So remind me again why you chose not to be a Libertarian?

So remind me again why you chose not to be a Libertarian?


Other urls found in this thread:

I'd love to explain, but not until I'm done my first cup.

no borders
*slips in dick*





I'm not a servile puppet of finance

I wasn't online last night, lad.


user. take a break from Sup Forums

Fuck off cunt
I know it was you, you stupid china man
You spammed my thread with spiderman shit
Now you are going to post non-stop pictures of Eliza

The joke is on you though
Muh dick is 6.2 inches
Yours is most likely bellow 4

Don't play dumb
I know it was you

you always post with pictures of eliza. stop. please. she's a fucking degenerate underaged junkie.

Who will build the roads?


And just so you know
Eliza is fucking ugly

New vidya


Literally have no idea what the Hell you're on about.
Degenerate people are my thing, I'm surrounded by you lot everyday.
That's some fat cunt from Texas who Ciara gave the keys to, all in an attempt to ward off orbiters from her tail.

Trying to change my beliefs violates the NAP

>be Libertarian
>'I'll just keep to myself and you keep to yourself, okay?'
>liberal friend imports millions of economic refugees
>vote to take your shit

I fucking know this was you

Who /civicnationalist/ here

because of great britains wack ass economy and pathetic politicians

Libertarian does not equal open borders

Lad, you realise there are about 10-15 of us on this board, yes? I don't even save or post meme spiderman shite, that's Sup Forums level of fuckery.


this is exactly what i describe myself as a libertarian-leaning conservative.
libertarians also aren't fighting open borders. Most libertarians support the free exchange of labor which is mutually incompatible with the welfare state.

Because I'm no longer a fourteen-year-old edgelord

There was two south Koreans in my thread last night

Both were being cunts

One of them was you

Because Mexicans and Marxists need to be removed violently and immediately.

have you ever been to a libertarian gathering?
it's all hipsters and Democrats that support Democrat policies but don't want to have to defend their authoritarian aspects
all the independent don't-tread-on-me types left for the Republican party awhile ago
the current libertarian party would rather pursue the SJW Bernie vote than small government conservatives

It doesn't necessarily mean open borders but you can't help the fact that the herd will under perform and then vote to take your shit. If that doesn't work they will import more people who will vote to take your shit. Being a libertarian won't give you the voting power to combat this

Most modern "libertarians" seem to value individual liberty to an alarming extent; to the point that they forget about personal responsibility. Freedom is a great virtue, but not the only virtue; a strong sense of morality is necessary to maintain a stable and healthy society. Anyone who espouses libertarian believes needs to remember that liberty goes hand in hand with duty, and as such societal culture and tradition need to be maintained. Read Frank Meyer.

Because libertarianism is an unstable equilibrium. Sure you get a nice society going but all it takes is one nudge by one lobbyist and in less than a century your country spirals into a nightmare authoritarian dystopian police state with mass surveillance and a complacent populace. As evidenced by the USA.

Because smart men support an authoritarian state so long as it benefits them.

Too busy gaming to post on Sup Forums all day, lad. You know damn well I only post with the lass and no other images.

>no borders
what makes you think being libertarian means no borders?

Because I realize that men are just stronger than women, and that if a bunch of liberal virtue-signallers run the world, I'll end up raped by Mohammed and Jamal, who get away with it because they are non-white and arresting them is racist.

The libertarians' lack of giving a shit about illegal immigration.

I like roads

Stop being a sad Avatar fag

Jesus christ kid, stop with the pictures of yourself. You're making me laugh waaaaay to damn hard.

>Jesus christ kid, stop with the pictures of yourself. You're making me laugh waaaaay to damn hard.

Being libertarian requires to meet a series of assumptions:
- Markets are efficient under all, or most circumstances (required to justify complete, or almost complete deregulation)
- The aggregate utility of individuals is more important than my own utility (required to justify the NAP)
- Free will exists (required to value the idea of individual freedom)

I do not believe in any of these assumptions. Therefore, I'm not libertarian (although broadly in favour of less economic intervention)

And you took the comment that doesn't have an argument to fight against, because you simply can't argue your beliefs. Nice job kid. Also, you have to be 18 and up to post on this board, so I'd think it's safe to go back to vidya boards or anime boards.

Libertarianism is an argument from before the industrial revolution, the reality of this day and age would be ancap ball memes

Sprite and coke pusses me off because all I feel when I drink them is bubbly foam and if I belch it just bubbles back up. Lemon squash will always be the GOAT soft drink.

Post feminine penis pls

>forget about personal responsibility
What personal responsibility? I'm a libertarian and I pay my bills and honor my contracts.
> a strong sense of morality is necessary to maintain a stable and healthy society
What morality? Are your morals the same as mine? What if my morals are derived from a giant spaghetti monster in the sky? Are they any more valid than the morals of a Christian or a Kantian? This statement is problematic.
> liberty goes hand in hand with duty
Duty to whom? There's no duty other than to not initiate force against another person.
>Read Frank Meyer
I'm not gonna waste my time reading when you can't even take the time to address it in your argument you lazy fuck.

who is this girl? I see her all over this board and she's so overwhelmingly average average that it makes her 11/10

Oh hey look, it's the spamming korean again from /r9k/

People who want to be left alone are edgelords?
>Free will exists (required to value the idea of individual freedom)
No, right libertarians support individual freedom because we believe that individuals can look out for our their interests better than politicians will, and people who don't act in their own best interest shouldn't leech off the rest of us.

its true your country is run by Megalian?