Canadians Pushing the Sick to Choose Euthanasia

He doesn't seem to understand that the new infinite growth/debt model requires newcomers, much the way a ponzi scheme does. If you are sick, old or what have you, you cost too much money and can expect to be encouraged towards an ignoble end.

>By passing assisted suicide laws, the state takes an interest in promoting the suicide of its citizens in order to save money,

>he warned that the government will now take an interest in forcing euthanasia on citizens, especially the poor and the sick, as a way of saving healthcare dollars.

>The leaves are raking themselves

So what's wrong with that? You believe sick old tired people want to exist as vegetables?
Be good when they introduce a mandatory death date. What's a good age to exit -- 70, 75 years old?
A mandatory death date should automatically be alongside Date of Birth on whichever documents require DoB. That way, people get used to it from early childhood. In front of people's eyes, all through life, will be the date the State gives them the death needle
It would stop people from farting around in the belief they have unlimited time left
Mandatory death date would motivate people to consider their choices very carefully
It would also let their kids know precisely when the inheritance will be due. So olds and young will be able to plot their lives and decisions
Keeping oldies in vegetative state against their own and their children's wishes wastes resources such as doctors, nurses, hospital beds, age pensions, etc
Assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia is practical and it's what people want

Do you have a job?

How can you spend so much time and enery EVRY SINGLE DAY making thread that claim Canada's economy is doomed.

With your cutting and pasting skills, you could become employed, y'know.

Will you tell us more about the Canadian woman or man who dumped you, sending you into a shame spiral that was only stopped with this anti-Canada hobby. NTTAWWT


why do you want to give the government the ability to kill you off when you're no longer useful to it
the government should fear the people not the other way around

yeah tax burnden in ontario is now over 50% for first time ever.

Somebody gas me please

Leaves should stop paying for child healthcare, need to make room for the refugee children in school.

how new are you to this world?

I'd qualify age wise for the mandatory death needle

it's always an australian with these sort of spazzy posts

(((universal healthcare)))

If they legalize euthanasia I might move to leafistan myself to be cured

I've already told you above
In addition, this place is just a fucking farm
Ego keeps people believing they're going to be sensations. Truth is, none of us matter. We're just farm animals too stupid even to introduce selective breeding/eugenics
Live, breed, die. All the rest is fluff to make it tolerable
We have to accept our unimportance
Who knows, we're most like a plague or lab experiment which was deserted by the attendants
There has to be some serious culling. Might as well begin with those who just want to get off but who're being forced to continue their pointless existence by doctors who'll be sued to death by the holy rollers
You don't see concern when they're sending kids off to kill and die in wars for profit
Yet they act self righteous when it's suggested the old, sick and pointless need to be humanely removed

-t not m portant, go shoot up your highschool and further remove your country's gun rights so I can shitpost about you guys some more

We already have doctor assisted death so you can come any time you like

do I need to have a condition or can i just want to die

You're American. That's condition enough.

Mobile death vans should be on every corner
If they were, people would be queued up around the block
Death should be available to all on demand, regardless of age, health, etc
imo anyway

As long as you're first on the list to die so we don't have to read this stupid shit again.

Seriously, just go shoot up a school already. Nobody cares


Once you get over your fear of not being seen and heard, you'll learn what freedom actually is
At the moment, you're terrified

>pushed on the poor and sick
Only if they're white. Don't have to force them either, just refuse to give them painkillers.
You're mistaking it's ideal use with how it will actually be used for in practice. Stop thinking like an idealist.

>mandatory death date
Oh fuck I missed that, it's just aussie b8.