This is a picture from Zambia. A Chinese Boss is working slave-wage labor african for multinational exploitation of the third world.

The globalists have created a world-wide chain of slave-like labor and want to spread it to the first world.

Sadly, the people most primed to be emotional have been fed nothing but anti-white hysterics and SJW insanity brainwashing.

Remember, Sup Forums is the good guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

kek confirms

This is the person making those SJW's shoes and clothes
This is what GLOBALISM looks like

I mean, at least they're working.

suicide nets

What a bizarre time to be alive.

I never thought I'd see the day where SJWs became the cause of social Injustice.

Remember, employment and capitalism drives down birth rates of African nations like you wouldn't believe. I generally have no problem with Africans actually contributing to something instead of just being an AIDS carrying rapist that will pump out 10 kids then die a couple of years later.

They aren't working for anything. They aren't building their country. They are building infrastructure to export their wealth. The country won't benefit. The citizens won't benefit.

Have you seen the types of resource deals africa gets? All that is getting rich are the corrupt politicians selling the natural resources out to foreign interests.

Any growth is temporary or an illusion.

Better that there are jobs in Africa rather then they come to your country for gibs. There are many bad things about globalisation but creating jobs in the 3rd world is not one.

blue pilled

This. If you want less Africans, get them employed and educated. Any and all decline in African fertility is because of development in their countries. Plus, the more developed African nations can be more attractive to the niggers from less developed nations, and are less likely to fuck up Europe

I'll explain better. Yes it is theoretically good. What you don't understand is the massive corruption and lack of organic growth.

I understand Africa is shit and won't be rich anytime soon. I'm just saying the dream and greatness of globalism is bullshit.

There is not real progress in these projects. They just indebt the country and build useless things most of the time.

blue pill taste good?

They are reproducing even more


All I see is an African being given employment. Why do right tards hate jobs?

They are getting paid what they are worth, what is the problem here?


Here is a proper nationalistic outcome of a free market. While they did open the country to labor they also did everything possible to properly develop and create a nationalistic purpose.

These african countries and most that participate in globalism are not nationalistic. Hence it's just politicians getting rich and selling the country out.

Anyone saying "look he's employed" is a moron.

Here's a good documentary for you

The highest fertility in African nations are registered where there is little development and stagnant economies. Where there is fertility decline in Africa, is where there is employment of some sort. I'm not saying globalism is good, but if your only concern is 'muh jobs' then you're the blue pilled one. Your concern should be a cultural reformation among white mentality, not some stupid shit about having a dumb ass job.

70 IQ detected

It's not real development. You can get paid to do something negative for society/humanity. Yes, as a worker he is making the correct choice.

That doesn't mean that globalism is good.

You're a fucking moron. The only way to get a billion niggers to not go to Europe is to stop them. Birthrate shit is extremely blue pilled talk.

>Africa population now
>1.2 billion
>hurr if it's only 1.4 billion in 20 years that will definitely stop migration or european open borders leading to disaster

I don't know how to tell this to you. If he wasn't working in whatever it is he's working on, no matter how bad it looks to you, he would be likely starving and trying to emigrate in Europe or America. I don't see how this could be a good outcome for us.

>The only way to get a billion niggers to not go to Europe is to stop them

And how do we, REALISTICALLY, explain to me how you go about doing that. Don't go role-playing about the Fourth Reich. Explain how in the current climate, they can be stopped.

The only real way to "stop" them is by encouraging growth in their own nations.

I pity their Chinese overlords.


>birthrate shit is extremely blue pilled talk

Is that because you have no hope of ever having children of your own? Because birth rates are the literal fucking reason the west has chosen to let in "migrant workers" because to them, our own birth rates are not high enough.

He's a pre-teen that thinks killing them on the boat ride over is enough, or demanding that white women stop sleeping with blacks will magically get them to sleep with him. Don't give him the (you)s

The Chinese have no qualms about colonialism.

The corrupt leaders are selling out there countries thinking it will be like the whites.

But what is really going yo happen is the Chinese are going to export their population to Africa and control two continents.

The blacks will end up slaves or genocided.


Gooks will soon realise that Niggers dont work as efficient and as good as other gooks would.

>Gooks start importing labourgooks from china
>Niggers get mad that they dont get the jobs
>Niggers start getting violent
>gooks realise what whites realised, blacks are so useless they dont even function as a low-paid labourforce.

>Gooks steal all raw materials by paying of a few greedy nigger dictators then leave the niggers to rot.

oh shit thats a real thing. bwahahahaha.
do the workers know about it? if the worker knew there was nets they wouldnt jump out a window... . loose clothing is probably easier...

Well keep on pushin on normies youll get more. Why fan the flames.....course autists dont get it

The only realistic way of stopping them coming is that the wealth gap between africa and europe decreases, people will always be motivated to move from poor to rich countries. This sort of exploitative labor was common to europe at the start of the industrial revolution, it is necessary for economic growth.

this is jew propaganda

Japan didn't let anyone in.
Korea didn't let anyone in.

compare middle class wages with USA/Europe

Battle line and shoot them if they advance.

>70 iq detected

Actually 127.

>It's not real development. You can get paid to do something negative for society/humanity. Yes, as a worker he is making the correct choice. That doesn't mean that globalism is good.

What in the fuck are you talking about? How much do you want him to get paid?

>Birthrate shit is extremely blue pilled talk.
No, it's not you dense fuck. Part of the reason Africans are breeding like rabbits is because the UN, a globalist organization, throws food and aid money at them. Because culturally and racially most Africans are backwards, this is sign for them to have more kids because resources are relatively available. This in turn creates stress on the local infrastructure to employ and occupy the people that live there. This is a two fold problem. First, farmers can't compete with food aid and eventually go out of buisness. Second, because there are more people than the local economy can handle they move on to greener pastures. Be it other nations in Africa, or Europe as we are seeing now.

Why does the UN dump that much aid if it does more harm than good? Ever since the bush wars of the 20th century, we have seen Africa in a constant down spiral of corruption, ethnic violence, and greed. Africa wanted self determination, and got it. The result was a dumpster fire that globalists can use to their advantage. Pull on the heartstrings of guilt laden whites to shovel cash, most of which never sees the continent, at the problem. More recently these same globalists are encouraging taking in "economic migrants" for (((diversity)) and to replace the aging white population with a low birth rate.

Robert Mugabe, the man that took the Jewel of Africa and flushed it down the shitter, it one of the best examples of corruption in Africa. The Chinese have mining rights, while the population starves and Mugabe's cronies live well. The Chinks are literally strip mining the continent out from under the people.

Africa is fucked because of Africans, globalists only exploit it, and you're a stupid fuck for thinking Africans could sustain themselves.

Pic related.

China is great at it. They make sure all the goods being sold in the country are cheap shit from China that flood in.

So they develop zero besides exporting natural resources. Basically China corners everything, puts the country government into debt, and then gets all the nat resources. It's genius.

They operate it the opposite they operate China. Trying to create as little long-term value in the colony as possible. So they are basically spending all the "wealth" they make off the deals buying more stuff from China.

it's win win

They get the resources
They also get to export goods to the country killing any domestic farms/manufacturing

Post more niggers working as slaves.
They are comfy

China already knows this. it's why there are millions of Chinese and foreign workers doing all the real work. The africans only get menial labor.

It's not about the individual worker. It's that no real development happens. The Africans are too stupid and leaders too corrupt to understand long-term economics.

So they give away all their resources and their domestic development is also dominated by foreign imports.

Basically. "Take X resource, with the money we will buy cheap consumer goods from china and pointless housing." Or China gets them into huge debt with a big infrastructure project, which china also will be building/managing so no domestic skills are learned.

Say whatever you want but there's nothing that can be done to fix African. Colonialism worked in the case of SA and Rhodesia but whenever the mutants get involved with it and and start with their bullshit, they're such savages, that they have to be wacked into place. Like Iraq. No one.was a big fan of Saedam Hussein but he understood Muslims and the display of strength. They're just a bunch of shit heads.

Goddamn retards

The point is that "GLOBALISM" is fake and a lie. The only times GLOBALISM works to create real economic growth is when it is a smart nationalistic country like East Asian ones exploit it for true development.

The majority of Globalism is exploitation with no development as in Africa or South America.

Meaning most globalist leftists support slave labor and environmental destruction abroad while crying for $15 an hour in America.

I agree. The only solution to Africa would be to give it to European/America/Asian countries to rule ala colonys.

Right now it's the worst of both worlds. Multinationals exploit the country anyway but instead of foreign rule they have brutal substandard IQ corrupt african rulers which is worse.

It's like, Damn it used to be bad so let's make it even worse to be good people.

This. Their excessive birth rates are a big reason their nations are actual shit.

Or you could always select high IQ African's from the countries, raise them with humans in America or Europe, and send them back to rule brutally.

That might work a bit better PR wise since it will be a foreign "native" ruling.

Yes, but how is this exploitation? The africans have an abundance of labour, so therefore it is cheaper. Basic Supply and Demand.

It's not the chinks fault that the nigger is dumb. These niggers have so many valuable resources in their country, but strict regulation has stopped the markets from growing and becoming innovative.

Blame socialist regulation, not capitalism. Free markets sort themselves out.

Where do I start learning about modern Chinese imperialism? Any good books to read?

No. It would be best if Africa was just left the fuck alone at this point. Completely. White people are mostly liberal and Christian love muh poor idiots.

Let the Chinks run it. Hell, they might be smart and encourage a 1-child policy in Africa, open a few abortion clinics, etc. They might be better suited to tame Africans than we are.

this is what happens when europeans left the continent. You thought they would remain free? Kek theyre getting colonized by the chinese now.

I'm just saying that globalism is PR shit fed to retards. How is it not exploitation of the country?

You just kind of pointed out that the exploitation of dumb countries is a natural process. I understand it is natural. It doesn't change what it is.

At least theyre getting stuff built on their land. Those resources would just be wasted since the africans dont have the tech nor knowledge to do it themselves.

SeeThey're are not that many good books on the subject yet because it is a recent phenomenon. If you pay attention to any mining news coming from Africa you'll see tidbits of good info about Chinese take over of diamond fields and strategic resources.
Empire of dust is still the best thing ever on china in africa.

You can also look around for shit like this

I think you are equating modern imperialism with globalism.

Do you not understand Globalism? I thought Sup Forums wasn't so full of retarded shitters.

Globalism is about creating a modern world empire by the transition of nations into superstates. About creating orders above countries such as trade unions.

The whole point of globalism is to create a world government structure that is higher and more powerful than nations.

You are a complete fuck up posting what you posted on Sup Forums. So many fucking newfaggots here.

Japan and Korea are fucked demographically speaking. They have robots taking care of thier masses of old people.

>20 posts by this ID

Who gives a fuck about their growth? Chinese will beat them down, kill them off and keep them in line. They can do it and people won't say shit and when they finally do, China won't give a shit. Best thing that can happen there.

Thts what globalism is tf.

No they aren't. Only if you use braindead chimp logic they are fucked.

korea is tiny
Japan is a tiny island with mountains everywhere

They are doing fine for population size and resources. Masses of dumb africans immigrated would not help Japan or Korea, not to mention the immense social problems created.

No shit man.

White people can work for ourselves. We don't need cheap menial labor, it only hurts our community and bond with our countrymen.

Bit of a stretch, China is trying to build rail lines so they can work and export the labour. They still use old colonial rails that are falling apart.

He's barely getting paid from a State that barely cares so he can fix his own country. If he doesn't want to fix his own country, he shouldn't work for the Chinese.

This is how you get out of poverty. You work.

Yes, if the people you are working for aren't corrupt and stupid. It's not just work, but also intelligence and economics.

Everything is corrupt and stupid, it's Africa. You want rail lines? Get to work. You want to be unemployed and starve to death? Go bitch about injustice on the internet.
It sucks that their labour isn't worth all that much, because the area is shitty and hostile, and there's tons of cheap labour.
If I had a family, and my country was shit, I would work for the Chinese and build the rail lines. Maybe my kids could be miners. Maybe my grandkids could be factory workers.

It's sure as fuck better than being Islamic child soldiers.

Please avoid the insults they prove nothing.

Demographics of today show that young people are in the minority. It stands to reason that succeeding generations will continue to get smaller. More old people less young people on and on until there are far more pensioners then workers.

I'm arguing for nationalism above globalism. Yes, it makes sense to be shit on if the alternative is worse.

I'm talking about the fact China would never in a billion years do the types of deals Africa is doing. That the only reason they get them is corruption of the government.

The thing is they are losing on all aspects. There isn't the technology or capability transfer that say helped China rise happening. Instead they are doing basic labor (shitty usually), while Chinese do all the real technical work.

They are created dependencies and not independence. Exactly what Chinese development over the 30 years didn't do.

So they get some apartment units or rail But they have gained no abilities. It was just Chinese firms doing the work.

Not to mention the Chinese then dump all goods into the country taking over all markets with Chinese-made companies/etc.

Of course you have to look at the potential of african people and know it is very low, but still you can't deny the fact that nationalism, aka government in an African country that cares about the nation, isn't better.

Globalism is a disease. If there is no nation, no people, no citizenry, etc you get nothing but exploitation because there is no reason not to.

On an individual level you'd rather be the African who moves to UK after 10 years as a rich person selling your country away.

China, Japan, Korea, etc developed through nationalism in the global market, which is different.

The kind of globalism that the left and EU/USA push is the cancerous kind where that sell out corrupt african leader is doing the good thing.

Being slaves to foreigners is better then being soldiers in an insurrection?

Thank god. It's not as bad as I thought then.

Globalist Lindsay will sip a drink with her friend Abebi from Africa. Thinking how great it is to live in multicultural globalist London.

Meanwhile Abebi sold her country out to Chinks and is living off the same globalist system that let her leave her countrymen her family pissed on.

This is what SJW libtards love.

They don't have any money. Their Governments are broke. They need to borrow money. They don't have to work for the Chinese forever, but they don't have the education, manpower, resources or capital to do this themselves. Sure, they can be nationalist (they always try), but then they just end up broke and poor, with nothing. Because they don't have the capital to invest in any type of industry, so the Government just collapses agai.

It's nothing to do with "Globalism". The Chinese are not moving their labour to Africa to reduce costs. They are improving the African infrastructure through investment and technology to gain access to resources that these countries could not extract on their own.

This is an investment. Even if all the things you say are completely true, it's still better than the alternative, which is record unemployment, record violence, and the spread of disease because the infrastructure is no longer maintained.

Yes, if you are forced into an Islamic army as a child because they murdered your father and turned your mother into a sex slave. It's not like they want to be fighting against the Government, the Government just can't afford to defend small villages because they can't afford to pay the army.

top kek

>The globalists have created a world-wide chain of slave-like labor and want to spread it to the first world.

>what is colonialism
>what is industrial revolution

You people just lived in the 2-3 generations where things were good for the "first world" because even the underclass had it good there, welcome to the entire history of the entirety of the rest of the world I guess?

This. There is literally nothing else the africans can do other than starting civil wars every few days. At least the Chinese are helping them modernize with technology etc. And of course the Chinese demand something out of this. There is no free lunch in this world and the Chinese arent exactly the most humanitarian people.

He knew what was going to happen

We should have acted

They're already here


>Birthrate shit is extremely blue pilled talk.
>70 IQ detected
Maybe it was you, retard

Low birth rates are an expected consequence of successful societies. Children have a higher survival rate, so families have fewer children.

When you start offsetting this with families from poverty, you don't improve the economy. You just create more poverty.

If successful societies have declining populations, just let them shrink. The whole point of wealth distribution was to invest in third world countries, like China and India, so their standard of living increases and their population decreases. Instead, they decided just to decrease the population in Europe and Western countries, and spread poverty all over the planet.

I believe China will recolonise Africa in our livetime and treat blacks as harsh as it was in belgian congo.

There governments are broke because of debt. China is going to put them further in debt. China is just getting thier piece of the pie.

Investment is a euphemism for acquisition. They are buy Africa for pennies and will hold them in debt forever. It's it old trick you find all over the world.

I imagine many people join insurrections because they are sick of thier rulers not just because they have to. Give them some agency.

Nationalism is when this child is white and doing the same in the us/europe.

Imagine that being your boss. Fuckin kill me.

It was mostly to prevent workers from harming themselves and getting money from company/

The difference is, Europeans/Americans give them cash and collect the interest. They buy land, build their own shit, hire their own people, bring their own security and keep all the profits.
Chinese are standing there, on the ground, watching them work. They are literally building a railway that can actually be used for many things. It will actually improve the economy.

Good thing the GOP is here to impose some kind of legal standards on the boss and fight for raising the wages of the worker.

Oh... oh wait. Oh gosh that's not... oh man, whoops.

you one of those leafs that go to thailand to tell young whores that they dont have to sell their body?

Look you retard, wealth is 100% directly caused by IQ.
You want to help africa ? Then genocide the africans and replace them by europeans or east asians.

Decline is not the issue.

See It's about old people being the majority. If the population just shrank evenly along all age groups that would be fine. But what happens is you get many old people who need more care and who contribute nothing. Seniors take massive amounts of money to care for. With a shrinking work force where does the money come from to pay for these people?


t. guy with a shitty meme degree in biracial gender studies who thinks the world owes him a living and doesn't understand all labor has a specific value, which sometimes is very low.

I mean it's not like slavery is alive and well in America in the for profit prison system of which Jeff Sessions is a huge investor and has signed multiple sweeping policy changes to increase the number of incarcerated Americans not actually charged with any crimes.

Oh no oh wait no. I done put my dang ol foot in my mouth again oopsie-doopsie.

Good thing Japanese have multi-generational households. At least old people ease the childcare burden. And I understand the cost issue. The argument is that short term pain is worth the long term benefit of not permanently destroying your nation with mass immigration. In 100 years, Japan will still exist as a distinct people and culture, and no one will cry about the fact that the previous 3 generations had to make concrete economic sacrifices to see that would be the case.

Pretty sure the British already did that. When they finally left they gave their colonies a bill that has yet to be settled.

Wait so are you in favor of the "globalist slave society" or what? You sound like you're very very angrily defending the boss in OP's picture.

Yeah if you check my posts I was never advocating mass immigration. I am against that. I still do think that graying nations like Japan are faces a crisis. If like you say they will simply close ranks and hold it together then great. I think it is far more likely they will go broke and start euthanized people. Or at least offer care so poor that the old will suffer on mass.

Something like these happy folks from Hong kong.

That's not what the British did. The British left and the Africans did not maintain their infrastructure and it fell apart in numerous civils.

This would be AFTER British rule, when other parties funded warlords to conquer resource rich land instead of investing in Governments.
Clinton foundation.

Maybe elderly Japanese will suicide en masse to save their country. Wouldn't be the first time. They certainly won't embrace the idea of dispossessing their progeny, and flipping the bird at posterity like our baby boomers have.

I, for one, werrcome our yerrow overlords

If they wanted to be cared for in their old age, why didn't they made more kids instead of 0 to 2 ?
If they wanted to be confortable in their old age, why didn't they saved up instead of buying a new car every five years, the lastest tv, brand food/cloth/etc products ?
If they wanted to not be poor, why were they living like they were rich ?

Miserable old people should get what they deserve.
The inferior, the fags that can't into delayed gratifications, they niggers that live in the now and won't prepare for the future, they should all suffer as they deserve.

No, that's what MUH FREE MARKET looks like. That's exactly what it looked like in America before labor unions, collective bargaining rights, and "job killing regulations" except that the kid was white.

In before brainwashed retards calling you a commie and praising the invisible hand.

Empire of Dust is a great documentary, but I hate how it just ends out of nowhere. There is no buildup or anything--it just abruptly cuts off. Is that intended or is the full documentary not uploaded to Jewtube?

the silk road spells the of the baizuo

youre a commie

all praise The Invisible Hand!

but on a serious note, one thing is workers organizing to negotiate, and another thing is letting a tyrant into power because he promised he will negotiate in your behalf