What's wrong with communism?

What's wrong with communism?

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does not work and never will /thread


tries to make a argument on why communism works posts leader of soviet union Joseph Stalin

Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong, sperglord.

personally i would have killed more but my argument is that he was a shit communist

Absolutely nothing

It is regressive. Plus it's a forced ideology whose main proponents are bottom feeders.



>bottom feeders
fuck off asskisser, your boss isn't going to give you more salary

I own my business, tavarish.

>fuck off asskisser, your boss isn't going to give you more salary
precisely on why you should work harder or get a education and get a better job encouraging intellectual development communism is unnatural much like socialism grants people everything that they havent earned making the weak complacent and all around human garbage i guess its true in a sense what they say about equality if everyone not worth anything they are equal, or when they are dead of course

You mean aside from the fact that it's killed hundreds of millions of people, destroyed nations, and has literally never (never) worked?


>fuck off asskisser, your boss isn't going to give you more salary

Arguments not needed

>Arguments not needed
Fascism is better. No arguments needed.
BTW you left your webcam on.

>literally shilling for a man that murdered millions upon millions
>but adolf hitler is the monster

kike detected


>Fascism is better
That's why it was crushed so fast and it never managed to return (that's a good thing). Let's face it, you're weak and there will never be another fascist leader.

Stalin was a great leader, Ad*lf wasn't





>you can work and get paid x
>or you can not work and still get paid x
>no one works
>no actual money or productivity

Please Refute

>what's wrong with letting millions of your own people to starve to death

he dosent wanna answer ive already made him a few questions this is what happens when mental slaves meet questions they don't know the answer

pitäskös sun käydä koulussa?

Should say (((They)))

We have this thread every single day. You're just as bad as El Pinko Spico, Fingoloid.

>soviet union was "controlled by Jews" since the beginning
>the Jews then intentionally let the SU collapse for no reason

This is what these butthurt Nazis want you to believe.

See the standard of living he has
Now observe the standard of living of the average russky in that same time period



Does anyone know any good books for learning about communism? I've read Communism by Alfred G Meyer. Shit book, doesn't explain the ideology, only talks about details. Also think I read Communism A Very Short Introduction by Leslie Holmes, although not sure. I don't remember that I learned anything from it so either I didn't read it or it was shit.

>people don't want to work
>well send them to prison camps, we will make sure they work there
>people don't want to follow the state's ideologies/want to be religious
>beat them up and send them to labor camps, then execute the leaders this is so obvious
>officials don't really like your ultra-authoritarian policies too much
>they must be purged, execute them all because they are against the state!
>you suspect people of being against you without any solid evidence
>kill them all, the traitors! they will kill me if I don't kill them! the only one I can trust is myself!
there's a legend that after Stalin died, no one wanted to check him out of fear that he was faking it to see who would view his corpse first.

>rich elite and poor as dirt, no middlle
>millions of deaths
>religious persecution and revivalism as and when it suits him
>no rights what so-ever.

>when there were no major famines in the USSR after ww2, yet retards want you to believe that there was no food ever

>when retards bring up breadlines in 1991, when the system was falling because of economic stagnation and western sabotage, but ignore the same breadlines during the great depression and modern breadlines aka. food stamps

stop the famine meme, it only happend when the populace destroyed the food instead of giving it to the authorities.

why do you make this thread everyday, replies wont change

mene nyt kommari vittuun :D

>another fascist leader.
Study your 20th century Euro history better.

Statists OUT

WOW! The Stalinist regime didn't have a famine for 8 wholes years post-WW2? FUCKIN' ELL M8 E'S A GENIUS


>volcanic eruption famine
You should really read your list before you paint it.


pretty much everything

>Everything that isn't Communism is a free market

freedom of choice

>But-but muh hollomodor!1!!

Remember the 10000 gorilion ukrainians that died, that Stalin personaly executed whit a pistol.

But I thought the USSR wasn't real communism?

The Communist Menifesto
Wage Labour and Capital
Critique of the Gotha Programme

If you want modern stuff, read
Alain Badiou: The Communist Hypothesis


desu I don't give a fuck he killed people.
It doesn't ultimately matter when your retarded system fails even tho you had free labor at your will anytime you wanted.

communism gives you the urge to purge

>ahead of his time

That everyone interprets it however they want and forgot about good ole Marx.

The free market never existed, it can not. Capitalism isn't synonymous with "free market". It has a very specific definition you should get familiar with.

Life is shitty and people starve

It only exists in people's minds

Literally everything. It is an ideology whose core principle is made impossible to achieve by it's end goals. A glaring contradiction that has existed since Marx first autistically screeched and has yet to be resolved by Communists.

it wasn't real "communism" but the deaths of the kulaks, bankers and elite were justified.

It was still way better, than today's modern day feminist/sjws/liberals type of self-proclaimed communism .


Literally got us from the best industry per capita in europe to what we are now
>who are you now

no food

Fuck off mongol brother

The same could be said about capitalism when we were still under feudalism.

t. never read a line from Marx


It seems to be that human nature does not allow for it. In that a bad man will always be waiting to take control and there will always be more bad men then good.

Until you can guarantee that, it will fail.



When human societies were still living under feudalism capitalism did not yet exist. How're your history studies progressing?

Fair enough, So guarantee a "bad" man wont be there waiting, like they always were..

Can you get there from a worse place?

I replied to OP tht communism doesnt work because no food. You said capitalism led to the same result under feudalism. I ask what? You say capitalism didn't exist under feudalism. Did you perhaps reply to the wrong person?

Even Israeli Kibbutzim are going away.

The only way to still believe in communism is to be profoundly unread on the subject.

One who reads a single book from a survivor of the USSR cannot continue to be communist/socialist.

One who has ever experienced any modicum of success in their life through hard work cannot be a communist or socialist.

The path of socialism is walked by the mediocre and the unmotivated, the truly unconscientious and logically illiterate.

Those who ground their study in post modern wishy washy garbage are particularly susceptible to this, as we see in "X Studies courses"

The west has discovered that the only ethical way to break down the burden of life is onto the individual, in a free society where you are allowed to advance your self based on merit and free trade, with a minimal government intervention.

"No true socialism" comes from the fact that the US has refused to allow the free reign of death cults of socialism in the countries across the globe, and have intervened to attempt to stop it countless times, and yet they still manage to kill around 50 million each time before the inevitable collapse.

All laws of social organization that we have ever discovered show us explicitly that hierarchies exist in every. single. animal. Humans are not excluded from this.

Something else to consider; How does one remove inequity from a society when humans are naturally born with different capabilities? After removal of social inequality, what next to remove? Read "Harrison Bergeron" a short story delving into exactly this. People in this books society are handicapped based on what their born abilities are. A strong person is given 50 lb weights to carry around with them at all times. A person with good hearing is given "anti hearing aids" to dampen their hearing. Dancers are forced to wear ankle weights. The natural logical extension of this, of course, is killing of anyone who cannot be sufficiently impaired down to "equality".

The problem with the Soviet Union wasn't bad men, like Stalin (although he certainly was a monster). The problem was that the political structures they created were fit for the civil war from 1917-1921 and not for transitioning into socialism.

Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=JsLPtEN62Fg

Last time I checked, they're still there. I know people who stayed on some when they visited Israel.

>Read Marx

Ok I will ask you to explain this.
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
What metric do you use to measure ability and need? Who measures and decides where food is distributed?
>Communism aims for a stateless, classless, and moneyless society
How do you reconcile this end goal give that your central belief stated above would require a massive bureaucracy and hierarchy (IE a state and class system) in order to function?

Please enlighten me. It's been several years and I've yet to get a straight answer out of you Communist dumbasses that doesn't include "lol read a book nigger" and "the planned economy".

pay denbts

Yeah but they are becoming more capitalistic less socialistic.

I don't care if I have enough for myself: What's important is that I have more than others.

Put another way, it isn't enough that I should succeed: Others must fail.

Us vs. them mentality
World domination aspiration

The boundless inclusiveness of communism is what keeps it alive yet prevents greatness and stability

I didn't say capitalism led to anything "under feudalism," because there WAS NO CAPITALISM UNDER FEUDALISM. Are you for real? Do you even understand the words you are using?

No surprises here. Utopian socialism (meaning: non-revolutionary, commune-building, etc.) is eroded away pretty fast by the surrounding society.

It keeps losing so its inferior.

Half of those people aren't even jewish.

>national ""socialism""


>One who reads a single book from a survivor of the USSR cannot continue to be communist/socialist.

Mostly right on the utopian socialism part although its mostly the commune itself that destroys itself from within. But your point still stands since nobody lives alone

For any system to grow, or even survive, the average person must contribute as much or more than they take from that system.

The problem with communism is that the built in incentives encourage people to take more than they contribute, either by putting in less via not working as hard or via taking out more through corruption.

Corruption is a problem with all systems but individual sloth is the Achilles heel of communism/socialism. Early on this can be overcome by the excitement of the revolution and generous application of violence threats and punishments. Over time the people become disillusioned and desensitized. Their spirit is crushed and threat of quicker starvation or a bullet to the head isn't enough to get them to pull their weight. Then the system collapses.

It's nihilism.

It doesn't work on logic or empiricism, it works on the subconscious desire to destroy societies and ultimately everything.

Which is why is always pulls down. What government wants, government gets; which means socialist/communist governments want mass death and to spread despair.

>The same could be said about capitalism when we were still under feudalism.
what did he mean by this.
and yes of course i knnow capitalism did not exist under feudalism. Im just confused by what you said there.

when everything is 'common' no one takes care

unless threatened with prison or being beaten

but... it is good as a counterbalance for rampant capitalism... you go for it!

It's root assumption--that labor is the fountainhead of value--is literally false.

As such, it can only ever fail. And it's proponents will only ever scream 'bur real X has never been tried'. That is until we FEMA camp and microchip their asses, for it is only then that they will see what real communism looks like.

Your nation is dying out and you want to learn about communism. Just read a history book, economic history preferably and see how much communism failed.

It took capitalism to finally gain stable existence around 200-300 years, the period was littered with failed bourgeois revolutions, failed reformist attempts, etc.

Communism is doing just fine, considering it's just 100 years old.

Just because capitalism only existed in people's heads (and not materialized yet) when we were still living in feudalism it didn't disprove capitalism. The same goes to communism.

>that labor is the fountainhead of value--is literally false
Apparently chairs, computers, food just pop into existence without workers.

That's cute. But the idea that everything is common is antithetical to the constructs of communism itself.

Communism proudly proclaims that the workers are the true 'owners' of capital, for it is their effort which provides the return to capital and thus declares it value in the first place.

And yet, it claims so while simultaneously denying that the respective gardeners should 'own' public parks and the respective streetsweepers should 'own' public roads.

Communism is simply an intellectually inconsistent 'philosophy' and a disastrous model for economic organization. And that's because it's a sham ideology which exists solely for bringing about the ablution of all private property for (((reasons))).

Not enough helicopter rides.

someone needs to make a hitler one with kekistan

There's Hitler one but not with Kekistan

What on Earth are you talking about you rambling moron?

>Communism proudly proclaims that the workers are the true 'owners' of capital
Communists want to end property, not transfer it.

>respective gardeners should 'own' public parks
TOP KEK, m8. Public parks are infrastructure not means of production.

>Communism is simply an intellectually inconsistent 'philosophy'
Your version sure is. You haven't read a single communist text, that is for sure.

>the evil jews want to abolish party
Why? Why would the evil jews want to abolish property when in your fantasy world they want to control everything? If you want to control the world you want to have private property: yours.
