There is literally nothing wrong with regulating companies

There is literally nothing wrong with regulating companies.

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Buzz off, New Dealer

The demands will never end. It's almost impossible to fire people in many european countries.


Correction: there is nothing wrong with the state owning the means of production.

Oh wow look industry is dead in America wowiwowoww who would've thought

2017 be like:

It's funny that America was pretty much bankrupt until the 40-50's, hell, we're still kinda remained that way.

Manchild who has never held employment detected

I mean, most of these are right.

Also, a dollar in 1887 is worth $24 now, but nice appeal to emotion.

The New Deal didn`t help but made things worse. Glenn Beck (although he`s become demented) explained it well in Arguing with Idiots.

Are you talking about the state or the people?

Abandoning the gold standard was what crippled the US economy significantly in order to give power to the central bank (Rockefeller`s Fed and Rothchild).

>glenn beck

into the fucking trash. productivity and wages grew essentially side by side for a long time. neocon faggotry, exacerbated most by the reagan administration, has caused a massive gap in income despite the fact that productivity is still increasing steadily.

also, the new deal had a lot to do with workplace safety and workers rights, which of course isnt strictly related to income.

if the new deal was such at travesty, why arent you working 100 hour weeks in a coal mine without a helmet?

But it's true

America is so much in debt to China it will never be able to pay it off

Chinese could literally start WW3 over USA owing them so much shit

The average hourly wage in 1887 was around 13 cents, so one dollar for a day's labor wasn't a bad salary back then.

The graphs showing a division between wages and productivity are highly deceptive.

And lose? Why would they do that

Go on

I am working part time in a warehouse while still attending college, buzz off.

which is worse
>blacks have their utilities, food, shelter, medical care paid for by employer and don't have to worry about money management
>blacks get paid less than they need for all of these things so taxpayers need to subsidize them all thus negating more than their positive tax revenue

>health and safety laws are a formula for massive permanent unemployment
What's wrong with that? Wasn't obamacare making that real?

Why aren't you working 80 hour weeks for $1 / hour then, if the New Deal was such garbage? Your employer should fire you for being such a lazy faggot!


Well, the US has one of the worst unemployment in a developed country. So I guess those cronies in big business were correct.

In a perfect world where business leaders make decisions based off logic and long term investment opportunities...sure regulation might be an issue and severely hamper growth. In reality, business leaders are just human and often make short sighted or just plain poor decisions that can cause ripples across the entire economy. Some can have economic or environmental impacts that can last generations. Regulations exist for the same reason any rule exists, everything is fine and dandy till someone decides to be a fuck up and ruins it for everyone.

idunno $1 a hour sounds pretty good, unfortunately the federal government under FDR taxed both me and my employers to high hell. Now we both have nothing.

Unemployment is at record lows right now.

The people that aren't participating in the workforce are mostly trumpcucks that would rather complain about niggers instead of take responsibility for themselves.

But it's not 1940 kiddo. What kind of faggy argument is this? No minimum wage, no safety standards, and if you agree with either, you shouldn't be employed! Goddamn new deal!

That's right goy, regulation is the best. It is always used to protect you goy.
Ignore the link goy, regulation is great.

Legit, you will always have a portion of your populace who are unemployed or underemployed. You just plain can't fix stupid and lazy. Furthermore, although we have some time before it really becomes a major issue the long standing problem with the death of labor due to mechanization is going to just constantly drop the participation rate over time.

Oh my bad, might as well just surrender all private enterprise to the government. Sounds good.

Someone put Oy Vey in every single square.

Can you show industrial employment data over the same time frame?

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and do it yourself, lazy cretin.

no minimum wage means i can pay someone to sit on her ass at home be my secretary for $3/h and she can have as many other clients as she wants.

>if the new deal was such at travesty, why arent you working 100 hour weeks in a coal mine without a helmet?

Answer: Because I`m unemployed since I`m a college educated white male and employers would rather have brownies and women working for them whom they get subsidies from the government hiring than waste their time with me. That`s why.

Employers would love to hire you, but you are to demanding, you want a good pay and rights and sheit, they can't afford that.

But but muh minorities
Pick up a hammer, you got out competed.

How nice. You call us who are desperately looking for work even though we did everything how they said we should - "study hard, go to college, get your degree, do a bunch of menial work in the meantime and you`ll get there some day...?" The truth is, you get nowhere. And it`d at least be fair if you`d apply the same level of scrutiny to the niggers and the immigrants, but you don`t, because them`s your precious peeps and you`re such a pompous white knight.

Stay strong cunt, you'll make it.
Worst comes to worst, you could go work on a prop or in the mines.

there is nothing wrong with a fascist state owning the means of production.


>all of these are right before major finical crises
really makes you think

I really wish I could send the faggot that makes those comics to the world he wants to live in.

So long as the regulation actually improves competition within the market place and has a meaningful impact on productivity and wealth creation or achieves some other legitimate aim.

Here is the thing: in eras past transportation of goods was more expensive. For most of these panels transportation was a significant part of the costs of goods. Then add in that for most of these panels, tariffs and protectionist policy was the norm. As a result a regulation in an internal market could be enforced fairly easily without destroying business. However that changed. As technology improved and protectionist policy was loosened it meant business could take their factories to other shores. Unlike internal markets, external ones are near impossible to properly regulate. We can't enforce labour rights in that Bangladeshi sweat shop. So factories moved to where laws where lax and labour was cheap. Today, the USA and Canadian factory job is almost completely dead. The factories have been slowly leaving for decades. They were right. Business has suffered in places where regulations were set up. But we can do something about it. Either we enact protectionist policies and enjoy our labour protections or we deregulate and enjoy the international market. Which one do you really want?

Well, some of the means of production. You don't want all the production owned by the government for the same reason you don't want a monopoly.

Don't know about australia but in finland all employment contracts are collectively negotiated between the unions.

When I worked in retail it was near impossible to sack people. In the store I worked at the only way you could actually get fired is if you stole.

I've had coworkers who turned up once in a blue moon, were consistently late, were lazy as shit and all they ever got were "written warnings".

I would love to live and survive by my own wits and fists,

Here's the best option:
>You work or you starve, unless someone gives you charity of their own free will.

It just reduces the available jobs and makes workers pay for it indirectly. So wages will stagnate as you demand more gibs. You are the one paying for everything you get anyway. You just give up the upside will all the employer mandated shit. I hope you enjoy tranny bathroom you will pay for. You don't have niggers so you don't have to suffer them, which I can assure you the Americans pay for out of their own wages.

Actually there is a problem: you create a monopoly with no means or chance for the introduction of a countering company ever entering the market. This means prices go up while quality and quantity go down. This is part of the issue behind why communist states have so many shortage issues: there is no competition.

>literally all of the people in this comic were in the right and their prediction was correct

Do you think liberals are humans?
Typically you have to be self-aware to be human?