Was he the good guy Sup Forums?

Was he the good guy Sup Forums?

Yes, he kept european islamic terrorists away from europe and he hated the jews

The necessary evil. But, yes. He was a good guy, after all he dealt with the K*rds accordingly.

Do you think that he Would have gassed the founders of Isil?

>Gets attacked by coalition of nations not including Israel
>Responds by bombing Israel
Definitely our guy

The Iraq invasion created ISIS/IS/ISIL/what ever the fuck we call them now. In short; After the invasion was successful the Iraqi army was disbanded and it created many terrorist factions including ISIS.

He was a bad guy.
But for the right reasons.

God, I can't believe that Howard supported invading Iraq....

I admire his high self pride
But, he was so rough with shias and kurds and jews. even though this is the only way to keep peace

Not THE good guy, but not the guy the media etc. showed us he was.

He did a good job smuggling those damn WMDs out of the country before we could find them, that's for sure. Fucking bastard, living in a pile of shit, directing orders on how to move WMDs all day.

It was really done to cement the friendship towards US.

Not really, but he didn't cause Iraq to degenerate into a cesspool of sectarian violence, unlike the next set of (((rulers))).

So I'll say he was the better guy.

Everyday we become closer to becoming the newest US state

No, but he kept other bad guys in check.

One bad buy is better than many.


The only time the middle east is somewhat peaceful is when it is ruled by tyrants. It's their culture and way of life, we have no right to interfere.


>Implying that is not too bad


M4 here I come


he wanted to trade oil for GBP instead of USD in 2000 so he had to go

I was legitimately pissed when they killed him

I remember the days when he and Gaddafi were killed

A sad day indeed, nobody was happy

He was not a good guy. But as an Arab dictator he knew what had to be done to keep his people in line.

B-but we must bomb democracy into them...

>No, but he kept other bad guys in check.
>One bad buy is better than many.
Is this like a common way that people speak about him in Iraq? Because I had an Iraqi friend say literally almost the exact same thing to me once.

In this case, it has less to do with the Americans getting rid of Saddam, and more to do with Bush deciding to dismantle the Iraqi military and intelligence services because they were all Baath party members in a state where that was the only way to advance in life.

If Bush had integrated those people into the new military and intelligence structure, then they would not have been so quick to help form AQI, which was later morphed into ISIL.

The majority of ISIS top commanders and strategists were all high ranking members in Saddams military.

If Bush had consulted the pentagon, or anyone else aside from his Jewish/Neocon advisers, he would have been told about the first rule of counterinsurgency according to the manuals of the fuckin U.S. military.

You have to bring the old enemies to the table once the conflict is over, or else the fucking jackals will move in.

another shit cia puppet

I like the video of him from way back in the days where he reads names from a list for like an hour and the people whose names are read out have to "leave" the government. Then after he finishes reading, he tells the remaining dudes to go get AKs and shoot the other guys or join them lmao what a guy

literally all iraqis ive spoken to about this agree to this

Obviously any sensible Iraqi agrees with this sentiment - they know how things were in Iraq in 2002 versus any time since.

I just mean the particular phrasing.

>attacked by coalition of nations not including Israel
I can't recall a war where israel wasn't in the attacking coalition

>The Iraq invasion created ISIS/IS/ISIL/what ever the fuck we call them now
Daesh. We call them Daesh now.

>find objectively evil political leader
>"lol, he was da good gai!"
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
Still feel "redpilled"?

>objectively evil political leader
almost like voldemort, right?

true. he was going to be trouble for petro-dollar.


Ruling by absolute terror is not the same as being a competent leader.
Just because he kept a lid on terrorism by killing everyone, doesn't mean we should laud him as some kind of great but misunderstood person.
He was a vile piece of shit. Anyone who says differently hasn't looked into his litany of horrific crimes against humanity.
I'm not a fan of Muslims and I generally don't have a high opinion on people from the Middle East but he was an absolute barbarian to his own people.

You have to go back.

Absolutely disgusting

Terrorists cant be terrorists if the country is constantly getting purged lol

Only reason he was president was because of CIA

>our guy

gets heavily supported with weapons to fight iran

>our guy

thinks he can do whatever he wants because of CIA

>our guy

get some history lessons you retards

Understand that our survival as a nation depends on being mercenaries for our overlord in return for their Navy's protection. First it was the British Empire, now it's the yanks.

There are no good guys dumbass. Now gaze upon them

No. He invaded my country (Iran) in an attempt to annex our oil rich region khuzestan.

He wasn't protecting Iraq of radical Islam. Most of the original leutenants of ISIS are ex baathist generals.

Oil these contraction faggots that assume Saddam must have been ok if the media says he was bad..... No. Saddam was psychotic. He was like Stalin crossed with Vlad the impaler. I've met many of the victims of his government and security forces. He was a cold, unempathetic asshole