Jew here. What are the functional differences between Protestantism, Catholicism, and Orthodoxy...

Jew here. What are the functional differences between Protestantism, Catholicism, and Orthodoxy? All I know is that Catholics believe the Pope is the link between God and humanity and that Protestants have a bunch of different types of themselves. I don't know what the deal is with Orthodoxy. I thought the Catholics were the first type of Christians, is that wrong?

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the differences are trivial when you commit your life to his path. We are all brothers in Christ.

Protestant work ethic and Protestant individualism gave rise to capitalism.

I'll take a crack at it.

The differences between Catholicism and protestantism are numerous, but in a political context, every Roman Catholic is part of the same CHURCH. Protestants are a collection of a countless number of diverse churches that don't necessarily jive with each other. Orthodox are just purity spiralling Catholics.

I am also a Jew and I have no idea what Orthodox Christians do

why do you identify as jews when you don't follow judaism and are actually atheists? never met a 'jew' who wasn't an atheist.

I'm not athiest, I'm observant of Torah (to the best of my ability)

Catholics weren't the first Christians. They killed the first Christians...

By the way. You need to accept jesusbas your savior. Hard times are coming for unsaved Jews, you cN see this growing. The Bible predicted this would happen (compare book of Daniel to the book of revelation).

Also there are no denomination in the Bible and there is only one interpretation of the Bible.

You either believe the Bible or you don't. Catholics/Protestants/orthodox all create man made traditions and flaws.

Just read the KJV yourself, ask God to guide you into all truth. Get saved and read read read. Stay away from organized religion. Trust me, Jesus Christ is your lord and he can be your savior.

Protestants believe in faith in Jesus alone, which in itself will bring about good works (deeds, doings), as opposed to faith and works which Catholics believe.

Also naturally, they reject the Catholic hierarchy and system, and accuse them of making up things that aren't based in the Bible like Purgatory and clerical celibacy. The Catholic Church was also in need of reform back then, with the selling of indulgences (pay the church for your sings to be forgiven), corrupt popes, so on and so forth.

The Orthodox Church is the most conservative of the Christian churches. They split off from Rome for theological and political reasons, one of the main issues being clerical celibacy. They're the most isolated and mysterious, and are more of an "ethnic" church. Relatively, they haven't done a lot of proselytizing or missionary work, especially after the Soviet Union was such a traumatic period for the church. They've essentially been rebuilding from the rubble.

correction: (pay the church for your *sins to be forgiven)

I've read the Gospels, it was very obvious bullshit having read and been educated in Torah, Christians have no place in the world to come, and will be punished more than the athiests, Torah proves this. Repent now to be right in the eyes of G-d, give up your false idol that you wrongly call the God of Israel, read Torah, educate yourselves and be saved.

good answer, I'm very curious about Orthodoxy because I never hear about them, maybe because I'm American.

Read these, please, user:



Catholics believe that Jesus gave Peter special authority among the apostles, and signified this by changing his name from Simon to Peter, which means "rock" (John 1:42). Jesus said Peter was to be the rock on which he would build his Church (Matt. 16:18).

Christ gave Peter the "keys of the kingdom" (Matt. 16:19) and promised that Peter’s decisions would be binding in heaven. He gave similar power to the other apostles (Matt. 18:18), but only Peter was given the keys, a symbol of his authority to rule the Church.

The pope is the successor to Peter as bishop of Rome (the affectionate title "pope" means "papa"). The world’s other bishops are successors to the apostles in general.

The primary disagreement the Orthodox have with Catholics is the existence of the papacy, which the Orthodox deny. Catholics and Orthodox agree on most other matters of doctrine with a few exceptions (e.g., most Orthodox reject the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory, and all Orthodox reject the Catholic belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary).

Based on their reading of the Bible, Protestants think that Catholics screwed up just about everything. Protestants think that by following the Bible they can conform to the beliefs and practices of the early Christians, before all the corruption and heresy set in. Strangely, however, Protestants are divided into thousands of different sects, because none of them can agree on their interpretation of the Bible. Pretty much the only thing they can agree on is that the Catholics are wrong.

>I thought the Catholics were the first type of Christians, is that wrong?

It is correct.

>Hello Satan!

Catholics are just a business that pretends to be Christian.
They don't really follow the rules laid out by Jesus Christ and instead uses "mediators" between God and themselves, so they pray to Mary and such instead of to Jesus Christ himself, which he specifically said not to do.

They also use a lot of anti-Christian symbology.

>I'm observant of the Torah
Jews don't literally believe any portion of the Torah (old testament Genesis-Deuteronomy). You don't literally believe the creation story, any of the things mentioned about Abraham/Isaac, you don't believe the tower of babel, the scattered across the earth portion, you don't believe the story of Noah, and doubt any of the parables and smites handed down on your people. You don't actually believe in God. You don't pray, and it's not just you, no jew does. You are a follower of the Talmud which is a instruction manual for destroying Christian western nations.

>Repent now to be right in the eyes of G-d,

Note this kike doesn't actually believe in God. He is an atheist that larps as a satanist. This is true and typical of 99.9% of all jews.

Nice try kike.

we believe the Torah was 100% given by G-d, it's up to him whether they are metaphors or not but the only thing we can do is use the stories to be meaningful to us in our lives and find significance in them. We are commanded to pray 3 times a day. We absolutely believe in G-d, and you're wrong about the Talmud, you can go online and pick up some volumes of it yourself to read for only a couple bucks, or free. I have some Talmud sitting next to me right now and the most outrageous thing it says in it is to stone furries to death. It's mostly a law book based on Torah, it's actually kinda boring, but I encourage you to read it.

wrong, we believe in God more than Christians, at least our God didn't get killed by Romans and isn't enemies with an edgy angel based on Greek mythology

The functional differences are that all three will be looking down upon you from Heaven while you live in the fiery pig pens of hell you fucking kike.

get off Sup Forums your holiness, you have refugee feet to kiss

Food for thought:

Mark Drogin: Jewish Atheist Who Became Catholic

Carl Olson: Evangelical Fundamentalist Who Became Catholic

Dr. Kenneth Howell (former Presbyterian pastor) on Calvin and the Radical Reformation

More about Jewish converts to the Catholic Church, and Paul's teaching about the Jews:

Catholics are the biggest cucks

Catholics are dogmatists who pretend they have knowledge instead of faith.
They're literally "Christians" who are derisive of faith, and balk at the notion that what they believe is taken on faith and isn't a certainty.

>we believe the Torah was 100% given by G-d,
The God you don't believe in? The Torah that you literally don't believe a single story in?
>We are commanded to pray 3 times a day. We absolutely believe in G-d
To the God you don't believe in and refuse to even acknowledge?

>you're wrong about the Talmud
The Talmud (oral tradition) is the only book you follow as a jew that claims to be religious. This book is filled to the brim with blasphemy of the God you claim to believe in, yet can't seem to even acknowledge or pray to. The Talmud is a manual for war and it is worse than the Koran regarding lies and hatred towards the white western Christians of the world.

Note how the kike has open blasphemy for Christ and will spew it with the smallest provocation. A muslim will at least acknowledge that Christ was a prophet.


If it were wrong, then Catholics couldn't believe in infallibility, nor in Catholic dogma.
But they do, because they're dishonest and hate the notion of faith.

what's your argument?
I say: "we believe in G-d"
and you say: "no you don't"
that's not an argument, it's nonsensical, and you have no knowledge or experience to back it up. the Talmud is not what you say it is, I even urge you to read it to realize that I'm right. I don't know where you get this ridiculous idea that Jews don't believe in G-d, but at least create a convincing argument rather than "nuh-uh"

That's because Muslims just blatantly stole from the local religions to try to get the most followers. Jesus isn't G-d, he's a dead Jew.

Converted Jew here. It's just wack attack shit. The Caths and the orths go way back, Martin Luther called their BS, and it devolved from there. They think a man is God and they'll live forever on a cloud or something.

Fuck off Francis

Suck some BBC toes

converted as in converted to Judaism or converted out of Judaism?

Orthodoxy is basically Catholicism minus the papal faggotry. The position of the Pope was created simply as a power grab by Rome at a time when Eastern Christians were looking for help. Slimy Catholicks just used their Pharisee-tier reading of the Bible to justify it.

I've known many kikes, and not one literally believes a single story, parable, or narative within the Genesis-Deuteronomy Old Testament (Torah). What God do you think you are praying to exactly?

>the Talmud
is a war manual to wipe out white western nations. It's the only thing you believe in. It's a book of hate and blasphemy and you base your entire life around it.

>I don't know where you get this ridiculous idea that Jews don't believe in G-d
You don't read/follow/believe the Torah, the basis for your false god is in a book that you don't believe.... You've made it clear you don't believe in God and that 99% of all jews don't either. You are an atheist that worships the Talmud aka book of war.

Not how this kike just denies and blasphemises and then won't even acknowledge God or the Old Testament.

This kike (like all kikes) is an atheist that follows the Talmud aka book of war.

That's all they have Heb-san

Converted to Judaism

>They think a man is God and they'll live forever on a cloud or something.

Note how this kike immediately blasphises and immediately guffaws at the notion of Heaven.

All. Jews. Are. Atheists.


>Catholic dogma

>they're dishonest and hate the notion of faith

you still haven't made an argument, why do you think these things that aren't true? obviously you don't know many Jews because every Jew I know (that's religious) believes in G-d and I already told you to fucking Google the Talmud to relaize you're wrong about that.

Christianity was a monetization off a Schizophrenic Bipolar Jew who had messianiac delusions

Jews are inbred Schizophrenic/Bipolar carriers

>t. father Schizo jew

nice! Shalom brother, at least someone in this thread makes good choices

We don't believe in God?
Watcha smokin son?

you got some mental issues man

>tfw most people here are burgers

Thanks bro!

Dogma is a dirty word, because it's a lie to believe something is incontrovertibly true when that something is - in demonstrable fact - NOT incontrovertibly true.

The notion of infallibility is absolutely in contradiction to faith. If something cannot be wrong, one cannot have faith in regard to that something.

I'd love to see you try to argue these obvious epistemological facts.

You suffer from cognitive dissonance

most converts I know are better Jews than born Jews, takes guts

Protestants think the pope is a cuck, that catholics worship idols and humans, that Jews nonconvertible cultists who should be shunned and expelled from Christian lands. (source, I'm Protestant)

Be gone.

what kind?

>the Romanians are awake

Leave then foreigner

>you still haven't made an argument
You refuse to even type God instead use G-d like every atheist-jew does, even in this comment. You haven't denied you do not believe/follow/read the Torah/Old Testament Genesis-Deuteronomy, in fact you ignored/conceded the claim and spent all your time defending the Talmud You've made my entire argument for me kike.

Remember kids:
All. Jews. Are. Atheist.


Not very good, really. I live in Jesusland and converted just because I read the Bible a lot for a couple of years with an open mind. Almost just threw it down but Jewish ethics and outlook on life were to hard to ignore. Will try to be better. L'chaim!

How often do you read the Torah? What parts of the Torah do you literally unironically believe happened 100%, if any? If you make a claim that you do, please list the story of the Torah you are talking about as it relates to God.

A bit dense, aren't you? You do no monotheism came from Israel right?

we believe in Torah 100% which is the OT for Christians. I don't spell G-d out of respect because that's not his name's I use it to imply who we are talking about, I can use titles such as Adonai, or Hashem.

yes we are

Nicene Creed = dogma. Most Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, accept the Nicene Creed. Each proposition of the Creed is a dogmatic proposition (e.g., "I believe in... one, holy, catholic and apostolic church").

Many Protestants believe the Bible is infallible. The doctrine of papal infallibility - with respect to formally defining matters of faith and morals - can be understood as an variant on this principle. Just as the authors of Scripture wrote infallibly, under the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit, so too the Pope teaches infallibly under the inspiration and protection of that same Holy Spirit.

Again, as explained in greater detail here:

Of course, faith comes into play whether one is a Protestant who believes in the infallibility of the Bible, or a Catholic who believes that the Holy Spirit protects the Pope from promulgating doctrinal error.

do what you can, G-d will meet you half way. and I agree about Jewish ethics and outlook, it's a very life oriented religion as opposed to the death cult that is Christianity

You concede the point with your lack of reply. You are an atheist, if this is not true please tell me how often you read the Torah/Old Testament... tell me what stories in it you beleive literally happened if any.

When you reply again without answering you will have confirmed that you are in fact an atheist and worship only the Talmud which is not a religious text, but a manual of war upon white Christian nations.

Jews read Torah in its entirety every year, this is our tradition.

Used to read parshah weekly, need to do it again. I take it at face value mostly. The start of genesis I believe is more metaphorical for something we don't understand. Wish I could sit and talk with you for real. It's lonely sometimes down here in the south.

Lutheran. On my mother's side my grandfather's family is Saxon and when my mother married my father the catholic church refused to dot he ceremony, threw dad out and forbid him from taking mass for the rest of his life. So me and my siblings became Lutheran protestants too.

Thank you and I agree

You don't read it, you don't believe any of the Old Testament stories, and you have no concept of Heaven or Hell in your "religion" which is clearly mentioned throughout your supposed religious book.

All. Jews. Are. Atheists.

Anything preceded by "I believe" isn't dogma.
Dogma is that which isn't just believed but is known.
There is a distinct difference philosophically between belief/faith and knowledge.

I think Rashi's commentary is very useful for reading Torah, I'm also a fan of some conservative Chumash for commentary when reading/understanding Torah

Oh fuck off, loser

we believe it, and sorry Hell isn't meantioned in Torah, Hell is a Greek mythology concept. looks like you're the one that hasn't read it. Heaven is a bit more complicated

damn Catholics really are dicks huh
I find interesting cause I have yet to meet a romanian that isn't a edgy atheist on the internet or irl

Also, I'm a Protestant, but I certainly don't hold the bible as infallible. Not in the slightest. It would be un-Christian of me to believe so, because it would be a denial of my God-given rationality and God-commanded honesty to pretend I knew something I didn't know.

Faith and knowledge are incompatible - if you know something (e.g. if you take something as dogma or assert something is infallibly true) then you *CANNOT* have faith in that something, because faith requires a possibility of doubt. Knowledge admits of no doubt - what is known is true and cannot possibly be doubted.


Jews don't really believe in hell or heaven

kek desu I donöt think much of Catholicism.
Best religions are Orthodox Christians and Lutheran Protestants.

More food for thought:

Matthew 16:18 - Jesus Changes Peter's Name - So What's His New Job?

Dr. Thomas Howard, former Episcopalian

The Consequences of Rejecting the Gospel, Romans 1:18-32

Fr John T. Zuhlsdorf: Former Lutheran

>we Jews don't really believe in hell or heaven
>we believe it, and sorry Hell isn't meantioned in Torah, Hell is a Greek mythology concept. looks like you're the one that hasn't read it. Heaven is a bit more complicated

Note these kikes bptj just admitted they don't believe in Heaven or Hell and therefore don't believe in God. Does this sound like a pious believer????? Or a fedora?

Good, never stop thinking. I question everything if I have a reason

Bozgor desu haha, but yeah imo those Romanians are making a mistake, apart from the popes being money grubbing like any other priest.. the Orthodox Christians are the best.

Stop devaluing my collection. 1 post a year. go back to kissing nigger feet. udisgustmeniggerfaggotniggerniggerkisserfaggot

"And therefore" ... that's not an argument

what is that from

not really orthodox is just as corrupt as the Catholic church


So, whats your situation then? Atheist?

>admits in direct language my entire claim
You admit to not believing in Heaven, Hell, or God and then you somehow think that's not an argument? You outright admit it.

All. Jews. Are. Atheist.

no I've been raised orthodox and will stick to it but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be ok with what the church is doing

>just read the KJB
>a fucking translation

Catholicism believe the Pope is a link between God and worship within the Catholic structure. The Vatican maintains networks over the whole globe with the leadership structure going all the way from Pope to Priests are your local church. Catholicism retains certain rituals and traditions that other Protestant denominations have removed (Usually because they were vestiges of Pagan religions and they felt they were no longer relevant).

Protestantism is not a particularly useful label. It doesn't really tell you anything about that version of the religion. All it tells you is they're not Catholic or Orthodox. Protestant can vary all the way from Anglicanism (Which is essentially just Catholicism in practice but they have their own network and they don't put as much emphasis on the Leader as Catholics do, which for reference is the Queen) to the Ultraconservative Christians you find in America to all the way in the other direction with Protestants who are pretty much Marxists. The problem with allowing 1 person to challenge the existing system and reinterpret it their own way is you'll soon get thousands of people starting on their own versions too.

The reason you find more protestants in the US, and particularly more ultraconservative Christians in the US is because lots of those denominations of Christianity left Europe during the protestant reformation because they weren't happy with how things were going. For example, after the Anglican church split from the Catholic church there was a lot of differing opinions about what the Anglican church should look like. Some people wanted it to stay functionally the same, others wanted to start changing shit. The people who wanted it to stay the same won out and the people that wanted to change shit left England and went to America to start their own versions.

Orthodox I don't really know shit.

>Anything preceded by "I believe" isn't dogma.
>Dogma is that which isn't just believed but is known.

Your understanding of "dogma" is different from my understanding.

I agree with this generic definition of "dogma" that google provides:

>a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
>"the Christian dogma of the Trinity"
>synonyms: teaching, belief, tenet, principle, precept, maxim, article of faith, canon

Thus each of the principles set forth in the Nicene Creed is a dogmatic proposition: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority (the Church) as incontrovertibly true.

Note: Dogmatic principles are not "facts" as such, they do not rise to the epistemological certainty of, say, a mathematical proof, or a stone Bishop Berkeley barks his foot on. Something is a "dogma" because it's a fixed and unchanging teaching or proposition ("on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead").

It would be phisically imposible to reach that same level of corruption as the catholic church is ogranized corruption on an industrial scale.

Read Kant. God based on pure reason.
Once you understand Kant properly as THE anti-enlightenment genius and recognize the post Kantian philosophers as the inane heretics they are, you'll be set to see how the new testament actually makes sense if not interpreted literally.

given that orthodoxy is on a national level rather than an international one yes but that doesn't stop them from trying

Yeah you sound like my colleague at work.Good goy.

yeah let's ignore the rampant corruption because the priests are infallible fuck off this is the Catholics are doing