The Seth Rich murder is the key to finally bring down all the corrupt establishment.

The deep state panicked and decided to stop Trump and the movement once and for all.

All the corrupt alphabet agencies, the MSM, democrats and republican sellouts are going after Trump with the intent of getting him impeached.

They will use the fake russian narrative to remove him from power. Expect fake evidence to come out since the pedos still hold many important positions.

(((They))) are extremely scared because they see their end is near and we don't back down. The crimes commited are so big it's either removing Trump or haging on a rope.

A coup d'état is underway.

Spread the news so everyone can be prepared. If shtf bring out the guns and kill as much traitors as possible. Good luck.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would I listen to someone from a country that slaughters bulls for entertainment

who died? can I get a quick rundown?

you forgot that nothing ever happens

At least they have a chance to kill their executioner contrary to slaughterhouses

If everyone in power i is invoked how the chick assets we supposed to beat them?

soon my friends

Fuck that, rodeos need more bullfighters

holy shit user! I'm deeeeeep behind enemy lines.
i need an airlift out!
we're going to need 10 drones, 50 helium ballons, a roll of duct tape and a pack of smokes.
I have one smoke and $18.42. ...43* cents.

I believe it's rules for radicals which suggests infiltration and provocation.

Don't for for such silly tricks. We're getting information out, and they're getting all hot and bothered.

The heavier the resistance, the closer truth lies.

Truth fears no investigation.

Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was murdered last year when DNC emails revealing anti-Bernie bias in the Democratic Party were released by Wikileaks.

The DNC is offering a $0 reward for the capture of the perpetrator. Wikileaks is offering $20,000.

This has come back into the news because a private investigator representing Rich's family said that there is evidence that Rich was corresponding with Wikileaks. This suggests that Rich was assassinated. The PI has since changed his story, likely under pressure, although an anonymous federal agent has corroborated his account.




including impeachments


Bump, this shit is getting slid harder than the fucking election


so take it to infinity where actual content belongs

join the pol discord if you guys need a place to discuss Seth Rich free from derailing

All these different "impeachment" threads... This is it isn't it?! We have them cornered and they know it. The crazy fucks are willing to play their last card.

Kill kill kill

Is TheBigKK there?

Also, are you done with the constant micspam?

reddit spacing.

Holy shit I have to get a gun asap I've put it off too long and shit is about to hit the fan with me being totally unprepared. We are closer to "The Happening" than we've ever been in my 10 years on Sup Forums.

Beats inviting them into your home, prepping them then letting them loose on your wife ;^)

Summer of love BRUTHER

The bad thing is I know "they" could kill every patriot in this country with drones and there isn't a damn thing we could do about. Grouping together only makes us more susceptible to drone strikes.

(((They))) will not allow anything significant from this case to materialize.

Bump for justice, meme magic is made real by us. Never stop pushing this. Seth is our chance

Did anything come out of pizzagate?

We are at a point where the Alt Right could be declared a terrorist group in the very very near future depending what turn this takes. They'd be executing us in the street.

There won't be justice for Seth Rich. It's too dangerous to get involved in all of this. Get out before it's too late.

Because of this. Stop being a pussy.

dont give a fuck. kill yourself americucks.

Freedom is a righteous cause! Are we ready to do what it takes?!?!

La Reconquista of Europe when?

then we have to keep /ourguys/ in office

Pussies. Better to die on your feet.

this. dont even worry about fighting until they force everyones hand. live your life. get some rations. we have no idea where this is going. There will be no civil war anyway. people with jobs just want to go to work. they wont fight a fucking war over goofy ass media lies. the only idiots will be the dems and they will be rounded up by the national guard.


if america falls, you can be sure as hell that it will have far-reaching consequences for the nations we were baby sitting.

Russia and President Trump are colluding. Against the corrupt Liberal globalists.
That's why they are so fucking sure they know Russia and Trump have been chatting...even though they have no legal evidence.
The plan is in action.

A deep understanding of the players and the motives, plus more pedo busts in the last 6 months than the last 4 years. Not s total result but time well spent.


does that mean israel will fall? a worthy sacrifice.

Win , lose , who cares?

If America falls then saudi and the other terrorists stop being paid. Top Kek

Day of the rope is coming

the EU will still ride Israel's dong

That's a real man there.
It's a good thing the alt right is just a bullshit meme made up by the media and doesn't really exist then.


Choke on a fat cock, shill

So Europe is freed from Jewish cultural influence, Korea is reunited, and Palestine is liberated? Sounds good to me.







the eu is falling apart. in 10 years time there will be no e.u.


Free Peepee

Will you actually use ropes though?

let's hope so Geert

let's hope a caliphate doesn't replace it

Because if you don't, it's your turn.

All the noise shill been making is telling. We are coming down to the end of the road and the elite don't like what they see ahead. So now they are scrambling to change course, to change the outcome of whats coming.

Is it too late they start to wonder...

These will be the first to be eradicated.

Not enough rope there heaps of the fuckers how bout dat gas ya all been talking bout?

there are more of us than of them. no way in hell are those sandniggers going to win.

Crucifixion sounds fun.

Unless you live where the drones are kept?

Nothing much will change.

Reuseable, sustainable organic. Fuck we might get the left in on this yet.

This is bad guys what happens when a sick little faggot loses a board game???? Should we let them win or slow our pace to prevent mass death/them blowing earth into the sun. Or do we strike with furious vengeance and face what is to come.

Launch the drones. And have them call drones racist.


Think bigger

/elitetrackergeneral/ when

Sorry replied to wrong post but get a fucking gun for fucks sake. If anything has shown you that the police cannot protect you just look at Berkeley or CA in general. They sometimes aren't on our side when following orders


>bite him pepe
What did he mean by this?

Strike now while the iron is hot, might not get another chance. The deep state having become so shallow the msm uses the term deep state shits gone really wrong for them.

Don't worry. Remember how the God King gifted us with election night, and the hilarious days after? We are going to have something like that again. Heavy shilling and enemy infiltration, lots of big talk from them, then....the investigator will say nothing was found. It will be yes, we found some attempts by the Russians to spread disinformation to the media yo make Hillary look bad, but Trump did not ask for this, nor are there any signs that the Russians hacked the DNC. And the glorious wailing and gnashing of teeth will begin again.

The drones have to land sometimes

Where does the US military stand? Get the intel to them. Non corrupted officials should work with good intels to spread the news. The jewish power is inraveling.

The wind blows, The house falls
What was done in the dark shall shine in the light
The figureheads topple but who's behind the curtain
They retreat but will be dragged down by hubris

whats wrong with kathleen kennedy townsend?She's definitely connected, former LT. gov of maryland. serious question. her husband is a professor, i was a student of his.

Yeah, whatever you say Muhammad.

found the homosexual

Le 7 dimension interstellar Quantum mahjong

>What is relevant conversation, Alex

It ain't gay.


It sure looks like it. Trump has gotten them to start talking impeachment and he barely passed his 100 days.

What kind of sane, rational, intelligent person thinks he's actually done anything to earn impeachment?

It sure looks like Trump is fighting corruption

it stands with the people that are working and trying not to fucking listen to this shit. therefor if you are out shooting people in the streets no matter what side you are on you will be round up and delt with. luckily most of these will be liberals because they are the only ones that are even mad right now.

They also cook it and feed it to the locals after you Antifa cunt.


A burger without a gun? You should be fucking ashamed of yourself, take advantage of the fact you have those rights!

>tfw will live to see the rothschild family torn apart by angry normies after the vids of them torturing and raping kids gets out

>Only half of americans voted
>Half of half voted for trump
>Majority of people who voted for trump aren't willing to go to war for him on the streets
>take the sect that is willing too out of that sect

kill yourself

>Alt Right
I hate this meme

>If shtf bring out the guns and kill as much traitors as possible. Good luck.

Shooting confirmed pedophiles is an American duty friend. Don't you dare defend them.

Can i get a quick rundown on this?