who makes this "argument" always seems to be human trash.

Yes, Nascar is a close second

yes, only subhuman scum would even consider being so vile and pathetic

Farmer here, we have to shoot foxes every week, but I dont go fox hunting like the Toffs do with hounds.


fuck that shit, Toff Tory cunts

>inb4 Bongs dont have Guns.

I own 3 shot guns and 2 rifles.

difference being we're actually evolved humans not fucking beasts you moron

More like;
Being rich and wanting to do something "manly"

A farmer will walk out and shoot a predator not dress up like a faggot and make a spectacle of it.

Fox hunting is an aristocratic and manly pursuit.

Hunt the foxhunters. Thats a real sport!

ITT no one who has ever raised small livestock

foxes are extreme niggers

>Be American
>Dress in camouflage
>Stalk deer across forest before shooting it with rifle
>Eat it

>Be British
>Dress in mid 18th century clothing
>Chase fox on horse across countryside before ripping it to pieces with dogs
>Go home

Americans are fucking pussies

also this

game species will eternally thrive, muh qt fee fees aminals will never "recover" until they are hunted or farmed

poaching destroys populations because it's not regulated, correct hunting practices puts 5 viable individuals back into the habitat for every one you shoot

foxhounds are fucking cute. i want a hound of some sort so badly. was thinking a black and tan coonhound.

Citydwellers get out.

Fox hunting is an appropriate countryside activity.

So, we are more evolved and superior to animals.
Why should the painful death of a fox matter, then? After all it is a lowly unintelligent creature with little value.

Deer is fucking delicious.

>Fox shreds multiple chickens to pieces
>Fox starts eating rabbit alive
>Fox swings housecat by the neck, Killing it

Are foxes the muslims of the animal kingdom?

Sounds awesome desu senpai

>foxfags too btfo to remain in the thread
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

Sounds pretty fun though. Jump on a horse and chase down something small and agile with your mates, dog and human? Most of you cunts couldn't ride a horse for shit I'm sure.


>posh cunts

Every fucking time. This isn't about animals, it's about class hatred.

don't actually click this link but

you cunts banned fox hunting in the first place?

I'm not even a Labour voter but come on, how can you not hate them when in that faggy gear atop a horse

Dogs could get their eyes burned. I'm calling peta.

But yeah dogs love to chase, horses love to run, man loves to train animals and act as caretaker for his environment. What's the issue? Oh the fox. Well they love tearing apart chickens. I guess we should capture foxes and put them in chicken coops so they can be happy too? Because we don't seem to mind the industrial slaughter of billions of them already

Britain is not america, the hunting of animals and the ownership of guns is restricted to a tiny elite that is hard to get into.


People were hanged in the past for taking rabbits on private land.

>If you aren't hunting for meat or pest control you are a degenerate

They are rich elitest degenerates that like to kill for the fun of it and that's the point. shooting foxes is much more efficient.

These tend to be the same kind of people who sacrifice babies with millionaire jewish bankers dressed up as druids.

its the other way around m9

>Citydwellers get out.
>Fox hunting is an appropriate countryside activity.

Its fucking annoying, you cannot go walking anywhere when these cunts come out for fear of being trampled. Dog and Horse shit everyhwhere for two weeks afterwards.Totally degenerate occult murder spectacle instead of real shooting of animals like men.

And then they expect regular countryside people to miss it when its banned.

Unless you were the 8th viscount of rothermere you weren't a part of it.

>Muh people being mean to me because I sound like I have a plum in my mouth.
>I still call my parents mummy and daddy.
>I'm completely effeminate and never done an honest days work in my life.

The toffs who participate in fox hunting are degenerate filth. The same filth that has got this country into this mess with their NIMBYism.
It just so happens that not only do they enjoy a cruel form of hunting, but they are also posh scum who don't care for anyone except their 23 fingered and toed inbred children all called Charles and Henry.


breeches and field boots are legitimately the only clothing you can ride hunt seat in. knee rolls and leathers will chew your shit up in jeans or slacks, best you could otherwise hope for is to mitigate with half chaps and gaiters

they definitely wear T shirts when training at home but the hunt coat is preservation of tradition

don't make an american explain this to you

>how can you not hate them when in that faggy gear atop a horse
You may not be a labour voter but I can still suspect you of being a filthy city chav.

If you live in the boonies go for it, not in the suburbs. I made that mistake. Loud, have an insatiable urge to run free, sniffers are so powerful if he wants something he HAS to have it no matter the consequence. Very weary of strangers. Pic related.

That means they sucked at it

Mummy, mummy people are being mean to me online because I'm a snob.

i live in surburbs at the moment but want to move out to a wooded area. ill definitely not get one unless I have some area for it to run around.

I wanted to get a coon hound. A buddy of mine said I would never see the dog again if I let it run free. Guess I'll stick with pic related.

>I'm not even a Labour voter but come on, how can you not hate them when in that faggy gear atop a horse

everyone does in the countryside mate, to be honest the reason people put up with it is that it makes alot of money for the gamekeepers and such.

>breeches and field boots are legitimately the only clothing you can ride hunt seat in. knee rolls and leathers will chew your shit up in jeans or slacks, best you could otherwise hope for is to mitigate with half chaps and gaiters
>they definitely wear T shirts when training at home but the hunt coat is preservation of tradition
>don't make an american explain this to you

You don't get it, THESE types of people are the only people who get to own guns here or hunt.

Its only for the richest 10 percent here while in america its for everyone.

THAT is why they hate the American "hillbillies" and the american countryside and claim it is backward and shitty because anyone has those rights.

People might get shot at for poaching in america but in the uk they were sent to australia or hanged.

The simpsons was right the king of england could just waltz in and change things if you couldn't have guns. just like the samurai and shoguns in japan. that's why they made it seem stupid on the simpsons (which is the simians anyways according to alan watt, i.e. the poor are all brainwashed monkeys)

see here is a picture of the possible next king of england, hunting for meat.

two of the things he does not want you peasant to do eat red meat or own guns.

the truth is in plain sight.

I know what the ultimate red pill is...

I don't give a fuck if some farmer has to shoot a few foxes to stop them eating all his chickens and harassing lambs, but fox hunting is just ridiculous. 20 posh twats on horseback with 20 more hounds chasing one fox (that was already captured and re-released for the hunt) is just a retarded hobby. They can't even use the hide for anything because the dogs destroy it.

Admit it lad, equestrianism is quality.

All of you hating posh toffs have no justification other than you don't like the rich partaking in an activity that your own financial situation excludes you from.

No I think MMA takes that blue ribbon

Well it's a white man sport and white men have small dicks

It's white man heritage acitvity. Reminds the white man where he comes from... Central Asia warlord and farmer.

The nobleman's ancestor was the holder of the land, he was supposed to protect his serf farmers.

So he would go out killing bandits and wild animals that threatened the chickens, livestock, and crop of his serfs.

The lesson the white elite need to learn from this is that Muslim refugees and illegal migrants need to be hunted down like foxes and deported.

holy shit

Thing is, foxes are a pest.

>Is fox hunting the ultimate "i have a small dick" activity?
no, that would be sabotaging fox hunts.
You're either a smelly hippy or a liberal cityfag. Either way, go fuck yourself.

Good choice. Springer is best doggo.

if people like you had their way bolshies in overalls would be farting in the halls of palaces. go back to your weed eating commie and let your betters preserve their culture.

Pest control?i was thinking of becoming a hunter for a 2 fold benefit,i get target practice,learn a useful skill etc,and also give back to the community by helping reduce the number of wild boars that is fucking astronomical due to lack of natural predators,also hunters usually clean up the forest from the shit Sunday campers throw out.
And yes you can still eat the boar.

Itt: retards who dont know how hard hunting fox is

Fuck yeah boar is great. There's so many here that sometimes in some places they let anyone shoot them without a license.

I live in SE Michigan, and I was granted a permit to hunt invasive (read: escapees and illegal releases) Russian boar at a local preserve. Killed a 400 pounder and 2 juveniles. Delicious.

>butthurt poorfags

You also get a nice licence for guns ^_^ but that will be in the future for now I'm still too much of a poor fag so I will stick to target shooting and handguns.
I don't have the time or resources to go hunting since in spain is kind of expensive,I'll wait a few years till the government has to send in the army to clean up the forests or maybe relax the tight grip on the balls of gun owners but since they are tree hugging leftard city dwellers for whom nature means parks in cities (and you wouldn't go hunting in a city)it might take a while because hunters are seen as bad for nature,boars just need love and violence doesnt solve anything thus they are giving boars the migrant treatment,meanwhile the people dealing with that shit living in the outskirts of the city are pissed and some are using poisons thus fucking things up even more...

small dickd


Good thing is our yuropean based piggies will fight rearguard delay actions against muzzies when they take away power from the leftards

Yes. Farmers are pigs, with no respect for nature.

We have your kind in Canada too. The ones who hate the seal hunt. Fact is you're all retarded and overly emotional. Fuck seals, fuck foxes.

>hurf durf poor fox
Wait til you see what foxes do to chickens.

>hurf durf poor seal
They are pathetic blobs of flesh that shit everywhere.