Entartete "Kunst"

Pic related just sold for $50 million.

Fuck this faggot planet.

Every day the degenerates reinforce my belief that Hitler was right.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm about to become a painter, boys.

Sup Forums, what does this piece make you feel?

I bet pic related wouldnt sell for 50 million.

this is worth 50 million +, that is wiping ink off the end of your pen

These probably have a good shot, though. Give them some time to age and appreciate.

Oh, and some shitskin smashed a bunch of 9th century art in an Italian church the other day. So that happened.

To make this kind of money you'll also need to become a jew

pls explain further

It's a money laundering scheme


OP obviously can't appreciate the complex juxtaposition of chaos and order throughout the piece, not to mention the overarching commentary of first world nihilism and wanting to retreat into a more simple time. Undervalued in my humble opinion.

You have to die first before it can be an investment tool

I see a wizard (pic related wizards hat) with a whip. Would pay 3.50$ more with a frame.

art is the worlds most efficient way to launder money.

The modern art industry is a Jewish money-laundering scheme that has the side benefit of devaluing and shitting on classical Western artistic conventions and aspirations.

That's basically all it is.

I suspect art like this doesn't sell for such a high price because people think it's worth that much; it sells because it's a convenient cover for money laundering. Somebody is buying something illegal, like guns or children, and using an art purchase to mask the activity.

This is a Cy Twombly though. It's about Zeus


what does it mean


>Entartete "Kunst"
Dumb Faggot fake news that's "Leda and the Swan" by Cy Twombly in Rome 1962

to me it looks like the wizard is sighing and it looks like a black guy with a large open mouth holding the whip

Paintings and modern artwork are a form of money laundering and massive wealth transfer, they aren't bought and sold for their artistic worth.

It's garbage.

I can't believe that you faggots haven't figured out that most high-value modern art is a tax scam

> be hedgefund manager with enormous tax burden
> some grad student pissed blood on a canvas and gallery owner (who purchased painting for only $80k) wants $10 million for it
> you pay gallery owner
> grad student gets hyped by art scholars and journalists (all of whom get a cut from this system)
> your $10 million painting is now assessed to be worth $50 million!
> donate it to a museum
> write of $50 million of your taxes as a charitable contribution
> laff as Sup Forums autists in middle America decry the downfall of human society

It's literally that simple

Sup Forums is filled with retards, they think art in city art establishments are what constitutes modern art

>people still dont understand the scam

I thought it was obvious.

Yeah, lets just ignore everyone on Sup Forums who's saying exactly what you said. Sup Forums knows exactly what's going on

When did Sup Forums become so filled with uncultured brainlets?

Most scholars appreciate both traditional and modern art.

"modern art" is vague intentionally so to require the audience to make their own interpretations. It's a gross misunderstanding and misuse of "show not tell." Rather than telling through showing as the idiom originally meant, they show a lot but tell nothing, not because the viewer doesn't "get it," but he has nothing to tell. This breed of modern artists have no opinions of their own, but hold the Marxist ideal that all interpretations are equally valid.

More like "Entartete Kunts", ammirite?

Modern Art is nothing more than a way for kikes to launder money.

It's money laundering, nothing else. No one actually pays $50 million for this crap.

I mean, there are people who would definitely pay absurd amounts of money for actual art. But not for this shit.

The only thing this kind of "art" has going for it is that you can produce it in 2 minutes so you don't lose any money on creating your money laundering excuse.

that is what the whole thread has been saying, just less in detail

This, modern art is a self-sustaining investment scam. Does anyone really believe anyone finds modern art beautiful? Everyone just plays along for the money.

wow, look how far we have come.

>implying they won't be destroyed when the mudslime sack Rome in the coming years.

do I hear 50 million?

I'd like to put my Dunst in that kunst

people say this in every single fucking thread about modern art.

Still doesn't make any less degenerate, the art is degenerate and the economical scheming is also degenerate.

>not making it a merchant or a pepe

do I hear 50,000 shekels?

that is a reasonable piece you complete utter moron

out of ALL the shitty "works" in modern galleries you picked the worst to prove your point

seems like you're the faggot OP

(((Painting))) is really just money laundering now. Unless you're a drug dealer or pimp you won't be able to sell a painting for that much.

>muh it's a money laundering scheme

Fuck off shills.

Modern art is first a cultural undermining of the Western society and second a CIA scheme to compete with the Soviets.

Everyone knows that this is just money laundering right?

is this kinda proof that , the everyone can do it meme is bullshit. should make a thread that ask people to try to recreate it. Its much harder than you think. since its about good color balance and composition and line aesthetics. its subtle but if you enjoy pictures more than average you notice these things.

pluss i bet y'all have abstract art as wallpaper right now. hypocrites

(sure i bet some are also using art as tax evasion , (if there is nobody that is checking that))

>is this kinda proof that , the everyone can do it meme is bullshit. should make a thread that ask people to try to recreate it. Its much harder than you think
Its shit, the fact that its a scrambled piece of shit that makes it harder to copy doesn't make it any less shit.

I could take a dump on a plate right now and take a pic of it and it would be extremely hard for you to recreate it. But that doesn't mean that my literal shit is valuable.

Art is a well known method of money laundering

See how it all makes sense now? You're welcome

Nobody honestly pays that much for that shit, there is ALWAYS laundering involved


You're supposed to bait fish not anons, Norway

Kys there is nothing of value in modern art. You are simply tricked by the Jews to see something remarkable which is not there. I wonder how Jews can make other people fall for this, it makes me lose even more hope in humanity. They are right to call us Goyim (=dumb, cattle).

ok but if you had to choose between that picture and the original picture. which is better. im sure you will pick the original, even if you dont know why you like it more or not. You can keep testing this with any recreations and you will find that the same things keeps happening, you would still choose the original. assuming that no money was involved

>Kys there is nothing of value in modern art. You are simply tricked by the Jews to see something remarkable which is not there
ayyy lmao, modern art was pushed by the CIA

Why does everything on here have to be some conspiracy?

It's getting to the point where nobody is going to take you seriously.

Not everything in life is a fucking conspiracy out to get you.

This kind of art is a sign of late stage capitalism. The system is soon to blow up.

im being serious, i actually enjoy nice paintings. and not everyone do, actually some people can not understand or get motivated by beauty. its a personality thing. part of the big 5 trait model.

also what are you guys desktop wallpaper. nasjonalromantikk?, i bet its very abstract. and if its blank color. then you don't care about aesthetics for sure

I've heard the money laundering thing before, but how does it work? I mean eventually someone's stuck holding the painting, right?

Yeah i pick the original, one is made on a computer and the other one is an oil canvas painting. Which one do you think will provide the most thermal energy if a throw it in a stove? Because that is exactly where they would go if i where forced to pick either one of them.

I got a painting that my 4 year old niece made for me, it purple pony running over a rainbow and it is 1 million times cooler then any of these.

>im being serious, i actually enjoy nice paintings
This isn't a nice painting you fucking retard.

>and not everyone do, actually some people can not understand or get motivated by beauty.
wow you like shit, you are so refined.

the idea is that you can pretend to buy a painting but actually you buy 1000 kilo cocaine. and the money transfer for the painting was just a cover up. I also think you don't have to pay taxes for art so you could this this to get rid of that too.

but, im sure peoples eyes are on you when you transfer 50 million dollars for art piece. And the laundering scheme is so simple that everyone must know that this could be exploited. im sure some checks are done to prevent this.

Also a picture of Picasso is worth the money,(since you could sell it for same amount or maybe more), its not like these people are paying 50 million dollars for something that is unknown and that nobody else is willing to pay for it. if someone did that , then that would be suspicious as fuck

looks like some of the garbage i made back in kindergarten

>your 1 minute MS Paint drawing is shit, MODERN ART WINS
>you ALL have modern art wallpaper
>otherwise you're not A E S T H E T I C like me

Now this is art.

stop being insecure Sweden. we just have different personality. on a side note yes IQ does correlate with openness trait in personality which is the trait that makes you attracted towards aesthetics in life

Fuck you! Everyone can do this shit.
Compare this shit to real art, and tell me which require the most fucking skill.
Line aestetics, color composition and balance my fucking ass. I could make a simple program in 15 minutes, shitting out these types of pictures by the billions.

It is just in your mind, you could randomly splash some colour on a canvas and still come up with the most sophisticated thoughts about it. Thus, modern art is simply a scam and marketing to replace real content with nothingness and to corrupt our values, mind and soul.


wait. this is real?
i thought those assholes were shopped in by some Sup Forums-tard

>Isis destroying Jewish subversive elements


>likes purple ponies picture
>is my little pony fan
>likes art of 4 year old

post it pls

Hitler wasn't a great artist

That guy's not really a janitor. His cord management is terrible and unsafe, you don't use propane with that kind of buffer, he has no work shirt, and most telling is his complete lack of a smirk from looking at the huge assholes around him.

>blah blah autists blah blah

Meanwhile, the art schools promote degenerate garbage and shun real talent. Art is one of the forms of propaganda, and kikes are currently using it to great effect.

The guy took pictures from inside toilets as I recall, and got some kids' assholes on there and got investigated for cheese pizza. That might have been a different "art project" though.

That's what the Philistines have always done. They're famous for destroying art the way Canadians are famous for being nice.

>tfw modern art is actually cool and it's one of Sup Forums's few blindspots that it feels such resentment toward it.

so if I earn $200 million,
I pay $70 million tax.
left with $130 million


I earn $200 million
I buy $10 million painting, now assessed to be worth $50 million, donate it to charity,
I now owe $70-$50 million in tax, less $10 million that I initially paid.
I have $170 million left, saving myself $40 million

Am I understanding this correctly?

you don't have to be like me. but not everyone likes everything. maybe you have personality better suited to work in the sewers. we all have our place. just kidding. ignoring the pricing of the paintings that is provocative, i like it.

i bet you cant do it. first step is to see whats good about it. if you cant see it then it become pretty hard. but if you try to draw it yourself. you will see that its hard to really get it nice like the original. try it

also the program you make , you will spit out lots of average random pictures, but they wont be nice. maybe after generating millions of them you get lucky and get a nice one. but you cant sit through them all so the computer must evaluate them. they cant do that yet.

You're right, it wouldn't, because The Rape of Persephone is literally priceless.

I see a dog.

>tfw modern art is actually cool
Found the kike

contemporary art is jewish money laundering fixed scam and also modernist art is a cia/mossad psyop

I like it. What is this

This piece sold for around $8 million.

modern art is a broad fucking term. Of course there are some good pieces. But all the good pieces in the world can't defend that an (((artist))) have displayed and sold their own canned feces for hundreds of thousands.

basically yea, it's the same principle with any tax write-off scheme.

I know guys who have registered businesses, something generic like a real estate investment company or w/e and they write off so much shit, domestic and foreign travel expenses, food, drinks, whatever, and claim it was all "business expense" as in traveling to look at properties to invest in (but never actually investing); you can write off things from a business even if your business isn't successful.

I know another guy who has a "catering business" where he writes off all his personal groceries.

You can basically get your federal tax rate down to almost 0% with enough write-offs through various random "unsuccessful" businesses.

The same artist as in the OP.

I bet I can.
See the attached image. It was sold for over 40 millions. I learned how to make blue squares in kindergarden.

There is tons of great art out there being made today. It's really great. I'm luck we have a few local art places here in my city where they do exhibits, I go maybe 3 or 4 times a year and just check out what's going on.

I'm not very educated in art at all but most things I see in my city I've liked a lot.

so then you dont like some post modern art. thats ok

if you are angry about the money, then that is pure capitalism (you dont even need the scam), you have stamps and coins that are worth millions just because people collect them. you have unopened magazines of superman that is worth millions. Wu tan clan sold some unrealized demo songs for millions. football players gets millions in pay every week or something (even tho they just hit a ball hue).

so thats capitalism. dont let that disturb you when watching art .it has nothing to do with it imo

Whatever you say.

Marbling isn't exactly a "modern art"

ok i can explain that one. just google the guy and look at his other paintings. sometimes its also needed to see what the artist is doing. sometimes paintings are like sequels to each other. so one painting isolated looks just stupid. but if you see his whole things you understand it better. you get the "style" that he is has created

is the price ever justified for just this? check this post

I don't give a shit about people buying or selling shit. I'm mad about people calling literal shit for art. Or calling people that shit, for artists. There have to be some value to the art, not just shit.
You can't defend literal shit as art, because it's not. And a high price does not magically turn shit into gold, it's just expensive shit.

/shitposting off

Modern (((art))) hitler was right

Again it is all in your mind, you are truly tricked by the Jews. National Socialists showed some 'master pieces' of modern art from famous modernist painters to their audience, which impressed them. They could see the sophistication, the beauty, the genius, the aesthetics. Then it was revealed to them that those paintings are not from famous modernist artist, but from patients living in a psychatric hospital. I did a similar test with my girlfriend who studies history of art and likes modern art. I showed her a painting of a famous modern artist and asked her to explain me what was so good about it, why it is so much worth and genius. She enthusiastically started to describe with very sophisticated thoughts why it is so brilliant. Then I revealed to her it was some accidential splashes on the clothing a painter was wearing while painting. Works every time. I have to acknowledge that Jews are truly the masters of deception making people think modern art would be genius while it is in fact garbage. They can sell even people of supposedly higher intelligence crap for the price of gold.

>But all the good pieces in the world can't defend that an (((artist))) have displayed and sold their own canned feces for hundreds of thousands.
So what is the solution? To dismiss all modern art? Of course not! In reality only a vanishingly small fraction of all modern art has been sucked into the vortex of money laundering. But of course because Sup Forums is so obsessed with jews it's the only modern art you ever pay attention to.