Defend this, capitalist scum

Defend this, capitalist scum.

Just try.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes yes

But how do we stop the eurovision contest???

It's also lifted hundreds of millions of people out of completely destitute poverty and world purchasing power is almost certainly at an all-time high and rising.

Who the fuck cares? Tend for you ass. Get that money, evolve you fucking shithead.


Prove to me those wealthy individuals don't help contribute to the better quality of life of all. Everything from jobs to products.

Go to Haiti if you don't like it. Everyone is equally poor.

Jews are richer than everybody else, who would've guessed?

I won't defend a soul crushing machine that is helping the zionists in their quest to destroy western civilization. Capitalism (atleast in it's current form) must be brought down...

>Poor get more money under Bush
>Rich get more money under Obama
Notice how much the gap between the red and green lines widens between 2002 and 2007, while between 2011 and 2015 the red line rapidly falls and the green rapidly increases. Put simply, thanks Obama.

Democrats put laws and restrictions on businesses. This creates a system where only large companies come out on top. Small businesses are paying too much in taxes, healthcare taxes, this tax, that tax, and all new democrat taxes. They can't compete. These rules democrats put in place removes competition for big companies. And this is why we are seeing this.

>being this jealous
People like you never will be able to get rich

Its called Cronyism you fucking moron. This only happens when you embrace big government. Shrink government down so it no longer has the power to give to the top will even things out quickly.

>Capitalism must be brought down...
>supports nazi capitalism

90% of people don't know what to do with money. What the fuck does a poor person want with $100m? Supercars, private jets, maids and mansions?

Yeah, that's totally going to work.

How odd, that seems to have happened during the Obama presidency....

Defend what?

>implying good goys promote NatSoc
stop drunkposting Ivan

The 62 richest people probably have a greater work ethic than half the world. You think the money just falls into their laps?

>communists dont understand what net worth is

So which is it? It seems the majority of Sup Forums seems to revere the NSDAP as holy, yet at the same time almost unanimously are in favor of capitalism. Perhaps Sup Forums is just full of larpers and idiots?

>Everyone is worth the same
Sounds pretty egalitarian to me desu

>muh invisible hand is opressed. give even more power to the richest and everyone will be happy!!!1
Geez why liberals so stupid

What's the problem here?

Pareto principle

Still done more good than harm but the system is basically crony capitalism now moving towards plutocracy with the power money at the top has on the US. For fuck sake lobbying is literally legal bribery and most senators go straight into an obscene private sector job immediately after giving the respective company a few favours.

System needs sorted to some extent, back to the 60/70s income distribution would be ideal, the rise of finance is potentially a critical factor.

This isn't capitalism. It is cronyism.

Stop being poor

Search for whom it is profitable

Only because the crisis crippled the rich, but it only did so briefly.

>Comparing billionaires to the third world niggers who didn't have a written language until the 1900's
You can liquidize all of their assets and still wouldn't get half of the tax revenue of the US for one year. That goes the same for value of natural resources that niggers have in their piss hole countries.

Concentration of capital is a law of capitalism

Try attacking it first, communist scum.


Those 62 people post on Sup Forums
Full retard faggot.

I can go to the store and buy shit from across the world at astonishingly low prices as opposed to starving in a fucking breadline like any of the other alternatives you stupid commie fuck

If you make more then 30k a year you are the top 1% of the world.

>US has more gdp than all the 62 countries at the bottom of any wealth index combine

You have to accept a 99% tax income and share your wealth with the rest of the world, you greedy anti-capitalist.

>National Socialist Capitalism

Their families obviously did something right, additonally are you totally ignoring people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, ZUCK etc that went from next to nothing to billionaires through sheer ingenuity?

Communist mongoloid.

That didn't really attack his argument at all...

To the 440+ million in China that are now in the lower-middle class thanks to capitalism. You must not think things through like your liberal overlords tell you to.

shouldn't context be important?

like...the insane rise of standard of living for at least 1 billion people in the past 100 years due solely to capitalism?

law of the vital few fag, look it up.

By that chart's logic, someone who takes out a mortgage on a home is now one of the poorest people on the planet, because their liabilities > assets.

It's probably not a coincidence that the maximum "wealth" of the bottom 50% appears to coincide with the massive deleveraging that took place in the aftermath of the financial crisis, and now that people are actually borrowing again it's going down.

Meanwhile, for the rich, if you compare the start of the graph (~$700B) to the end (~$1750B), you end up with a YoY growth rate of like 7ish percent. That's pretty much what you'd expect the stock market to return over that period of time, and the rich are obviously pretty close to fully invested at all times.

Every last one of them a jew...


(OP) #
Hitler wanted capitalism, he just didn't want jewish capitalism

>claims regulations are at fault for lack of competition
>post pic refuting it and with real life example
>hurr durr u didn attckd hus agument durr

Yes i did.

The lower 50% are subsistence farmers and resource extraction slaves in shit-tier countries. They need MORE capitalism.

What did China change to get so many people out of poverty?

I love threads like these because it exposes Sup Forums for the jews that they really are.

Notice in 09 the wealth of the bottom 50% goes up. Fake chart. SAGE

there is literally nothing wrong with this

Jew capitalism is a problem, but maybe niggers and pajeets should stop having 10 kids a family and the wealth disparity would significantly shrink. We should cap peopled income like they do in Japan, where the most you can make is like 100x what your lowest payed worker gets. Or just cap wealth at 1billion.

so you're saying income inequality has actually grown in recent years as the world has moved steadily towards socialism?

and that was his mistake. there is no such thing as jewish capitalism, in a genuine free market capitalist society, the people with the highest iq will naturally rise to the top. ashkenazi jews have the highest iq average. that's nothing sinister, just capitalism (nature) at work



I can tell you got here from facebook. Anyway, the way forbes makes their lists is they exclude nobility and inherited family money. If you include that like a single rothchild jew is richer than half the world.
Wealth should be capped after a couple billion.

have you seen the google hate threads

nobody here, HOPEFULLY, actually defends capitalism or muh free market

>the cost of living is the same everywhere

I bet between those 62 people they've donated more money to charities and non-profits than half the world as well. That isn't to say that they've done so purely out of the goodness of their hearts (Clinton Foundation), but the point still stands

here's a (you), (you) filthy commie

But we shouldnt be only trust people to donate responsibly, there should be a real law that caps wealth while not hurting productivity.

>>Wealth should be capped after a couple billion

is this just liquid (money) wealth, or stock ownership?

If it's just liquid money, then the cap is functionally useless, since even the richest people probably only have a few million in cash at any one time. If it's everything, then they'll just have all of their wealth held by personal corporations.

If you plan to limit that, then good fucking luck. Will a successful entrepreneur be forced to sell 3/4 of their company when it takes off?

It's the sort of "solution" a 4-year old would come up with.

Intel owns the x86 license and no other than AMD and Intel itself are allowed to produce and therefor compete in that market.
That all is enforced by government.

also different architechtures do exist, they are just not consumer oriented.(except for ARM)

I get that it sounds retarded, but how about after that couple of billion in net worth you just get taxed at 90+ percent. Also, it would only work if we forced every country to do it so they couldnt avoid the tax.


Josh Dolin

Ardennen Watson

Amanda Karpay

Elizabeth Shapell

Matt McClure

Rebecca Charen

Benjamin Fischbein

Burns Strider

Ellie Cohen

Elizabeth Price

Johan Newman

Benjamin Williams

Caryn Lenhoff

Daniel Wesel

Karla Towel

Kathleen Kennedy

>a regulation that helps a corporation

Shhhhhhhh, dont tell that to our libertarian friendo

Stop whining about being a broke nigger and get off your ass and make some mother fucking money, learn a skill cause I'm almost certain your qualifications stop at head french fry chef seeing how your being a lil soft pussy bitch cause someone has more than you....... Be happy with what you have or change you worthless fucking entitlement cuck of a human.

>Yfw the most articulate and accurate criticism for that graph is exclusively from extreme far right capitalist in the Austrian school
Leftist central planning policies placed on our economy is what you're criticising there user and ironicallyprobably support to "fix" that issue.
Billions user.
Over 3 billion since the 90s.
"Wealth inequality" is a red herring unless it is only directed at wealth gained through plunder or government protectionism on the market.
When voluntary exchange is at play the most wealthy people are those who serve the most consumers. It seems the simple fact that entrepreneurs are servants of the consumers(aka everyone) is utterly lost in the entire mainstream discourse which is why so much hatred and dehumanizing is able to take place amongst the left without repercussion.

Think about if they said the same shit about blacks they say about entrepreneurs

Fuck off you government loving, blue pilled faggot from hell. You think this is due to free market capitalism? Sheep motherfucker

>Shhhhhhhh, dont tell that to our libertarian friendo


Are you implying libertarians are pro-corporations rather than anti-government?
Well you're wrong

Pick one

Stupid commie fuck

the economy isnt a zero sum, the hobo outside cvs isnt poor cause bill gates is rich. youre just insecure that someone has more money than you. there will always be poor people but poor in america is better than poor in india. in a socialist country everyone is equally poor

The Pareto rule is literally shown throughout nature let alone just in man's economic activity.

What i implied is that libertarians will ignore when regulations help corporations because their narrative is that regulation hurt corporations and the free market

>Capitalism must be brought down
>Supports the only system worse than communism

Not work ethic alone. Work ethic, intelligence, interpersonal skills, and a healthy dose of luck.

Like what? Fuck you too

Is this only in the US?
How is it that the rich lose their wealth a year later later than the rest beacuse of the finacial crisis in 06-07.
The financial crisis happened in 06-07 right?
But it arrived in Europe a year later!
Does this mean the top 62 have their money in european stuff?

That's 50% of the money they don't own. If it weren't for capitalism they'd have all of it.

>I get that it sounds retarded.....
Thats where you should stop talking because it is retarded if your goal is people being better off



The socialism in NatSoc refers to prussian culture, not marxist economics.

So is criminal activity encouraged under capitalism? Consider this

>implied is that libertarians will ignore when regulations help corporations
Then you're not looking you lazy nigger.
More of libertarian works encases how regulations specifically benefit select special interest corporations in the economy because that's quite literally the only way they can exist is through government protectionism.

As a question why do you think there's been so much consolidation in livestock agriculture?


Have an (((iceberg)))

Who employs you faggot? Probably someone in that top %. You socialist cucks never seem to amaze me.

>"B-b-b-but it's not real capitalism!!"
>"It's actually socialism in disguise!"
>"that's because the world is not capitalist enough!!!"
>"it's government's fault, not capitalism!"

Most of those poor people don't live in capitalistic countries.

The world is full of people living in shitholes and breeding like rats, while rich people have fewer kids. Each minute that passes, pajeet has another son who is born to povertry, adding to your statistics.
You have a computer. You are richer than bilions of people by far, and you could live like a king in one of their shitholes, if you didn't mind modern technologies.
Is that capitalism fault? Or the retards who want free gibs and then vote for a communist scumbag like Maduro and then end up eating their own pets because there is not enough food for everybody? They have more oil than Saudi Arabia. Why are they not as rich as them?
Is it capitalism fault that some warlord in Africa fucks his own country while keeping all the money for himself, or is it because the africans would rather migrate to europe for free gibs than to fix their own countries (pic related)?
Is it capitalism fault when your country is ruled by druglords and corrupt politicians, or is the fault of the people who let those cunts walk over them?

fuck, meant to post this pic


libertarians have argue me about regulations holding back the market because small business cannot grow but when i give them a real life example of it not being true then they resort to misrepresent. Case in point; pic related

corporation is a state backed entity and limited liability is indeed a regulation on the free market
saying "muh narratibe" pre-emptively isn't going to stop an ancap from schooling your dumb nigger ass

But the market shouldn't be free of regulations like libertarians like to claim it should be and I retort here

>the wealthiest people among the most powerful societies in the world have as much wealth as billions of destitute third worlders

How is this surprising or even a problem?

That's very antisemitic of you user.

>He still believes in Capitalism vs Communism

Corporatism (not corporatarchy) is superior to either capitalism or communism, too bad we'll never see it in action because (((they))) don't approve of it due to being too "anti-semitic".

>libertarians have argue me about regulations holding back the market because small business cannot grow but when i give them a real life example of it not being true t
But that's a flat out lie.
The German already explained how regulations are exactly why Intel got where it is because only them and AMD could legally compete.
Your pushing of "regulations are only bad all the time for all corporations" is an absurd strawman.
The point is that as a whole regulations are bad for everyone not that some corporations benefit from regulations while others sufferthays quite literally the point of these protectionist regulations.
To stop competition and your own example is a God damn text book one of this.

The entire medical care shell of a market is another prime example