Sources tell me Comey has transcripts of Trump trying to bribe him in exchange for dropping the investigations

Sources tell me Comey has transcripts of Trump trying to bribe him in exchange for dropping the investigations


Sources tell me you're a shill.

His name was SETH RICH

Sources tell me comey is working for Russia to divide the country
It's why he disrupted the election of the dems and the presidency

Sources tell me you are a faggot.


sources tell me OP is indeed a faggot

Mmmmmmmmmm... No sweetie

Sources tell me comey and the clintons were going to sell us out to the aliens.


democrats committed treason in in coup plot based on fake russian story

lock them up!

Sources tell me that hillary is banging putin and got trump elected so that bill wouldn't find out. I'm as credible as you right now.

Who has access to everyone's emails? Comey
Who has the power to disrupt an election
Not comey but now comey
Who has the power to ruin a presidents agenda
Who can do all this without being under investigation?
Comey is a Russian plant but you all can't see the twist even though it's been there since day one there's only one man capable of all this going on

You have no fucking idea how close you are to the Truth.

My sources tell me that OP....

My sources claim Comey blackmailed Trump by threatening to release false memos

If you only knew how real this is


Sources tell me tomorrow will be chaotic as NK detonates a nuclear bomb over Japan.

Sources tell me you can't only stop sucking cock, but that a 24/7 drip feed of semen needed to be installed

So you mean written text
I have transcripts of Donald offering to make me the Head of White Power.

Dongal Brumfph: "I only hire the best people user, you're gonna be huge as the Head of White Power. Please murder all the niggers, 14/88, gas the kikes race wars now"

user: "Thank you for this honor sir"


Why is that dramatic? They are pretty used to it over there

screencapped and sent to NYT. blumph is fucking FINISHED

Holy shit send the memo to CNN I'm sending them one too

Truth. It's common knowledge on the streets here in D.C. SS are preparing to take him into custody. Russians leaked a memo talking about the federal prisons being warned.

Sources are now saying mud asked kip.

Sources tell me that you're a nobody shill who can't even do his job right


The amount of shilling we have seen today has been completely insane.

It is the ultimate smoking gun proof that everything about the Seth Rich case is true.

The shills are in full panic mode because of the guilt of being associated with a murder. This truth also destroys the Russia conspiracy theory once and for all.

Think about the irony for a moment. We are conservatives who are helping to avenge the death of a loyal member of the Democratic Party.

That's how you know we are the good guys. We are the heroes. The champions. And God is on our side.

transcripts, eh? so you have words on paper?

you guys must be scared shitless