Why is pol racist? Smart Comments Only plz, no autismo, Think b4 Speak

Why are you all so racist?

Is it because loving your race is not hate? Is it because you dont like the way they look and act? Is it because your anonymous and its fun to get away with it and be "pollitcally incorrect? Is it because youre still young and and naive of the after life? That you dont realize the Synagoge of Satan works to corrupt your heart with pride?

Me personally? I think the reason for all your racism is a deep personal hurt which you last out at the world because of.

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Because you're a nigger.

Because you're ugly disfunctional nigger


What would Trump say to this disgusting racism? Dont be racist towards based black men. We are proud civic nationalists like Trump based trump based black men praise kek

Probably because you're a nigger

I hope she bleached her hands after that, who knows what parasites that beast carries, besides being a welfare parasite itself

Secular progressivism is the memetic descendent of Puritan Calvinism. Blasphemy, Inquisition, indoctrination and brainwashing still occur from the prospective of the progressive religion. Hierarchies are a natural consequence of innate differences and are necessary for societies to function. Stratified outcomes alone are not enough to prove discrimination or a failure of "social justice". There is no "social justice", only traditional justice. The only morality is civilization. Any belief or ideology that works against civilization is evil no matter how well-intentioned. Race should not be an exception to this rule just because it hurts people’s subjective feelings.

Go to africa to your people and make you own pathetic society unbearable

but don't you come here to a white mans land with your low IQ problems

What would Mario and Link think of us?

I recognise characteristics that some races seem to have more than others. This is kind of hard to deny if you're being honest. Black people are generally larger and stronger. Asians have higher cognitive potential on average. There are tons more things.

But recognising this doesn't mean I have to judge individuals in accordance to their group. In fact that would be immoral. Content of character comes first.

So yeah, not racist, just recognise differences btwn ethnicities

subhuman valueless filth

we need more based black men to breed with our MAGAgirls pedes

>1 post by this ID


Fuck Link that fruitcake faggot and Mario that fat guido. Luigi master race

BASED black man in a photoshopped MAGA hat! Fellow pedes assemble!


if it is racist to correlate the fact that niggers have had their own land for centuries and have not advanced past even ancient greek technology and the fact that every other race has to help them get anywhere is racist, then i am a racist

Yes I am hurt by the annoyance I've been subjected to for a prolonged period of time of having to live in a society with niggers. You have no decency and from what I can tell have failed to evolve. If society fell apart tomorrow you would be no different from the tribesmen back in Africa among whom you'd still be stranded among had you not gotten a trip into this continent. What a terrible mistake, because boats were something that subhuman African nigger monkeys could literally not have ever chimped up on their own. It pains me, because you know how easy it'd be for the genetic mean to raise by about a quarter when some 14% of the population suddenly fell off from it, but you and I both know the only thing protecting your sustained existence is white people. And so what do you do? You act like fucking assholes.

Fucking nigger

Wait why the fuck is that MAGA hat Photoshopped onto the nigger?

>Why is pol racist?
because on pol are mostly unaccomplished poor white men, who hate to see black men get a pretty blond gf while they can't get pussy.


I'm not trying to genocide anyone else.
I'm not laughing at or encouraging the genocide of anyone else.

>wanting to exist is racist

itt: OP did not think b4 speak

^ this ^

Let's consider this from a different angle. Why is it that white people are the only race who are specifically expected to NOT be racist?
Why are whites the only race that is not permitted to have an exclusive geographic homeland?
Why is it that whites are the only race who are assigned a permanant responibility for the misdeeds of their ancestors?


This is the biggest thing that made allowed me to be racist.

Whether or not there are inherent differences in the races that matter much ( and after seeing this argued ad nauseum and nobody conclusively proving anything one way or another ) it is fundamentally a good idea to prefer your own race as neighbors in a finite world.

If we take to the stars, and start colonizing planets, then I'll stop being racist toward humans.

Also I prefer my own culture and the way they tend to act, even if this is just a blip and not due to inherent traits. That blip will encompass my whole life and the lives of any descendents I will ever know.

1 post by this id

Reality is what it is.
You either recognize it for what it is.
Or live in denial.

I'm not

I really don't mind if black guys date white women as long as the black dude is conservative.

Fuck a black woman for once nigger.

Praise trump am i right goy? :D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D: Praise based black men

>Why are you all so racist?
Everyone is "racist"....or as I like to look at it, we all have a predisposition to be more helpful to members of our own race.

Yes, this affects EVERYONE. Even you.

If you are human, you have prejudices.

So OP, why are you a racist?


small tanks breed angry fish

Racial realism is one of the most important redpills. If you want to do some real research, I would look up the homicide and rape crime statistics when cross reference by the races who commit those crimes, and then compare those the same race-related crime stats of the worst races other countries (for example african-americans to real africans, he crime stats are extremely similar, but the african-americans are only 13% of their population, while africans are the majority in africa, obviously.)

Factor in IQ and impulse control, and it only becomes clearer and clearer. Also, if you really cared, I would advise you to research it yourself, and not dismiss anything you disagree with as "biased" you will never learn anything that way. The truth is, races are no where near being equal, and race matters when you think about breeding.

Sup Forums is always on fuckin point. Normal fags keep asking why we're like this, without ever being aware enough to answer why society is like your pic related. We're fucking fed up with the canned social engineering bullshit. Great pic, Deutschanon

This is a very small time scale you are working on... humans came from somewhere and will go somewhere else and to think a momentary snapshot says more than it does is eternally ignorant

cousin marriage in cultures can greatly reduce IQ and cause races to fall into the criminal sweet spot as well.


It's because I want to live around my own kind in a white nation you silly fuck. I don't believe "diversity is our greatest strength" or any of that bullshit. The only thing I "hate" is being forced to be around niggers like you. Now do us all a favor and kys, thanks.

i don't really care about anyone's ethnicity


then why did you bring them niggers to the country you now occupy you ignorant cunt

You're a moron

None of this is true.

Everyone is expected to not be racist; whites are prominent because we own the world. I think Mugabe should be drawn and quartered for his unbridled racism.

Whites' geographic homeland is pretty much everywhere we choose. Blacks have a homeland in Africa because they're all that have ever been there. Everyone else came from blacks, and we have pretty much settled the planet over the last 100,000+++ years. Since we all started in Africa, that pretty much limits our options to what we take. Our homeland is Africa, too. Why do we need an all-white homeland? We already dominate the world; Earth is currently the white homeland.

We aren't; we're just the most recent offenders with slavery and everything that has followed. Nobody tends to remember the crusades well enough to call them up during arguments. We're also quite brutal towards the other races - cutting off body parts and such for punishment.

btw you never belonged to america, weak inversive race you are

2 main groups who are racist for very different reasons

>Butthurt virgins who are mad that they cant get a qt gf and hates every nigger that sleeps with someone who is white

>people who likes fact and are able to face reality when it comes to biological diversity

I didn't bring anyone here you stupid gook.

I don't even know what you're talking about Mehmet.

Is it racist if I hate everyone who is a drain on the economy?

I can't help it the majority of that category happens to be niggers and beaners.

>That you dont realize the Synagoge of Satan works to corrupt your heart with pride?

Am I racist if I don't hate the black people that much, I just hate the sluts who fuck them q:DD Wouldn't have a problem with niggers if they stayed with their own kind

Whites can only take so much race-baiting identity politics before we come to our senses and defend our own people

>will go somewhere else

If africans are going somewhere why are the they still the most underdeveloped major race on the planet? They still can not even figure farming out, despite the americans attempts to show them in the past, they still eat the seeds, ask for more help, and remain impoverished to this day.

>jesus christ. that's a terrible shop… what passes for bait these days

whites dont belong to the american continent.

"We" didn't. Our ancestors made a mistake, so now we have to pay for it? It was already done before we were all born.

Wow, are you way off. Whites are not only a minority, they are a shrinking minority. Whites have not committed more crimes than any other race, we are simply the only race to have a collective racial guilt about it.
Whites are the first and only race to universally condemn and ban slavery. Believe it or not, slavery is alive and well in the world but not in white countries.

You posted a buch of other false statements but those points stand out.

Holy shit look at that based black guy in a maga hat
fucking based

Really, because when a pack of ferral mudslimes literally commit jihad directly targeting whites, christians, and europeans, the so called tolerant left either turns their heads, or makes excuses for their primitive behaviour.





Just think in those terms, then. Without any mention of race or culture, there's nothing racist about disliking economic drains. You are still stupid, though; there are so many other valid things to hate.




No one does. If you're going back to origins, we all came from the same place. Humans only belong in Africa by your reckoning.

Ancient Greeks were 1000x more advanced.

Why are you so non-racist? Is is because you feel a deep seated need for approval to soothe your insecurity?

Racism is good in moderation like any other human trait. No race mixing and segregation needs to come back. It's when you get to being a radical SJW or genocide promoter on the other end when shit becomes harmful.

>"whiteness is all I have"


You couldn't be more misguided. Not only did I make no mention of racial populations, but even specifically mentioned the crusades to illustrate that we aren't the only ones to commit atrocities. You're so triggered, you didn't even realize that everything I said was to say that we're really only the villains right now, in this point in history, and only due to popular perspective. I'm well aware that atrocities still exist that have nothing to do with whites. Learn some reading comprehension and try to understand that ALL print is ambiguous, and that you should consider that before letting any post piss you off.

To each his own. I've been around the world enough to know there are decent people of every race.

I hate niggers just as bad as I hate white trash.

>muh crusades

The crusades are a far cry to the muslims spreading islam at the edge of a sword for a thousand + years.


What exactly are you defending? I defended or condemned no one. (except that racist piece of shit mugabe)


Who cares?

but we talk about whites.

All races deserve a homeland. Trying to force races to mix lead to disharmony.

pattern recognition and realization that white men are constantly under fire

Personally I am not a racist
If you encountered me in real life you would say
>my, what a progressive fellow
But on Sup Forums, its all gas the kikes! Race War NOW!
we do it to get the normies to leave the fucking board
now begone nigger!

*looks up at the sky*

Well done!

lol fun do niggers next. Why are they the way they are? Is it "deep personal hurt".

my point is that muslims can chimp out as much as possible, literally targetting little white girls for raping, and get a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile if you are white and simply look at a colored person the wrong way, their entire livelihood is down the drain. The notion that "we're all expected not to racist" is literally a lie at this point.

That's what I was talking about. The crusades was AN example, the easiest one, not necessarily the best. There are plenty of other atrocities committed by those who aren't white; I just needed one that wasn't current to illustrate my point, and I wasn't implying any notion of white guilt; the point was that muslims were the aggressors, or part of that conversion-by-the-sword you think you were mentioning as an argument against what I said. You're essentially agreeing with me, but you were so triggered by the word "crusades", that you completely mistook the whole point.

That was my bad, I've been replying to a lot of posts and I'm out on my phone.

Some of the lads here might genuinely be racist I don't know - but the thing is about Sup Forums is it's supposed to be a deeply unpleasant, hateful environment full of bigotry, encouragement of suicide and bestgore - because if it's possible to discuss unpleasant subject matter you can discuss anything.

So that baseline has to be kept - now take your nig-noggery elsewhere.

Whites evolved from blacks as a matter of biological necessity to compensate for or overcome new challenges in different geography.

So what? We own everything. Of course people are mad at us. The Chinese are the future, though. Blacks will never be dominant.

You pulling shit out of your ass now?




t. Because.

whites are a mistake. a mistake who is tolerated by every other race on this planet.

It keeps faggots like you upset and confused and we want you to be upset and confused

no you niggerit's because your people are hateful garbage that rape and kill and are lazy pieces of shit that are a drain on the nation. you were given a chance, you blew it. people are tired of your race.

How are you guys tolerating that cultural enrichment from the camel jockeys?


We shouldn't be racist, but realism is ok. We evolved separately. We are different kinds of people. White guilt is just being in charge, but having empathy for those who aren't. I feel no guilt about the plight of the black man, but I empathize with anyone who has a hard life. (except prisoners and such; those who deserve a hard life due to personal misbehavior) You can't blame an entire race of people for the actions of some of their members. Not all muslims are dirtbags, either; most are just people with values they were born into, just like you.

Why are you here if you don't consider yourself a Sup Forumsack and aren't racist? Find a hobby mate.

It happens.

Aw youre fed up so its time to chimp out and throw a tantrum like the hypocrites you are. Blacks were well dressed and tried to fit into society with black wall street. What happened. Jealous whites burrned it down and then the CIA pumped crack into the the ghettos with the boats they owned and the Record companies extorted the youth.

Im not even black but It disgusts me the worlds greed and apathy. Even a monkey knows whats fair and what isnt. You can be sure as HELL that a SUPREME BEING does too.



nigger detected