What's so bad about Atheism? Isn't it a more modern and objectively the correct route for complete rationalism?

What's so bad about Atheism? Isn't it a more modern and objectively the correct route for complete rationalism?
Doesn't religion bring corruption, war and greed all around?

For the longest time I've tried defending my faith in Christendom and through many arguments with my peers,
I finally came to realize how outdated Christianity really is, my arguments keep failing me for I have nothing in my hand
to resist the spread of anti-christian morality and now as I see, SHOULD myself continue defending my faith in Christ, there will be a lot of skewing facts to convert people onto Christ, just as much as modern ((((scientists)))) skew their facts and it would be an equal playing field obviously on my behalf if I start being not completely honest, but wasn't being a follower of the LORD about complete honesty? What's the point then?

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Look bitch, we're all just roleplaying Christians here because we like that they promote the nuclear family.


>More modern
No, it's literally the oldest belief system.
Also, atheism is dying out extremely fast due to people realizing that you don't need to be a "bible beater" to be religious.

This, lol. Just be yourslef. Or at least have a critical thinking. Dont fall for different agenda.

Unfortunately it leaves a void that the much more aggressive and cancerous Islam is too happy to fill. People need their security blanket against the big, scary, uncaring universe, and a mostly harmless religion is preferable to a murder cult.

You dont have to "skew facts" to argue for God's existence or for The Resurrection. Plenty of new testament historians believe that the Jesus' tomb was found empty after his death and that he was seen by people (friends, allies, enemies and nonbelieveres) after his supposed death. And there are plenty arguments for the existence of God which athiests still havent refuted.

Nothing wrong with atheism, keep up being rational and progressive, soon we will get our social utopia like the one John Lenin sang about in Imagine.

Atheism has been hijacked by jews.

Still can be useful.

Christendom is part of the western culture. And with the rise of moslems and jews within our culture, we have the commitment to preserve our culture

Because complete rationalism isn't moral. Rationalism gave us the nuke, morality decides how and when we use it.

So I get this very often, although I think Christianity had been a bit enforcing in the inquisition and the 'Heresy' era, What other alternative would have been less barbaric exactly in the middle ages?

But still I may argue with myself, can't we all, factually live on our lives without religion? How useful is it really in today's societies? No war, prosperity, freedom etc.

Just because religion isn't the cure doesn't mean it's the source of the problem. Why do you think the religions mankind has devised over the millennia are the ones that they are? Religion is as much a byproduct of ancient societies as it is the cause of the problems in today's.

Rape and homophobia and murder are in religious texts because they are part of humanity.

Christianity tells people not to do those things in pic related tho. Without God, objective morality does not exist. You may say you dont believe in God, but you act out your morals every day, and thats not because you know killing is inherently wrong or whatever. It's because youve been raised in a christian culture that has inoculated those beliefs into you. When you remove the foundation for that morality eventually it will fall and you will see how terrible people can be.

Atheists cannot explain the force that made gravity cease to exist at the moment of the big bang. Therefore atheist's cannot rule out some sort of supernatural force, as the term supernatural is an adequate description of what happened.



>Isn't it a more modern and objectively the correct route for complete rationalism?

Rationalism is by definition utterly incompatible with atheism (as practices of every atheistic regime that ever existed, including much of the modern Europe, confirm). Atheism naturally requires materialism, materialism naturally rejects human reason as a valid tool of knowing anything and forming arguments about anything. Indeed, materialism, when taken to its logical and inevitable conclusions, reject that human beings exist. From the materialistic viewpoint, what you mistake for yourself is just a collection of informational viruses, that have no purpose except self-propagation. What you mistake for deploying rational arguments to convince people is, from materialistic standpoint, is just an inefficient way to bombard other people with your memes (I guess that's why there is no such thing as a honest propagandist of atheism), and rational evaluation of anything is just not possible.

>Atheism has been hijacked by jews.

How they could have hijaked something they invented in the first place?

>What's so bad about Atheism?
i don't know. whatever causes them to vote lock-step with kikes and spics

Atheists are going to be 1.3% of the world by 2020.

>People need their security blanket-
You act like thinking life is nothing makes you fucking intelligent or somehow enlightened when really all it does is help people abandon virtues, their life goals, and drop the prospect of starting a family.

Your country proudly embraced secularism and now it's considered hate speech to complain about the rapefugees pissing and shitting in the streets, among even more ludicrous and evil things.