So I've been watch a lot of the "You Can't Cuck The Tuck!" videos on YouTube. I find them very funny...

So I've been watch a lot of the "You Can't Cuck The Tuck!" videos on YouTube. I find them very funny. Though I've noticed that he is always up against people with incredibly dumb arguments. Is this all Fox News is? Reasonable people arguing with idiotic leftists?

It makes good entertainment, but these aren't real debates!

That's because the left argues for dumb shit like 100 genders

Well, there aren't any reasonable leftists, so what do you expect him to do?

This is why the left wants to shut down debate with threats and violence. In a debate they will lose every time.

>It makes good entertainment, but these aren't real debates!

Oh they're real alright. Real stupid

The majority of his shtick is unveiling the implicit assumptions made by the majority of leftists and in particular left wing activists who he seems to interview a lot. This is basic red pill strategy and what turned me away from the left and their assumptions.

Kek. Yes, this is why FOX news watchers are less informed than people who watch no news at all.

Trumpcucks are truly lost causes.

Pretty shitty post dude.

his new gimmick is to make that face, so he needs the dum dums


Leftists are all dumber than that, really. The ones on TV are the smart ones.


>Kek. Yes, this is why FOX news watchers are less informed than people who watch no news at all.
People who watch ANY news in the Israeli ran media are all less informed period. Most people like NBC/CNN/Slate or Fox/Brietkike/ Infocucks tell them what to think in lock-step and it's too obvious to listen to all the denials.... Unless you somehow THINK that ONLY YOU are immune to being tricked and lied to. (but you probably do assume that despite having no real experience with real like people. Hey?! Are you a boomer??)
Sorry if you didn't have a dad.

It's not just a matter of how dumb they are. Mind you, they are dumb, but they appear to be dumber than they are because Tucker's so brutal in tearing their arguments apart. If they were talking with a different, more civil host, someone less overtly done with their bullshit, they'd come off alright.

The thing is Tucker's learned his lesson about offering civility to someone arguing in bad faith. He made that mistake on Crossfire against Jon Stewart back in the day, and lost that particular debate in a humiliating way. This thing he's become, this heartless, remorseless engine of rhetoric...this is what he's made of himself, as a direct result of that defeat.

I am firmly convinced his time since that fateful encounter has been spent shaping up for the rematch. If the watch the way the two men argue, it's clear he's specced himself to be the Stewart-killer. Everything about his style is optimized to destroy the former host of the Daily Show, and unfortunately for Tucker's victims, that means he's readied himself to beat the best, because say what you will about Stewart--and in my case it'd mostly be variations on the theme of 'shithead'--he is without a doubt an extraordinarily clever and persuasive speaker. Nobody Tucker's currently roflstomping is on that level, so being hit with the kind of ordinance Carlson's now packing makes them look that much worse, comparatively.

Stewart's the best the left has nowadays. He's the Final Boss. What we're seeing is the hero trained to beat that Final Boss breezing his way through random encounters.

>Reasonable people arguing with idiotic leftists?
It works. It reinforces the fact that most libcucks are arguing for something flawed, and their arguments are also flawed. Think of it as destroying strawmen without having to build it--the leftards have built it for you and they're the ones who pay when you tear it down, as they've no one to blame but themselves for setting themselves up for failure. It helps shift the overton window to a much more favorable position, as more and more reasonable people are disillusioned by the promises/lies of the Left.

Good post in a shit thread

Only 37? Oy vey the bigots!!!!

What he needs is a co-anchor.

I remember when Stewart rekt his ass in that debate. Made fun of his bow tie, dismantled his arguements, had his own crew laughing at him. It was embarrassing. Tucker has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes and has honed his skill as a result. He craves liberal tears, and none are sweeter than that of the main Jew for which so many clones have spawned from: Jon Stewart.

>Invites person who might be leading the DNC in the future, argues, and tucks her with millions watching.
Well, you've got a point. Tuck really does argue with only idiotic leftists

Fox has been like this forever. Fox hasn't changed. This is why we made fun of them relentlessly here before the election brought in a bunch of people who actually think Fox news is decent.

Fox News is just as bad as everywhere else, if not worse, but you just agree with more of their talking points more.

He's up against the stupidest the left has to offer because they are feeder for Tucker to demolish. It helps to indoctrinate the soft heads of Fox viewers into the "left bad, right good" cattle mentality, so you take everything Fox says as truth with no question. One of which is endless Zionism propaganda that you will eventually find your head nodding to on its own.

As for Tucker's skill in debating, sometimes the crew who picks hapless victims for Tucker (retarded college professors, tumblr blobs, feminism fanatics, etc) will, by mistake, pick somebody who is competent at debate with sound arguments. They proceed to pull him apart and make it more obvious his show is just a circus.