Proof of Old Testament stories

Proof of Old Testament stories

Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed

Noah’s Ark

Moses parting the Red Sea

Mount Sinai and surrounding areas

Say it with me Sup Forums "fedoracucks destroyed"

Other urls found in this thread:ément-Reflections-on-Ray-Rogers-Shroud-Work.pdf


this picture is so cringy

16 minute video

Links in picément-Reflections-on-Ray-Rogers-Shroud-Work.pdf

New experiments date the Shroud of Turin to the 1st century AD. They comprise three tests; two chemical and one mechanical. The chemical tests were done with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, examining the relationship between age and a spectral property of ancient flax textiles. The mechanical test measured several micro mechanical characteristics of flax fibers, such as tensile strength. The results were compared to similar tests on samples of cloth from between 3250 BC and 2000 AD whose dates are accurately known.

FTIR identifies chemical bonds in a molecule by producing an infrared absorption spectrum. The spectraproduce a profile of the sample, a distinctive molecular fingerprint that can be used to identify itscomponents. Raman Spectroscopy uses the light scattered off of a sample as opposed to the light absorbed by a sample. It is a very sensitive method of identifying specific chemicals. The tests on fibers from the Shroud of Turin produced the following dates: FTIR = 300 BC ±400 years; Raman spectroscopy = 200 BC ±500 years; and multi-parametric mechanical = 400 AD ±400 years. All the dates have a 95% certainty.

The average of all three dates is 33 BC ±250 years (the collective uncertainty is less than the individual test uncertainties). The average date is compatible with the historic date of Jesus’ death on the cross in 30 AD and is far older than the medieval dates obtained with the flawed Carbon 14 sample in 1988. The range of uncertainty for each test is high because the number of sample cloths used for comparison was low; 8 for FTIR, 11 for Raman, and 12 for the mechanical test. The scientists note that future calibrations based on a greater number of samples and coupled with ad hoc cleaning procedures could significantly improve its accuracy, though it is not easy to find ancient samples adequate for the test.” They used tiny fibers extracted from the Shroud by microanalyst Giovanni Riggi di Numana, who gave them to Fanti. Riggi passed away in 2008, but he had been involved in the intensive scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin by the STURP group in 1978, and on April 21, 1988 was the man who cut from the Shroud the thin 7 x 1 cm sliver of linen that was used for carbon dating.


forgot text

These tests were carried out in University of Padua laboratories by professors from various Italian universities, led by Giulio Fanti, Italian professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at the University of Padua’s engineering faculty. He co-authored reports of the findings in 1) a paper in the journal Vibrational Spectroscopy, July 2013, “Non-destructive dating of ancient flax textiles by means of vibrational spectroscopy” by Giulio Fanti, Pietro Baraldi, Roberto Basso, and Anna Tinti, Volume 67, pages 61-70; 2) a paper titled “A new cyclic-loads machine for the measurement of micro-mechanical properties of single flax fibers coming from the Turin Shroud” by Giulio Fantiand Pierandrea Malfi for the XXI AIMETA (Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) congress in 2013, and 3) the 2013 book “Il Mistero della Sindone” (The Mystery of the Shroud), written by Giulio Fanti and Saverio Gaeta in Italian

I think one of the most interesting things about the Shroud of Turin is that scientists cannot determine what made the original image on the shroud. The closest thing they can compare it to is like what happened in Hiroshima when the bomb went off and someone was vaporized into the ground. A very strange comparison but that's how it was described. There's also the less talked about Sudarium of Oviedo which dates back at least to the 6th century where it was found in Jerusalem, and all the markings on it match up with the thorn wounds and blood stains found on the Shroud of Turin's head rendering. Other proofs would include pollen found on both the shroud and the sudarium that would only be found in Ancient Jerusalem, the fact that the pose of the body actually represents a man sitting up rather than lying down (you can tell based off the knees), and so much more to indicate this truly is Christ's burial shroud.

The historical evidence for the resurrection:

Proof for the resurrection of Jesus:
The first 30 minutes is what's important from this one, the rest is questions and answers.

Ex-atheist scientist tells his story of becoming Christian after realizing that the story of creation in Genesis actually makes the most sense and gets a lot of things right compared to other religious books:

Cold case detective, former atheist analyzed the gospels using his skills and came to the conclusion that Christianity is the true religion and what is written in the New Testament is real.
The videos are long, but they basically come down to this:
1. The chain of custody is sound, the story doesn't change over time.
2. There was stuff in the Bible that was later confirmed by archeology(places, people, chariots on the sea floor of the Red Sea (Moses parting the red sea), snakes used to have legs, etc.)
3. There are even non-believers' accounts of some stuff Jesus did, just from them you can know a lot about Jesus if you piece it all together.
4. The differences between gospels aren't a bad sign, because witnesses rarely agree on stuff. If every eyewitness would say the same thing, it would be very fishy and would mean they probably talked to each other at one point.
5. The apostles died without getting rich, getting a girlfriend or getting power, they all died horribly. There was no point in spreading Christianity if they didn't believe in it. Why would they risk their life if it wasn't true? Why would they risk their life if it was all forged? Why would Paul try to join this new small church?
Also the only accounts of Romans getting Christians to change their faith was after the 1st century. No account of eyewitnesses ever changing their story.

Other videos:
New Testament Reliability:

Credit to based Polish user for the copy paste

We have never found alien life


Christ fulfills 353 prophesies in the Old Testament written way before him and it’s mathematically impossible for him to have done that by chance.

1: Christ is a historical figure. he died via Roman crucifixion. This is a historical fact. (see 1 in pic related)
no one walks away from roman crucifixion, it's a 3 step process.
if you survive the scourging and crucifixion, the third step is the deathblow.
they need to pry someone off a cross, so they would smash their head in or stab them through the heart with a sword or spear, or set them on fire, or let wild animals rip them apart.

2: We have firsthand and secondhand eyewitness testimony claiming he visited them in person after his death.
it's written in Paul's epistle to the corinthians.
hold on before the kneejerk reaction, it's written in this epistle, but it originated much earlier, secular scholarship corroborates this (see 2 in pic related)
>3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
>4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures,
>5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
>6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.
>7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
>8 Last of all, as though to one born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
notice that He's appearing to groups, that rules out the 'hallucination hypothesis,' because hallucinations are subjective to the individual.
this creed is also dated to around the month year of Christ's crucifixion by secular scholarship as well, so that rules out the 'legend hypothesis.'

3: These people suffered severe persecution, torture, and death for holding this view.
which is not something someone who is unsure or knows that what they are professing is a lie is going to do.

options ruled out as irrational given the evidence:
A) the eyewitnesses were all lying
B) the eyewitnesses were all hallucinating the same thing at each occurence
C) the myth of this event evolved over time (legend hypothesis)
D) Christ survived the crucifixion

options left:
E) the event actually occured
F) ? ? ?
the only reason to deny E is pic related

i wait with bated breath to hear your well through out, intelligent response to my argument


life couldn’t form from sugar, protein, water, and lightning and the Big Bang form from literally nothing. And the single celled organisms we have found which would be like in what atheists to believe the first forms life have 8-12 chromosomes pairs and 8,000 genes. That doesn't come from lifeless sugar, protein, water, and electricity. Also then where the hell did trees come from too? Also before you say fungus/mushrooms those are more related to animals than plants.

From what I remember the first forms of life were thermalsynthesis (bottom of the ocean at thermal vents). The cell would have to solve all of these problems within it's short lifespan before it drifted too far from the heat, or got destroyed by something physically:

1: Process/digest energy.
2: Establish a barrier between self and the outside.
3: Establish- either actively or passively- some form of Homeostasis.
4: Grow and develop from it's infancy. Hence produce and develop more complex proteins.
5: Reproduce.

You can't explain all of those things in detail, that isn't even the full list. And the odds against it happening within the first 3 billion years of the planet's existence is astronomical.
Nobody understands the big bang. I heard it described as the "everywhere stretch" as the amount of space that existed today did all exist, but was smaller. Or something.

What we do know is our laws of physics break down, and nothing makes any sense. Potentially when the creator was writing/programming them?

Anyone with any experience in higher math and physics will tell you how often triangles, trigonometry and a few irrational, infinitely long and infinitely complex numbers (pi, e, square root of 2, square root of 3, 1/2 square root of 2, the convergence of the fibbonaci sequence) all come up. This is not out of coincidence.

atheists can't recover


>A-atheists b-b-btfo

I don't like relying on Ron Wyatt.

Then refute it

atheists need to go back towards reddit

Apparently so.

Big Bang and life coming from nothing can't recover from this

The evolutionists don't care, just so long as they get to keep their jobs, income, pensions, grant money, etc. They really don't care. I heard one say "give us one miracle (the creation of the entire universe) and we can explain the rest."