Polish woman raped and beaten to death in Egyptian hospital, hospital claimed suicide

Egyptian authorities have finally broken their silence over the mysterious death of Magdalena Zuk, a Polish girl who reportedly “threw herself off a hospital’s window” while on vacation at a Red Sea resort last month.

Polish media reacted with fury at the incident, suggesting that their citizen was raped before her tragic death.

Investigators along with the prosecutor’s office in Egypt’s Red Sea governorate said the 27-year-old committed suicide at a private hospital after showing signs of possible “mental disturbance.”



>Polish woman visits muslim country

wtf did she expect?

Why would anyone want to go to these places? They literally call you an infidel and cal to cut your head off.

Also this should give the polish another reason to NOT accept any rapefugees.

Wasn't she an escort?

In most Arab countries, especially Gulf Arab countries, it's the woman's reponsibility to prevent "seducing" a man. A a woman seduces a man and gets raped, that is the fault of the woman and she will get punished (in Saudi Arabia and Qatar at least, possibly other countries). I presume a similar culture exists in Egypt.

Therefore, according to the Arab culture, it was the Polish woman's fault for seducing virile, hard-hitting and erect Egyptian men while being unconscious / sick in hospital. The Polish woman should not have seduced innocent and defenceless Muslim men.

As such, it was the right of the Egyptian authorities to protect the reputation and honor of their citizens.

Polish women are notorious race mixers. Dumb bitch. Take your niglet kids out of my country and back to Poland.

Can confirm.

Seen so many Wiktorias and Karolinas with black and brown babies. Poles BTFO by the superior Muslim seed .

Cam confirm.
Currently know one who's fucking a gook. Biggest whore around too.


not even surprised..

Anyone ever notice how shariablue never shill in threads like these?

This brothels in all of Europe Turkey and Middle East are filled with Polish whores

who is this fluid druid

>hospital claimed suicide
holy fucking shit, how is this even a thing

The girl who got murdered lol.

Just to make clear, the woman in the OP is not a random woman to attract horny polacks, its the woman who got gang-raped, murdered and thrown out of a window by virile Egyptian men.

and why is such a woman in an egyptian hospital?

who gives a fuck about Polacks, they're whores and savages, as nihilistic as people from the West. This lady simply wanted to fuck niggers and arabs, she wanted trouble and she got it. This is just an emanation of a rotten culture, nothing extraordinary

>check flag

... what?


>Everyone who criticises Trump is a Shill
Why would anyone bring Trump up in these threads? Go back to r/the_donald

>Fuck polacks
>Is polack

huh shit happens

more @11:00