Defend this, drumpftards!

Defend this, drumpftards!

This really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.

3d solitaire. He knows ((they)) wont allow Snowden to return to USA so he is just playing with the media.

Why? He should be executed immediately.

upside down underwater checkers played on a non-euclidean chessboard

>upside down underwear

But Eddie is based.

Snowden isnt the president and doesnt have the right to declassify anything

More then half of the secrets he ran with we haven't seen yet. He traded then for asylum.
Also he's cia before nsa.
I say kill him.

The president has the right to declassify every Information he wnats, while Snowden leaked classified Information illegaly...this is somehow the same thing

really get my moggins noggin

Trump has power to declassify, Snowden does not.

Kys. Saged

trump doesnt even know who snowden in

he was informed on the subject by the deep state

mainly the nsa and they have a personal vendetta on him

if anything you need to be mad at obama who allowed snowden to be hunted down for doing a civil service

he didnt even work for nsa he was a contractor yet he had access to all of their internal servers


next youll say he shouldnt listen to the 17 agencies lol

>I spend my whole life defending a billionaire because I'm actually a bit simple and politics is difficult and scary

>Trump demands Snowden's execution for handing over classified information to Russia
>Trump is a Russian agent

Don't these two kind of contradict each other?

>only suburban Retards voted ....yadayada...Drumpf



Anything by WP = fake news

Snowden isn't the President.
>1 post by this ID

>Bezos Post

I'd put him in jail forever. Should have been a whistle blower instead of running off to the PRC and Russian Federation with classified material.
Trump can kill himself for all I care.

Lord knows they will defend it better than you can defend your country