All memes aside,would you support a free Kurdistan?

All memes aside,would you support a free Kurdistan?

Why or why not?

Not. They're terrorists.

no because I don't give a shit about sandniggers

>supporting balkanization
we know how that turned out don't we

Yes, just to fuck with the Turks, as retaliation for the rapefugee crisis.

More realistically, no because the middle east is enough of a mess as it is. Kebabs can't handle (((Democracy))), let stop trying to reform them.

Yeah. They fight against Isis and Turkey.

>Muslims AND commies
I'd rather support sultan erdogan

kek,yeah fucking with the turks is also my main reason for supporting them.


Have these border-dwellers ever found a place to live?

>Communism works
>the more separate the country the better
>multiculturalism works
>Islam is a religion of peace
Balkans are tired of everyones shit

Yes, just to piss off Turkey

Is, ja.

By the way k*rts are pretty much like jews. Every country they live in hates them

I don't support creation of artificial states. Nothing good ever came out of it.

why is that?

idk Kurds are pretty retarded. there's a reason there's like 20 million of them in one place and they still don't have a country.

Without k*rds draining our taxes we'd be superpower in no time. Then it'd be time to take down our eternal enemy.

Yes. The Kurds are a nation, ethincally, linguistically, culturally, historically.

As such, they have the right to self-governance.

>free kurdistan
>all kurds go back to kurdistan
>problem solved
plus it makes the roaches lives even harder

Yeah, as if Turkroaches are capable of fighting anyone. get the bugspray, boys.

Never. Nuke the whole region, kill all non humans who live there, get the resources. Kurds are just another form of Sand Roaches

For the best?



Kurds have no business no ability no history and no desire for the rights of Englishmen.



Every people deserve their own country.

have you ever been to balkans?

This. They'd just end up another venisuela.


whats that?

>all kurds go back to kurdistan

hahaha no, never

you'll have to force them back to that shithole

And those traitors to there own hive minds leeching in the west. Troats cut, head on spikes, beside the heads of Roach turks.

It's interesting how the idiotic deluded West supported all the separatists in Yugoslavia in the name of multiculturalism. They instead only wound up supporting nationalisms of different flavors lmao.

Multiculturalism in theory became nationalism in practice.

Whos the eternal enemy?

an average "roach" would fuck your shit up and rape your women and children in front of you, you fucking christians are cucks with all that "turn the other cheek" bullshit

I'd rather watch Asad fucking them all up so we don't have to give a fuck about fookin musies anymore. Religion is fucking aids.

Anglos-jews. We have tons of enemies(serbs greeks bla bla) but none of them are on par with our military

You're like ants, you horde together, unable to do anything on your own. We'll kick you out of our country, and let the euros death with you.


basically this, then invade turks when they dont admit kurdish genocide

>admitting they are fucking apes
Only an animal would do such a thing

Don't care.
If they can hold it then they can hold it.
Wouldn't like to see USA or Russia going against them tho.


I agree that this is the ultimate enemy, honestly.

But isn't Erdogan pro-Israel though?

not defending the roach, but we basically did all those things for centuries
now we have more laws preventing that but that's just for show
still, turks are below animals

I knew a Kurdish chick. She was a horrid piece of shit Communist who thought that western nations should accept diversity and multiculturalism, but that Kurdistan should be an independent nation for Kurds and Kurds alone.

a mess

maybe she was a jew on disguise

>be burger government
>support terrorist group to destroy another terrorist group which we used to support and hope it doesn't happen again.

Absolutely. The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group separate from their neighbors and deserve autonomy.

I would support them for the same reason I would support segregation in the US. Black people don't want to be shot by white cops? They should have their own neighborhoods, with their own police (or no police) and see how far they get.

It's different when soldiers do it during a war.
I am not saying it's justified,just different situations.

But he is talking about the avarage turk(or at least this is what I understood)

No, and they need to fuck off out of Syria. Bandit fuckers.

So a Kurd?

Epitome of cancer and backstabbing

No Syrian with an ounce of self respect and love for his country would be for the creation of new states, specially not a Kurdish one.

Can't wait for the SAA to get rid of ISIS so it can focus on taking back everything else from the Kurds.


Not very far.

I'm a people
can I has a country?

Bernard Henri Lévy supports it, so I don't

but they are not just in syria

I thought you guys were on the same side.
How are they backstabbers?

So it's okay when making shitty jokes about bugs and shit but merely stating a fact is inhuman huh?I did not say I would do that, but you guys claim people "cuck" while you are the real cucks, all of you grew up in comfortable neighbourhoods and probably are well educated, but don't talk about being a "cuck" and shit, westerners are the only cucks in this world. You faggots wouldn't survive a day in an average middle eastern country

maybe, i still dont understand the kurdistan situation very well
they pretty ignored by media and dont have any genocide to whine about, just fight to get officially theirs the land that they inhabitated for long. seems reasonable but i only have shallow infos
yeah they are shits

theres plenty of sides
they just have a common enemy for now

I don't give a fuck about him, hope he dies in pain

and you wouldnt survive until breakfast in a small town here with that attitude :^)
to each their own

Nobody talk basque (at least on the French side)

so being well educated and living a comfortable life
is synonymous to being a cuck?

I know, and I am saying they need to fuck out of Syria. They are another problem in Syria with their Rojava bullshit and banditry. I hope the SAA butchers them like the pigs they are.

No, Asturian.

I believe this principle can be transferred to every strong historical nation that decides, both collectively and democratically, to create their own institutions in order to self-manage their politics, culture, economy and territory.

Erdogan isn't pro anything. He's a puppet with 85 IQ.


Kurdistan = major destabilizing event in middle east.

Better they get some sort of autonomy with nation states, as in iraq.

Lmao this. That cunt got pied in Serbia a few days ago.

puppet of whom?

Yes, so that they would stay there. Also just to fuck with Turkey.

what did kurds pratically do to you (meant as to siria)? serious question, i really dont know
they look like farmers inbreeds who just want to fuck their sheeps

no, because in order to be strong enough it would have to include the turkish parts and all memes aside I don't think turkey should allow itself to get cucked like that. I think it would mean less stability believe it or not

This guy gets it, saw many other aussies saying that kurds jew roaches and shit, idk maybe you are that person, but it is true. I bet when americans found "antifa" movement, kurds thought like "how come we couldn't think of that first"

Giving the Kurds their own land would spark a civil war within the Kurdish region since some of them want a communist society and the others want a capitalist society.

All memes aside, I want every race of people on this planet that is not European to fucking die.

Turks get rekt by Algerians and Moroccans

enough of western educated "cucks" living in an average middle eastern country and you'll have a comfortable modern western state in no time

They are commie shitskins fighting against muslim shitskins
It's like Israel and the Palestine. The only good outcome is when they annihilate each other.

The guts that faggot has, coming there after he turned the whole world against serbia
A pie is way too soft

You wouldn't know shit about a real turk you faggy, turks who migrate to french are also fags like you, only with more hair and testosterone

Anything is better than the governments already there

Those things make you weak, you never had to struggle

I agree, but it doesn't make any sense when the person saying this is a greek

No we are definitely not, they are only pretending to be on our side so that they can avoid the aerial ass raping we deliver to ISIS and the rebels.
Remember Trump's strike? The first thing an SDF commander was asked is that if they would be willing to turn on the SAA if the US intervened in Syria and the nigger's reply was YES.

Literally all they give a shit about is their own interest, and they are willing to destabilize the whole region just so they can have their shitty country. Syria will cannot survive if it is divided but they couldn't care less.

I've traveled to Kamishly recently and their "self governance" is a total joke. Farmers and street vendors have been given power. I know some Christians living there and they always complain about the Kurds

nope fuck k*rds. i stand with the only nato ally based enough to shoot down a russian jet in recent times.

I know that map is full of shit because most of that area is sparsely populated. Plus I lived most of my life in that 2 leftmost dots and kurd population is less than 10% in that area.

>anything better than what it is now
>nobody wants a replacement
>let's replace it anyway
>fucks up country
>why can't they be like us?

>the west and especially america support communist group
what the fuck? what happened to better dead than red?

He's right you know. Western living leads to the shit we see today. Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.

I am just kidding anyway, unless you white devils, I am not full of hatred against anything that is different than me, I love all people from all countries(which allows me to hate kurds, they don't have a country).

Exactly. Hes a lying Jew, plain and simple. He supported every western intervention and at the same time cries about Russia invading Ukraine.

A hypocritical Zionist and at the same time globalist and liberal. I mean, wtf?

>Lévy has Bosnian citizenship as well as French.[50]
>..considered one of the most influential Jews

>Jews control America
really joggin the noggin

Nobody who isn't an Englishman desires rights of Englishmen.

Spoken like a true American patriot

The global jewry of course

yes, because they fight against isis and are secular muslims. also they would treatet badly by arabs and turks. if i meet a turk or a kurd, i always see in his behavior, who is turk or kurd, although both looks like the same shitskin


>implying roaches and other insects ever had good times

It is nothing to be "proud of" , it even shows how cuck the westerners are, any person who lives in middle eastern would prefer to be weak as fuck but be considered as a human being by his own government and have access to education and other stuff. You guys are developed as fuck, but just don't talk about "cuck" stuff while your asses are pink and hairless

seems pretty legit to me tho, if they want their shit of course someone will be on the losing end
clearly your pov is understandable as well
