Canada Hate

Can we get a hate thread for one of most cucked countries in the world? No seriously, I really fucking hate Canada. I wish all Canadians were in one place so I could rake them

Other urls found in this thread:

I love you, you hate me, my wife loves the BBC.

rake season is over
u have to wait till autumn


>I wish all Canadians were in one place so I could rake them

yes....if only such a mystical place existed!

>60% white

>I love you, you hate me, my wife loves the BBC.
Hi Justin.

13 new states when?

Nope. I love our friends to the north.

>live in rural Canada
>have never seen a shitskin in real life other than a wololo once
>have a big family and know all 30 people who live in the surrounding 500 square km
>literally have no door locks
>federal government has no actual authority
>provincial government just takes their money and fucks off
>free helicopter or cessna ambulance rides to hospital if necessary
>fibre internet got rolled out to the fuckin boonies last year
>have the most powerful military the world has ever seen protecting us at no cost to us
>tfw Canada is the greatest country on the planet if you don't live in the urban hellholes
>tfw Sup Forums will never understand how little politics matters in Canada

Fuck America, long live Mexico. I hope Mexicans breed you out of existence.

I need to move.

There's a thread for you already

Sorry, sir, but I disagree. I love my northern friends.

as a leaf, i would appreciate some canada hate, especially since i plan on leaving

His fucking name was Seth Rich.

>want to move to US
>>really hard
>could move to any commonwealth country pretty easy
>>but they all have the same problems

>also his name was seth rich, also check 'em

Rappel quotidien que le Québec est supérieur au ''Canada anglo'' et USA...

I get the hate.


Survivor from the Leaf-borg collective... Please America, if you're listening, please use cia to assassinate Trudeau. He has gone too far!

Wow I bet you're just the best at parties.

I love USA right back. god bless you America friend