How is it even possible? They had only bows and arrows for fucks sake and they successfully attacked helicopters

How is it even possible? They had only bows and arrows for fucks sake and they successfully attacked helicopters

They used guerrilla tactics. We should have adapted.

Their mobility scooters weren't well adapted to the rainforest climate

We were adapted
The issue was our rules of engagement were fucked in that Jew weapon testing war and we couldn't finish off the gooks in their shithole tunnels so when we pulled out they crawled out of them and kept doing what they were doing

Don't blame America's armed forces. They lost that war because the politicians and liberal American public decided that they no longer wanted to use the proven methods that win wars.

It's only gotten worse now with Libya and now Syria. America has decided that while they still want to be involved in the regime change game, they don't want to actually have to sacrifice anything for it and therefore will just operate endless bombing campaigns that ultimately accomplish nothing.

You couldn't have won that war because it would've meant eliminating the Vietnam people. How could you possibly pose as the world police against le commie menace after that?

Why is France never on this bait threas map they started that mess and in that same vein China lost to them too. Trolls need to up your game with your stale images and pasta

It's not wrong to kill criminals.

Genociding all commies who don't lay down their arms is still technically policing the world against commy scum.

We tried to not kill all of them. If we wanted to win it would have cost us a fuck ton and we would have had to burn the country to the ground.

The Vietcong were all but wiped out after the Tet Offensive. The Vietcong no longer posed a threat.

The North Vietnamese army was defeated at nearly every engagement. US Troops, sometimes with high causualties, sometimes not, won.

The war was persecuted politically rather than militarily. You can't tie your troops' hands behind their back like that. Can't shoot until they fire first but you're going to go walk out in the jungle to fine them? Of course you're going to get ambushed every time. What's the point of long range radar guided missiles if you have to visually identify the bogey first as hostile?

The war lasted longer than WWII (Europe campaign anyway) so the US casualty count looks skewed.

They (North Vietnam) were fighting for their country (not realizing just how bad Communism is) especially after seeing how corrupt and bullshit the South's "democratic" government was.

They had FAR more than just bows and arrows I'm afraid. They had Russian, Chinese, and Korean built AA guns, missiles, and plenty of weapons left over from the French, as well as light tanks and the new "new" AK-47 and other Soviet small arms. Man-to-man it was an even fight. Only our overall tech (air power, mobility, etc.) put us above in actual engagements.

Finally, there are some countries missing in red there. Japan and France for starters...

the didn't lose on the battlefield, they lost on the homefront when commies voted for us to leave and stop giving support. The war couldn't even be "won" in the traditional sense either; best case scenario was another Korea where it would be split between the 17th parallel and a shitty communist North Vietnam would co-exist with a prosperous South Vietnam. Now all of Vietnam is communist and it's all shitty

It was a war to stop the spread of communism, and we lost because the people at home let the communists get to them. Very sad

You can't rule over a big pile of ash. And who's who to say who are criminals when there's people saying to kill every single person in a country?

we wouldn't have lost if snake hadn't of died in that tanker accident two years ago

Almost forgot too. Political pressure from liberals forced our government to concede to them (the liberal majority) and we pulled our troops, military hardware, and financial backing of the South out. We never surrendered to the enemy or their government...

Why does everyone get their knowledge of this war from meme movies? Might as well play it ain't me and /thread


>we could still be fighting until today!
You should be nothing short of thankful.

I don't remember America getting conquered and needing its sorry ass saved during the Second World War.

Yeah, I guess waiting until the last minute to unconditionally surrender to your enemy would be bad for a country. You would know kraut...

It was literally just the Ho Chi Min trail.

In order to win the war we had to enter Laos and Cambodia just like the Viet Cong and NVA were doing, which would have ruined the entire reason we were there.

Also doesn't help that China was assisting the communists secretly by supplying weapons and maybe even re-uniformed troops. Much like North Korea before they had to get openly involved.

Unlike you we seem to have learned from our mistakes, Kevin.

>Pulled out support entirely, breaking our promises and dooming south Vietnam to be taken over by the North
There'd be a reason to be happy about if it actually accomplished anything instead of making all of the casualties fucking pointless

You missed China, France and Cambodia

Yeah, how is that Jihad invasion going?

How's you're neighbor Ahmed doing? hope you dont have a daughter

Im tired of this meme,as much fun it is to make fun of burguers you dudes need to stop this.
THe US could have beaten them in 2 weeks if they really wanted to,the goal of this war was to make the military indrustrial complex some sweet ass gibs and it worked like they wanted...look at the Iraq war too,guys like Dick Cheeney profited like hell with that war

Chinese also lost against the Vietnamese when they invaded them shortly after Vietnam

If we've learned one thing from German history it's that you people never learn your lesson.

France should be red too: ))

1. homefield advantage for them
2. guerilla warfare
3. clueless whiners at home

Militarily we absolutely destroyed them. We ende up losing because of politics back home eventually making us leave and we didn't prepare the South Vietnamese enough

>You can't rule over a big pile of ash.
Sure you can, just move your own people in and rebuild.

>And who's who to say who are criminals
The people with the biggest guns and armies

>when there's people saying to kill every single person in a country?
They're commies, not people. They become a person when they lay down their arms.

It would be exactly as justified (read: totally justified) to firebomb a criminal city where all the citizens of it supported the criminal regime, rather than the rightful state, and would defend the criminal regime to their last breath, as it would be to eradicate a communist nation.

Non-persons don't get human rights.

>how do gunshots in the suburbs sound like?
Keep watching Fox / friends, while I enjoy a security situation over here your third-world country can only dream of.

>muh Fox told me!
Come visit and find out of your irrationally spineless assumptions are true.
Thing is you never left home except for McD.

And when the Viets invaded Cambodia to stop Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, they won there too. Goddamn the Viets really had a winning-streak during the mid 20th century. Don't ever underestimate chink rage

we became our country of origin, britain lost this war of independance becuase they didn't want to pay for it.

the southern long mai poi would never be ready to fight the northern tho mai de haa in a million years.