Why are the rich getting richer whilst everyone else gets shafted Sup Forums?

Why are the rich getting richer whilst everyone else gets shafted Sup Forums?

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Because the right keeps perpetuating it by giving rich people more power.

Because the poor are getting dumber and the rich marry between themselves and have few kids, thus concentrating all their assets.

Because the US is cramming it's country full of poor spicshits.

The rich don't consume enough.

because technology, globalization, and economies of scale have allowed the rich to expand their businesses across the world, giving them a broader money base to draw from.

1. Society getting more and more divided in terms of class, opportunity, etc.
2. Good jobs are increasingly concentrated in specific fields, while most jobs and declining.
3. Complexity of life today makes it so that if you're rich and educated, you'll stay rich and educated and have more connections; otherwise you'll likely be left behind.

globalism and mass immigration. cheap jobs go to mexico, china. the middle class jobs get worked by immigrants. everyone gets shafted. rich get richer because CEO-tier jobs cant be outsourced.

You want a real redpill? In 1860 1% of the country owned 100% of the slaves.

the entire political system is geared to give the rich more power. literally the only things that remain consistent between both parties are globalism in some costume and protection of the assets of the wealthy(often going hand in hand).

wake the fuck up retard.

More or less this. If our countries population growth was allowed to go negative (which it would if we had no immigration) then there would be fewer people competing for entry level jobs. Fewer people competing for these jobs means more bargaining power for unskilled labourers. That would mean wealthy people would have to pay more for their goods and services.

Instead we import retarded shitskins to make sure that our wealthy people have all of the bargaining power. Don't like the conditions or pay of your job? Fuck you. There are a million spics that will do it for cheaper.

17 years ago a guy cracking a billion was rare...now most the top 5 are about to crack the 100 billion mark and its not because of inflation...the rich are literally getting richer...thats capitalism for ya....

It's them dirty republicans. Ignore that fact that Obama was president for 8 years, it's the rights fault that this is happening.

Rich people abusing the system for their gain at the expense of all else.

1. Changing demographics
2. Capital grows faster than general economic growth does, especially accounting for non-productive capital, like land. A land value tax, along with a potential progressive tax on wealth or capital is the best way to combat this.

Countries where there are not alot of workers avaible makes it easier for potential employees to get more, but that also means more expensive products which hits the exports.....and with high costs alot of companies choose OUTSOURCING...just because you were born in canada dosen't give you the right over somebody else....if its more profitable for me to hire mexican with more hours see ya...thats capitalism.

You are a real life "THEY TOOK OUT JUHBS"

No need to strawman here. I'm not blaming Republicans or Democrats. Though they probably are both to blame.

Because big government and endless war helps the rich

Why do you think the media is freaking out over trump, they are owned by billionaires who stand to lose sheckeles without a bush or Clinton in office

interesting how all the rich people seem to live in the south

Leftists have been mis-educated to believe crippling corporate wealth in the West is good, and crippling corporate wealth anywhere else is racist.

Literal money pipeline.

>right versus left

I don't know how things work in the glorified county that you call a nation, but here in Canada we have actual resources to exploit in industries that can't just be outsourced to Mexico. Same goes for America.

Not to mention that countries have a thing called tariffs which can use to level the playing field against cheap labour markets. But thanks for your retarded opinion.

Corruption and that we are being controlled by this worthless mass printed thing called 'money'. If there is no poor people then there is no one willing to work. So in a way this rich elite are slave drivers in our current society. Yet we suck their dicks

Dems increase labour pool (spic migrants) to their own detriment
Reps decrease corporate taxes and regulation to their own detriment

In short, thanks to (((democracy))), both teams created the ideal situation to fuck themselves
If any side won 6 straight terms, the us would have unfucked itself to look like singapore or norway

God damn i love kitties.

Also everything you said is absolutely true. As long as they are in power they we create problems and blame them on traditionalists, nationalists and even libertarian ideas in general as part of the continued process of turning the US into a marxist shithole. The only thing strong enough to bring down the USA is itself and as such we must be forced to infight to our deaths over decades as the quality of our society slowly declines at a barely noticeable rate.