My direct paternal ancestor great*3 grandfather fought and died for the confederacy as a volunteer...

My direct paternal ancestor great*3 grandfather fought and died for the confederacy as a volunteer. He did not own slaves.

He did not fight for the rights of wealthy men to own slaves. He fought for the same reason his neighbor's fought - yankees were in the South as aggressors, . There's a good chance the man never even met a slave; as I said, he didn't own one and nor did any of his relatives. I am not racist.

He was a simple farmer with a young family. I've honored him by giving my son his name and am proud to know my son's namesake fought for his brothers and community as any capable man should do.

It is with no malice towards anyone that I am proud of my ancestor and his confederacy and I will not disgrace my blood because you get assblasted about ridiculous shit like a flag

Fuck you and fuck yankees and fuck traitor lincoln

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Nice story, when the 2nd civil war happens, make sure you teach your kid how to blow some Union brains out of their noggings.

Louisiana here, same deal.
Great great grandfather fought in the war, told stories to my great grandfather, whom told some to me.
From What he said, alot of condeferates didn't give a fuck about slaves, it was more of a political/nationalism (or... Statism??) problem

Bumping for ancestors vilified.

dey rebs was good boys they dindu nuffin just needed more negroes for dem cotton fields

>Still butt hurt that my ancestor kicked your asses, and then went on to become president.

The civil war wasn't about slavery...well it was but not in the way most think. There were two distinct economies in America the southern agrarian one and the northern industrial one. Lincoln took it upon himself to decide that industrialization was the favored type of slavery and it never really worked out for We The People except for about 30 years from 1945-1975. The civil war was a bankers coup.

did your great grand pappy also fuck his sister alot? then your whore inbred sister shit out her daughter, who fucked her daddy then shit out another inbred, so on and so forth until society has YOU, a turd of a turd of a turd vomit pile of inbred southern faggotry and incest? please, go get your gun and kill off your entire inbred turd of a turd family. bitch

But he betrayed the United States, and you are a disgrace for looking up to it. Deal with it, fucking traitor. Dixie cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men women and children, for what?! Muh gooberment won't let me own slaves so it's too powerful? Fuck you.


You are an uninformed simpleminded fuck.

Slavery and Lincoln were the deciding factor for the south sperging out like whiny little bitches that they are.

Nice bait, m8.

another inbred pops up. is that your cousin/husband i made fun of? how many little inbred turds you shit out lately skank trailer trash bitch?

Sewriously go read a fucking book instead of spouting your tenth grade history facts loser.

Notice how it's always trailer trash poverty-ridden dumbfucks that support the Confederacy.

>waaaaah he's right so imma call him retarded instead
Literally seceded because of of the end of slavery and the election of Lincoln. And sperged out, like whiny fucking bitches, because union assets were still over the line.

I live in Syracuse NY. I was born and raised in Saratoga NY. If I had no TV, no internet, and only a once weekly newspaper for information and one morning I looked up and my barn and crops were burning I too would get a gun a shoot the motherfuckers. You are a red blooded pussy if you think any other choice is the right thing to do.

You wanna talk about incest? Ok.
>Noticeably, many Arab countries display some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world ranging around 20-50% of all marriages, and specifically favoring first cousin marriages with average rates of about 20-30%

Also, educated at college level in American civil war. Can you say the same?

Why wait when he can target practice on melons.

Literally seceded because the industrial north was trying to seize the reins of power from the south who were the most influential in the federal government.and had been since the republics inception.

How is the feeling now? The northern states forgave the south for its treason and let them back in the US or what happened? Seems so long time ago so there cant really be a reason to be angry anymore. Then again, Koreans and Chinese are still angry for what Japanese government did 70 years ago.

>when you find out your Puritan ancestors owned slaves

>During a 4-year period, 2,686 couples presented for genetic counseling. Data files revealed that 85% had consanguineous relationships (1.5% double first cousin, 74% first cousin, 8% second cousin, 1.5% beyond second cousin)

>tfw 85% inbreeding

And libfags want to meme about inbred rednecks.


>muh conspiracies
Always gooberment conspiracies with you southern nutjobs isn't it?

lincoln supported liberia and jews owned the majority of slaves

Didn't mean to get you upset m8

>Lincoln supported Liberia
This, and because you south fags sperged out, we're stuck with a bunch of niggers instead of most of them being back in Africa.

More on this since inbreeding is always brought up in relation to this.

31 ancestors fought for the Confederate States. Two of them survived.

You were more literally more likely to survive as a Jew under Hitler than you were to survive Lincoln in my my family.


I intend to finish what they started if the opportunity presents itself.

>angry about a war over 100 years ago
>bitches about it on Sup Forums
>tries to get sympathy
World has low tolerance for whiny bitches.

There is a general dislike between us, with the Northerners looking down on us for being poor and uneducated and us looking down on them for being rude/smug all the damn time, but its nothing serious.

>I am not a racist
Who is? What does racist/racism mean?
It's just vague, elastically defined newspeak. A political contraption that implies immorailty in people who are not immoral towards the ends of achieving globalism.
Jesus Christ, nice guy even if you don't believe he is God, would have been classed as a racist for his answer to the slave woman who begged for healing - he said he'd been sent to deliver the Jews first, then he relented and said even (foreign) dogs may feed from what falls from the masters tables and healed her.
YOU ARE A RACIST if you are a normal moral human being, so am I and 99% of people - it's just the word has been engineered as part of our constant programming to mean something that isn't real.
Here is a racist picture that isn't racist...

Oh, and the whole "forgave the south" part no longer applies, because while the Northerner of ages past were able to let bygones be bygones, the newer breeds has taken delight in mocking us and acting moraly superior in an effort to stroke their own egos, much like we all do with the whole "Back To Back World War Champs" thing.

>implying the Yankee has ever not mocked us and acting morally superior in an effort to stroke his own egos

Let me introduce you to a book that will put misconception to rest.

The Yankee has been and will always be a self-righteous parasite.


>Southern Agrarian economy dependent on cheap labor (slavery) for massive cotton and tobacco industry.
>Industrial North moves to change the laws that hold up the entire Southern Economy.
>Southerners pissed that people who are foreign to their people and culture want to entirely change how their society is structured.
>Southerners say fuck that, we'll go be our own country.
>North declares war.
>War of Northern Aggression begins.
>South gets destroyed by the North.
>"Reconstruction" is supposed to rebuild the South and integrate blackies into society.
>North imposes new Laws on the South by force.
>Southern Economy bankrupt.
>Plantations bankrupt.
>Primary Source of income for the south crumbles.
>Southerners resent the North for destroying their way of life.
>North fucks off back to the North
>Southern Economy never fully recovers
>With society in shambles, customs regress back to what they were before (Jim Crow).
>Northern industrial economy booming with industrial revolution.
>Northern bankers and industrial giants dominate economy.
>Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan make gorillions using immigrants.
>Pays them shit.
>Essentially slavery.
>South is still in shambles.
>But the North is awesome because they "forgave" the South for saying fuck you and fuck your bureaucracy.

You wonder why the South resents Yankees? It's a constant reminder of how the North destroyed their way of life and did fuck all to fix it afterward.

Social and behavioural science?

Shut up faggot, this war was fought over slavery.
The confederates were too lazy and stubborn to adapt to the way of life of the north and fought so wealthy people would keep their slaves
they didn't want their economy to change

See how your argument devolved into name calling once you ran out of 10th grade history class memories?


Slave States and Non-Slave states were never going to be able to co-exist on the same continent; both trying to export their own particular brand of culture Westward.

It had to be resolved.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The Civil War was not about Slavery. It was about two elites fighting over control of Westward Expansion and the lands West of Missouri.

The Southern Elites lost.

How do we know that's true? Because the North was more than willing to kick former slaves to the curb and end reconstruction in the 1870s. Once they had what they wanted.

A defeated South and total control of the continent.

based texan