Pollacks, my neighbor found this old gravestone written in Polish...

Pollacks, my neighbor found this old gravestone written in Polish. Almost all around the area are German immigrants so this is unusual.

Can any pollacks translate? I'm having a hard time reading it to put into translator, and getting some nonsense. Any help appreciated!

Also, why the fuck aren't we accepting more Polish immigrants?!?!?

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First off, fuck you pay me, but basically it says some dude lived to be 36, was born in 1895, and died in 1931. Boring shit. Also polacks are almost all terrible, but they have hot women, too bad those women are as terrible as the rest. Can confirm as a polack.

Isn't the name Anna?

>Almost all around the area are German immigrants

So, white Americans, basically?

I got : here lies Anna Nowak......working(?)....Born 1895 died 1931 from june

Yeah, it's just unusual for a headstone in Polish to be there when everyone is German. The Poles are all on the other side of the state

Indeed is Anna, but this is what you get from free translators on a Mongolian goat herding site like me.

the worlds oldest plumber 1895

The interesting part of this grave stone is not shown in this picture.

Roughly translated:

OP is a Fag

Here rests Anna Nowak, a mother of 8 children, she lived for 36 years, she was born in 1895, she died in 1931 on June 28th

Thanks! I was struggling with the middle section

you are welcome

It says: "Drink More Ovaltine".

Here lies Anna, now she scrubbeth the heavenly toileths

>Almost all around the area are German immigrants so this is unusual

She might have immigrated before 1918, so Poland didn't exist at the time.

>Be Illuminati
>Horribly unpopular
>Only candidate you can beat is a sick old lady that can barely walk
>Rig the DNC so she wins the primary
>LIterally lose the popular vote but win presidency because of fraud
Damn its good to be Dolan Glumpf

Poland doesn't accept rapefugees, so they aren't being fucked over in their own country. Why would they want to leave it?

Yes, good point but I think they're all ethnically German.

Many of my ancestors were Polish ethnically but they technically came from Russia before WW1.

We don't need immigrants, fuck off
This meme again

It says " I Told You I Was Sick"

Half of Germany is part Polish. No surprises at all, really.

Damn.. that's fucked up.. badly.

They were all 8 of them... all of them fucking little kids and likely orphans after that...

Here rests Ann Nowak
She lived for 36 summers
Born 1896
Died 1931

Up to the second half of the 20th century women used to live shorter than men due to various birth complications, just check this:
>In the 1800s Ignaz Semmelweis noticed that women giving birth at home had a much lower incidence of childbed fever than those giving birth in the doctor's maternity ward. His investigation discovered that washing hands with an antiseptic, in this case a calcium chloride solution, before a delivery reduced childbed fever fatalities by 90%.[22] Publication of his findings was not well received by the medical profession. The idea conflicted both with the existing medical concepts and with the image doctors had of themselves.[23] The scorn and ridicule of doctors was so extreme that Semmelweis moved from Vienna and was eventually committed to a mental asylum where he died.[24]

"lato" is Summer in Polish, but "lata" is an irregular plural form of "rok" (a year) and "lat" is the genitive case, but I see how you used our slavic magic to decode it

Yeah, you have to consider that carving a gravestone in Polish implies there might have been others that spoke Polish outside of this family.

Did the neighbor just find this in his backyard or something?

>They were all 8 of them... all of them fucking little kids and likely orphans after that...

Don't worry, most of them most likely died during WWII.

Just shut the fuck up and dump all the pics you have of your mom and sister/s.

That cheers me up, at least they didn't have to live without a mother

Yeah, next to an old farmhouse