White women are a lost cau-

ywn have a gf this based




So they are hindu?


yfw can't draw swastika correctly


>white when convenient
>jewish when not

fucking dirty rats


There are no red pilled women, only their red pilled men.
Watch far right numbers for women explode as it becomes popular and rebellious.
Literally "not like other girls".

Liberal girls will spout their bullshit, while routinely taking white conservative cock

hate to be a stickler, but they didn't do the swastika right

This. Kikes can never be truthful. I was talking to one on discord last night and I mentioned to him that the talmud refers to non Jews as cattle and tells Jews to lie to non Jews. He immediately denied it. When I posted the actual quotes from the talmud he went into full damage control and started trying to explain it away. Basically, kikes are always inherently dishonest creatures. I've dealt with many kikes in my life and they always have this trait.

>"take it the fuck down"

wew lad, (((they))) sure are used to giving orders to w*sterners. it's not even "I'm offended, can you take it down please?"

>I've dealt with many kikes in my life and they always have this trait.

Anyone who says otherwise has simply never dealt with kikes in person or online.
Same thing applies to niggers.

Leaf nailed it, Le red pilled is trendy right now, laci green and Miley Cyrus claim to be red pilled for fucks sake but is just a matter of time before they grow out of le edgy phase and start sucking le nigger cock they have on back order by then.

2 years tops, enjoy your day under the spot light pol, fame don't last long

are those six million swastikas?

it looks like
if it is +respect

>jew hates white people

Sand niggers too here. Though they acts basically the same as niggers. It's like they are allergic to personal responsibility and honesty

Probably real

Wrong direction; niggers being retards as per usual.

