German experts puzzled by violence among engineers and brain surgeons

But remember goys, those people are worth their weight in gold!

“I have never heard about such a case. That is something really archaic,” Rudolf Egg, an expert in criminal psychology from the German city of Wiesbaden, told the German media. “The fact that the victim’s ears were bit off as if by a wild beast makes it look almost animalistic,” he added.

The expert assumed that the assailant could have been motivated by jealousy because he “wanted not only to harm his victim but also to disfigure him,” adding: “He wanted [his victim] to look ugly and shameful.”

In the meantime, the director of the German Federal Central Bureau for Criminology, Martin Rettenberger, said that the attack defies understanding. “There is no rational explanation for such a violent act,” he said, as cited by Die Welt daily.

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illegal underground refugee fights with tons of money to bet, when?

>Wild beast
Is he subtly trying to drop the red pill without being demonized or has reality become this far gone

>importing millions of uncivilized people increases crimes of uncivilized brutality

>>importing millions of uncivilized people increases crimes of uncivilized brutality

Yeah, I do not know. Why has your ex-Chancellor Faymann frantically called Merkel so she would not close the borders to Austria?


Faymann betonte, dass er angesichts der dramatischen Situation in Ungarn gestern Abend genau gewusst habe, was zu tun sei:: "nämlich die deutsche Kanzlerin anrufen". Auch Merkel habe dann gesagt, die Balken müssten rauf. So habe man es gemeinsam geschafft, eine Einigung zustande zu bringen, bevor der erste Bus mit Flüchtlingen an der österreichischen Grenze angekommen sei.

Scharfe Kritik übte der Kanzler einmal mehr am ungarischen Premier Viktor Orban. Dieser sei nicht aus der Verpflichtung zu lassen. Denn mit Stacheldraht sei keine Lösung zu schaffen: "Ein Stacheldraht ist keine Empfangsstelle für Menschen, die um ihr Leben fürchten." Was es brauche, seien gemeinsame EU-Asylzentren, wo man die Menschen nicht mit Hass und Ablehnung empfange sondern mit der notwendigen Fürsorge. Für die EU stelle sich die Frage: Gebe man den Friedensnobelpreis zurück oder zeige man, wie man mit Flüchtlingen, die Recht auf Asyl hätten, ordentlich umgehe.

Dass die Flüchtlingsfrage auch in den Wien-Wahlkampf hineinspielt, machte Bürgermeister Michael Häupl (SPÖ) in seinem Redebeitrag klar. Bezug nehmend auf die Öffnung der Grenzen meinte der Stadtchef Richtung FPÖ-Obmann Heinz-Christian Strache: "Gestern hat man einmal mehr sehen können, wofür wir stehen und wofür steht dieser Recke. Diesen Unterschied kann man wählen."

Versichert wurde sowohl von Häupl als auch von Bildungsministerin Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek (SPÖ), dass für jedes nach Österreich geflohene Kind ein Pflichtschul-Platz zu Schulbeginn vorhanden sein werde. Aber auch die älteren Jugendlichen würden nicht vergessen, versicherte Häupl: "Das sind nicht lauter Hinterwäldler."

Is every single newspaper in Germany pretending to be retarded?

What other exaplation is needed other than the subhuman rapist attacked the guy because he knew he would walk free.

"We're all the same" ideology fails again.

Europe is finally discovering why America is so racist
5% and up is when fun starts happening
10% is where things get serious
Anything over is overkill


We could have known what would happen. Lately, I read a comment by a Syrian professor for Middle Eastern studies at the university of Göttingen, who commented that everything we experienced here is frequently happening in the Middle East. Also, descriptions of the life there by Europeans made the same statements.
The migration wave was known to our governments. The president of the BKA and the ministy for economic cooperation and development warned months ago and pointed out the consequences for domestic security, together with literally every intelligence agency in the world.

Bump for old Sup Forums thread

>12% black
>riots because dindu tried to murder a community watch and got shot
>riots because dindu robbed store and broke cop's orbital socket and got shot
>Prez dindu says dindu wuz liek his own son
>forms Black Lives Matter movement which goes on to riot and murder cops live on news.
>Prez dindu literally invites BLM leaders to the White House.

fun indeed

Didn't mean to imply Obama made BLM but he certainly didn't help

>German experts puzzled by violence among engineers and brain surgeons

>German experts puzzled by violence among engineers and brain surgeons


When those of you that won't get killed during night that muslims will decide to take over will run to Poland for sanctuary. Start training Hans i will make champion out of you.

>Obviously he is not a savage, feral creature, rather his animalistic-seeming attack was a ploy, a deeply psychological assault meant to leave his victim shamed by the disfiguring impact left behind by the marks left by what would appear to be a wild beast

Christ they really do try to justify it, don't they?

it's a consequence of the horrible systemic racism employed by the german people. this man does not feel safe or wanted in german society. you soulless islamophobic racists

but there are solutions for this:
1. Import this man's family from Syria (his 5 brothers, all with their wifes children etc. all around 50 persons). Kick german racists out of luxury houses and house this man and his family. Show that victims of racism are treated fairly in germany

2. Arrange dates with german women for everyone

3. Increase the amount of welfare. The german people are always happy, being the soulless autistic morons that they are, to slave away for the ever growing number of leeches that populate their society

But they're already doing this and it's not working.
It must be taken further. I suggest all these german racists get forcefully converted to Islam.
Anyone not praying to Allah the mandatory 5 times a day should be euthanized.


>Didn't mean to imply Obama made BLM but he certainly didn't help
No precedence were set when they were burning down Baltimore.

cutting the ears is a common shitskin practice

why didn't he just go on the street to find a envelope with 500€ inside

I read about that case yesterday, but it didn't mention the nationalities.
Good to know I was right once again.

>never heard about such a case

What a bunch of bullshit. If there's a western country that has all sorts of weird fetishes involving mutilation and cannibalism, it's Germany

He also cut off his eye-lids and jammed a pen into the eye balls.
Oh, and he also rammed two knives into the guy's throat.

I am amazed the victim survived it at all.

As we talk 26 women got raped in the usa by niggers. TODAY

50 euro are a lot of money these days in this shit hole of a country

These nugermans are pretty crazy,not like the oldgerman cucks.

It's a real mystery. Is there video of the attack?

They're Muslims, it doesn't matter if they're brain surgeons and rocket scientists, first and foremost they're fanatic savages at war with the entire non-Islamic world and they have scores of inter-tribal vendettas with other Muslims. Also, universities in the Islamic world are a joke and Western universities inflate the grades of brown people., so it's not like they're talented high IQ geniuses or anything.

somehow this doesn't sound so bad.
the niggers, the mudslimes, they are thinning the herd.
soon, the only people left will be those willing to do something about it.

Kill yourself, gyppo!

Just let 5 millions more in they'll calm down once there is enough of them. It's white supremacists and the rise of the right that's the real problem

Splendid. We will just forget about that 100bn € bill and instead you give us all of your shitskins!

Yep, this is literally 10 year from now

They're brown and black, it doesn't matter if they're muslims or african christians, first and foremost they're fanatic savages at war with the entire White world and they have scores of inter-tribal vendettas with other non whites. Also, universities in the arabia and africa are a joke and Western universities inflate the grades of brown people., so it's not like they're talented high IQ geniuses or anything.

fuck, herman you really are pissed it's going to be just you paying the EU bills from now on aren't you?

Just get rid of fucking merkel


>make a joke
>Brit thinks I am angry
Only having German humor is suffering.

Anyway, I am glad for you lads killing off the EU. It's great for the German elite but it is utter dogshit for anyone not in the top ~5%. So godspeed, stick with "no deal is better than a bad deal"

Theyre so desperate to slide Seth Rich threads, theyre agreeing with pol. Also, Seth Rich

Brits only speak in insults, especially to krauts we base our entire culture around it.


Just kill the Brexit negotiations before September.

Merkel is only being re-elected because people believe that she is responsible for Germany's economy remaining rather stable. If she's seen as sacrificing German jobs for the sake of rather unpopular globalist projects like the Euro and Schengen, she'll lose the only reason people vote for her.

religion of peaceful tanned germans

>Merkel is only being re-elected because people believe that she is responsible for Germany's economy
interesting. We're having our own problems here, I'm sure up coming election is attempt at brexit sabotage. Things will be clearer after June 8th and should start moving again

The amounts of corpses being found is worrying. Yesterday two in Berlin. One U-Eberswalder str. In front of the famous "Konopke Curry" (Busses full of Tourists use to stop there)
I have the suspicion there is a pack of wolfes, systematically killing off people, using any window of opportunity to strike.

It's getting really, really dangerous out there.

city is building a new refugeecentre not far from my place. right next to large Kleingarten area. Everything will be stolen.

That expert is racist and islamophobic, he must be jailed.Hate speech laws when?

It's a way of dismissing any racial/cultural criticism. By pointing out how primitive the acts are, he suggests the culprit is more beast than man, and thus he has nothing to do with shitskins as a whole. It's a very common fallacy in West European medias.

Already looking forward to old german Spießers raising the german flag in their Kleingarten but still voting Sytemparteien getting their shit kicked in by youthful refugees.

Nice catch. I think you might be right.

>“I have never heard about such a case. That is something really archaic,” Rudolf Egg, an expert in criminal psychology

>It's a very common fallacy in West European medias.
Their only problem is that they have to keep applying that to more and more of them.
It will just lead to an even more violent backlash eventually because they completely dehumanized them and thus made any action against them acceptable.

> no rational explanation
There is but you censored the science field after WW2

Boiling thoughts from Mr Egg.

Scrambled situation.


Germany is too far gone.

In this particular case they did dehumanize, simply because the crimes are so barbaric. There is no other way to dissociate those crimes from their cultural and racial background.
Usually they simply put the blame on psychiatry or oppression. The criminal is still singled out, while being turned into a victim. He did it because he is crazy, because society drove him to it, and when the crime is too heinous, because he is an irredeemable psychopath. Certainly not because he comes from a place where such actions are not only allowed, they are sometimes glorified.

Soros funds BLM, so the Clintons are certainly responsible.

The suspect allegedly attacked another refugee, 18, who was presumed to be his friend, in October 2016, German media report, citing the regional Prosecutor’s Office. He came to the victim’s apartment and stabbed him in the neck with two knives. As the victim fell unconscious, the assailant bit off both his ears and then cut off his eyelids with a knife.

However, he did not stop at that and then fiercely stabbed his victim in the eyes with a pen, almost poking the man’s eyes out.

An emergency paramedic, who examined the victim right after the attack, told the court on Monday that the victim’s eyelids were “torn to pieces.”

Even though the crime is brutal and these people behave like no one in the West is used to witness, I gotta say that northern europeans are puzzled by any kind of violence, really.

I don't remember if it was Germany or The Netherlands but a bunch of friends who are soccer fans went to see a match there and they laughed their asses off when they saw the hooligans trashing up the place and the police men confused of what to do after they tried everything they were trained to do (a.k.a. telling them to stop).