Trump is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Western World

Trump is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Western World.

u retards really need to make up your minds


Bankrupt all of them I say!

Our president was born to kill everything that he is... like a vampire who hunts other vampires.

I want to see the global banking economy burn along with all the jews who run it.

what a fucked up graph
literally useless

>man with a hundred wives loses two

This is why you make log graphs. Or in this case percent of earnings.

Fucks sake you triple nigger.

ITT: Pro-Trump capitalists happy that the world's most pro-capitalist people are losing money because the President's administration is pure chaos and nobody successful in this world has any faith in him. Trump and his supporters are literally ruining this country as every day passes, and none of you fucking retards will realize or admit it until you and the rest of us are already completely fucked.

But it's okay, because "HURR DURR The Rothchilds, the Jews, the bankers, the globalists, Hillary Clinton, the pedophiles, all of these threats that only me and my autistic meme friends recognize" are the real problem here. "PRAISE KEK"

It looks like our country is on track to be a Russian-style shithole and every decent country in the world is telling us this as it happens. Good job guys.

This post, after years complaining about rich people making too much money the left does a full 360 and walks away because Trump finally answers their call.

>have trillions in investments
>"oy vey I lost a marginal amount of that to volatility!"

It's not even lost, they just have to wait a bit for the market to go up again.
What a retarded article.

Post #2: Only when it hits home and you're the one that feels it will you realize that you contributed to your and your countries demise and created your own shithole to live in. Of course by then, you'll just conveniently skip over everything you've been saying and pushing for for the last few years and find someone else to blame for your own absolute retardedness. "PRAISE KEK"

I'm waiting for Trump to do something like lessening the student debt and the left flipping their shit, asking if he has any idea how much of a hole that will leave in the budget.

Microsoft loves to waste money though.


Though I wonder if the loss happened because they donated to Hillary's campaign

because that would be hilarious

I'm not the left. I'm the one with some sense left in me and doesn't give a fuck about political affiliation, but does recognize a disaster when it's happening right in front of me.

>bill gates lost 1 billion dollors

who cares?

Blaming the candidate that didn't even win, has nothing to do with this, and isn't in charge of anything. Fuck Hillary Clinton, but fuck you ten times more.

>Though I wonder if the loss happened because they donated to Hillary's campaign
>because that would be hilarious

That's probably a safe assumption.

They can even claim it as losses on their taxes, IF it doesn't recover. The market lost 3% this morning, last I checked at close it was back to 1.5% it's actually still higher than analysts predicted years ago.
The article, and any news like this is just meaningless.

It's completely retarded is what it is. But keep blaming someone else.

>35 billion
wow literally nothing

what a retarded article meant for the completely clueless though

>Huey Long was autistic


Don't get so high and mighty, most of these shits deserve ridicule.

I wouldn't be shocked that they used accounting tricks to hold off on reporting their losses just to make the president look bad.

It's all cool though because that money is going to make it's way back into the market and they only have to buy one boat this year.

>It's all cool though because that money is going to make it's way back into the market and they only have to buy one boat this year.

They'll deduct it from their taxes.

>It's completely retarded is what it is. But keep blaming someone else.

they invested billions in projects that hillary now can't carry out for them.

They bet on hillary winning, and she lost.... so THEY lost.

Seems fairly straightforward to me.

only a percent (though I do agree it needs to be a little higher), their money is bigger and move around more

Even if state shave a little off the top it will still be a shit load of money

How do Poos feel towards Bill when provides so many jobs for them yet is banned from their country?

drain the swamp and their Bank accounts

Or maybe bill gates lost some money cause his armchair backseating of microsoft has made it a fucking shitty company and now every modern PC comes pre installed with spyware and some infuckingdecypherable operating system

No no no not today