Trump Leaks

>One day after dismissing Comey, Trump welcomed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak — a key figure in earlier Russia controversies — into the Oval Office. It was during that meeting, officials said, that Trump went off script and began describing details of an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft.

>For almost anyone in government, discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.


Fuckin' stupid twats, the lot of ya.


Says whom? Acting in the interests of internal stability home and abroad is a top priority for any developed country.

Triiiiiiiggggggggggggeeeeerrreddddd tttwwoooooooscoooooooooooppps mmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh rrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuussssssssiiiiiiaaaaaaa rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sorry can't hear you over this Seth Rich bombshell.

>plebbit fags will believe this russia nonsense with infographics like these
>ignore same posturing and evidence about pizza gate

imagine being that fucked up

fake and debunked.

wapo is not a legitimate source. it is verifiable fake news

So? Russia is illiberal and not democratic. That alone makes me like them.

>overhear some brown kid talking about shooting up the school
>don't say anything because "lol mite be uhlegal"
>next day brown kid caps 6 people

It should never be against any law to warn another person about the possible attack of the Muslim horde.

>posting lugenpress during the rich bombshell

>National Security Advisor says nothing that wasn't already publicly known was discussed
>WaPo says Trump gave Putin the codes
One. Trump has handlers when he's in meetings and if he went enough off script his handlers would end the meeting. Like when a talk show host asks an actor an unapproved question and the producer immediately concludes the interview.

Two. "Describing details of an ISIS terrorist attack involving laptops on aircraft" is so unbelievably vague. Is the fear that Russia will use this "super secret" information to fund ISIS rebels to blow up American airline flights?

Three. The White House and Russia supposedly are working together in Syria to fight terrorism. Wouldn't it make sense for the two countries to compare notes?

This shit is so unbelievably fake news it's ridiculous and people are eating it up like chocolate pudding. In the few months since the election ended I've gone from being a very reluctant supporter to being an actual supporter of the administration after all of the conduct everyone has been engaging in.

The National Security Council, Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, NSA, FBI Counter Intelligence, NATO, etc.

Who cares what they think?

Pizzagate has been shot down by several LEOs in the DC area, while Russia is being investigated by both branches of Congress and the FBI (who has now convened grand juries for subpoenas and requested a shitload more resources).

But, no, you're right. The basement that doesn't exist under Comet Pizza totally has a fucking kiddie porn den. It's right under the ((((DC's chosen people's)))) hooked noses.

>Trump has handlers when he's in meetings

The U.S. President doesn't have fucking handlers, half-wit.

>In the few months since the election ended I've gone from being a very reluctant supporter to being an actual supporter of the administration after all of the conduct everyone has been engaging in.

Wow, you really convinced me.

So it was Trump by himself in a room with a Russian ambassador and the Foreign Minister? Don't be retarded. He doesn't have handlers in the same sense, but he's there with advisers and other high-ranking American officials. If the President was saying something that would damage the nation the rest of the American officials in the room would have cut him off and changed the subject of conversation or ended the meeting immediately.

>with an adversary

You would think that these faggots would be smart enough not to show their hand, but nope

>with an adversary

Russia is an ally against IS.

It's fake news anyway.

So what you are saying is that there is definitely a connection between Hillary and Seth Rich?

This is how they will spin it.

>Mar 30

It'll actually be said by the media that Trump is who ordered the hit and had the ebil Russians do it.

Cap this.

Spoken like a legit shill.



Handlers and advisors are two very different things. Handlers are what fucking North Korean regimes and Scientology cultists give to people so they don't step out of line. A god damn advisor does just, and only, that, FUCKING ADVISE.

Do you honestly think today was the actual day AFTER ALL OF HIS MISSTEPS that Trump would let himself be told what to say or do?

Are you that actually that delusional or just playing a character online?

>American officials in the room would have cut him off and changed the subject of conversation or ended the meeting immediately.

Never, ever, ever has that ever happened with Trump or any other President. He's their god damn boss. Usually the boss is a bit more clever then Trump, but the same rules still apply.