Brazil "What the fuck is going on?" Official Thread

>Seriously, what the fuck is going on in Brasil?
Basically, JBS owners recorded our president Temer involved with obstruction of justice;
>Only that? So this is like Trump mumbo-jumbo, right?
No, it is WAY worse. By now the accusations against Trump are only hearsays (press said Trump leaked something to Russia). Once again, JBS (one of the main exemples of Brazil's crony capitalism) RECORDED Temer saying that.
>That's all? He is screwed, right?
Yes, he is screwed, but that is NOT all: some records say that he was involved in many, many gibi moni pl0x (=bribery) - he even caught some gibs from other gibs (i.e., he stole money from a bribery)
>what will happen now?
Either he resigns (which is probable, unlike Dilma - that's the difference between hypocriticals and cynicals) or he will be impeached - which is highly possible.
>Damn Brazil, you are a bunch of fucking niggers! Losing two presidents in less than 1,5 years!? Who will succeed Temer?
According with our quasi-defunct Constitution, the president of House of Representatives (Rodrigo Maia, a farting chubby cunt) will assume Presidency for 90 days and ask for new elections for a tampoon mandate until next Presidency (2019)
>Yeah, but you will ellect other nigger that will screw anyway
No, we will not ellect him. According with our Constitution, it is an indirect election.

Other urls found in this thread:,5de38c896bc2625aaf650dc99418f53b3f5krmt6.html

>What do yo mean with that?
I mean that only Legislative members will vote.
>What!? Fucking politicians!?
Yes. Oh, did I forget to say that JBS owners recorded a bunch of politicians too?
>Yes, you forgot, huefag. PT politicians, right?
Not only, user, not only. JBS fags said they bribered 1860 politicians, from city council members until Congressmen. Including they caught then-opposition now situation PSDB, including runner-up candidate Aécio Neves, who was recorded asking R$ 2 million of gibs to him.
>Fuck! What happened with him?
He danced ("A-É-CI-O ") Supreme Courte judge Edson Fachin outsted him from Senate and they arrested his sister (who actually manipulates him while he does a Scarface).
>That's quite a happening, Brazil, but are there any proofs of that?
All those things were a leak from a judicial inquire in which JBS owners collaborated with authorities. They: 1) recorded it; 2) put electronic chips in the mony bags and thet are tracking back the number of bank notes.
>Why don't you start a civil war, fucking niggers?
Because we don't have weapons. That's what happens in a country without 2nd ammendment, Murricabro. We are slightly better than Venezuela in this case.

Please nuke my country

Brazil is in Africa, right?

Was coming to post this, we need a brazil general, now serious, doria or bolsonaro as we will have diretas já real soon, or should we go full civil war, because honestly, i can only see a solution with blood

No. too much okatus

Don't forget the "easily killable" thing.

Man, we hit the bottom didn't we

civil war when?

So man, the civils here are afraid of guns,so.....(you can easily buy guns here desu)

I love colonies

they wanted independence for this

The problem is that a Constitutional Ammendment will raise some judicial controversy. There is a judicial premise in electoral right that says that all changing in the rules of election will be only valid after one year. In other words, if they change the rule today it will be valid only in 2019. But as this would be a Constitutional Ammendment, and we are in State of Necessity, this can be approved.
Being devil's advocate, Aécio's defence could say that this was a metaphorical statement, it was out of context, etc. Like Malafaia's "põe eles no pau".
Never say that, user. The bottom is deeper than we think.
We need a new Contras deal, user. You give us guns and we give you bunda, what do you think?

We didn't want it originally, dad. It was you that didn't want a Commonwealth with us based in Rio

your situation seems to be much better now

Maia can't be hold the presidency, cuz he is another corrupt mofo. Carmen Lucia will be the one entubando essa pica. And she already said yesterday that she would rather give the transition to the Army.


If you guys have charcoal, sulfur, steel piping, and metal shrapnel you can easily make a match lock blunderbuss, hypothetically of course. Guns are pretty easy to diy if you know what you're doing

I'm a bit worried that nothing is going to happen. Temer isn't going to resign and he has friends to protect him from getting impeached.

Considering that you have a toughter XIX Century than us and that you only got better from EU gibs, yes.

What you propose fellow friend?

I can't read Spanish, what's the image say?

everyone is! we don't need a corrupt metropolis to steal us, we can do it to ourselves! and you found a better, juicier, host to leech.. i'm sure you love all those euros.

shitty government is shitty government, mate

same people who conned you into independence are the same type of people ruling you now

they didn't care, they just cared about filling their pockets

wouldn't need euros with brazilian resources

wouldn't need brazilian "government" with Portuguese one

in the end your country became the shitty one when Rio was better than Lisbon at the time

you got conned hard

>same people who conned you into independence are the same type of people ruling you now

quando iremos proíbir a maçonaria novamente, pai? será que rolaria um Reino Unido 2.0?

No. The patriarch of our independance helped with the discovering of lithium.
>Petalite (LiAlSi4O10) was discovered in 1800 by the Brazilian chemist and statesman José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva in a mine on the island of Utö, Sweden.

>será que rolaria um Reino Unido 2.0?
não sei... agora é tarde demais se calhar
os dois países já se afastaram o suficiente nas últimas centenas para não funcionar.

já há gente que diz que as coreias se juntarem não vai ser possível nunca. já juntar as alemanhas foi/é mais complicado do que deixou transparecer

Pray the rosary for Nossa Senhora da Aparecida and get a plenary indulgence (it's a Marian year here). Also, vote on Bolsonaro.

Republicas matam qualquer civilização =/

>Impeaches temur
>Lula wins another term
>lula puts them down
>Lula gloats
>protests increase in power
>lula gets his supporters in
>Lines are drawn
>brazilian civil war when

>Lula wins another term

"If it will be you to put your hands [in the gibs], I will deliver myself. But if you send someone who you trust, I will send someone who I trust - purposed Joseley [JBS owner]"
-"It must be someone who we wkill before he does the accusation. It will be Fred [???] with one of your guys. Let's make a deal with Fred with one of your guys because he will leave from there and go to the guy. And you will give me a fucking help" - answered Aécio.

Improvised weaponry in case of revolution my friend, best to be prepared when resources run dry

Salazar was great.

Gracias muchacho.

So great that your dads prefered to live in French favelas

Point for Lula yay!

Nice OP.

and independence was so great for Brazil they are the ones with favelas in 2017 with no dictatorship around.
get real

What's up with this autistic FAQ? It's like you're talking to yourself. Typical Sup Forums degenerate. But thank you for creating the thread.

Seriously though, I have no idea how can people still believe in any politician or party anymore. And this is dangerous, because if people don't believe in democracy, they will accept alternatives. Opportunists arise in times of chaos and uncertainty.

I'm not pro PT, but from the moment that Dilma was reelected, you all remember that the external economy wanted Aécio instead and the external economy has been fucking with our soveraign country from the start. Dilma was impeached by the pedaladas, which every other president has done before, not because of corruption. I'm not defending her, I'm stating that our system is a joke because senators and deputies have too much power in their hands and there's no political party without corruption.

I think that this is the worst time in our political history, because when it happened before, people fought for a cause and they were naive enough to believe in other people, in elections, in the military, whatever they believed. Does anyone still trust another politician after all this?


brazils goverment is a fucking mess worser than ireland how the hell do ye have 100 million pppl there

>I'm not pro PT, but...


I have some gold(0.3 kilo), and 2 guns, what else do i get?


As soon as Temer resigns or his impeachment process starts at Legislative it will be life's time to buy Brazilian stocks. They will be in a all-time low.

>Butthurt over being called autistic



thank you so much comunists and leftists. You fucked up another country

we became international joke again






That's my wet dream, user.

I gotta say. The JBS dudes were masterful at the game. I was amazed by elaborate and meticulous they were in their strategy to fuck these guys in the ass.

Marked notes, tracking chips, recordings of negotiations and exchanges. The works.

we need the military to save us. Its the only chance we have

wtf is going on with leaders of countries these days?

>UKIP (every single backstabber)
>Romania (whoever the F these guys are)
>Spain (son in law of king is con artist etc)
>Bullshit in Brazil
>Corrupt leaders in Poland

Bunch of incapable shitfucks, even I can do that shit better I am 10000% sure

The only comparable situation in our history was in 1954-1955, when 1) Getúlio Vargas killed himself in August 54; 2) Vice-President Café Filho assumed, but got sick in November 55; 3) Carlos Luz ruled from November 8-11 and tried to give a coup; 4) Marshall Lott have a coup, outsting him and give the Presidency to Nereu Ramos; 5) Café Filho got better, but Lott didn't allow him to reassume Presidency; 6) Ramos ruled until give the Presidency to Kubitschek. But then our economy was still growing. Nunca antes na história deste país, anons, nunca antes na história deste país.

>tfw still needed 2 more years to move to 'straya

He's a vampire.

[autistic screeching]

Honest question lads, please don't kill me
Wouldn't it be easier for you if Brazil just broke up into more efficient smaller states? I feel like the way your country managed to live since its independence turned it into some kind of unusable mess for 200 million people. Even just braking up the country into like the three Southern States, Sao Paulo and then 2-3 different countries up north would probably be much better.

It would, but monkeys just wanna scream about brazilian pride, the nation, usa buying the amazon or something

yeah... why don't you give up all your colonies, which stand right next to your own territory, Leopold?

A real federative union would solve this problem... but we like to use "federative" the way communists use "democratic"

I actually understand the Amazon argument, since a country consisting of only tropical forest would have even less of a possibility to defend it than you already do, unless that theoretical state would be kind of a lefty ecological paradise like, say, Ecuador or something.
Don't get me wrong, I actually like seeing a strong Brazil, but given your demographics and politics this won't happen any time soon.

Stop comparing things that aren't comparable m8. Also I don't think federative unions do much, since it would just divide the population into those who believe it's too much and those who believe full independence would be better.

>I feel like the way your country managed to live since its independence turned it into some kind of unusable mess for 200 million people.
If you compare our history in XIX century with other Latam countries you will find a bloodshed in their side while some quite decent peacefulness in our side from 1840 to 1989.
>B-but muh slavery!
Yes, it was horrible, but we managed to abolish it without a civil war, unlike in Murrica.
I honestly think we should be a confederation rather than a federation.

>whats going on in Brazil ?
Yes and after you tell me that please let me know what the temperature and relative humidity is like in Brunei.

If Aécio gets arrested, it's the end for Lula.
The Lava-Jato's prosecutors main theory is that Lula was the center of the corruption scheme in Brazil.
Lula's only defence is that he is under a political witch hunt controlled by the opposition.
As the leader of oposition gets arrested, there's no way for Lula to get away with it.
And Temer... RIP.

I know the history my friend. But it doesn't mean that the society is the same 150 years after. As of now it's not working at all, and I just wanted to know your guys opinions on it since it's pretty hard to get any information on secession except from some delusional o sul é o meu pais fags

Perhaps as delusional as Allahu Akhbar fags. Keep exploding/getting machinegunned, etc.

I have no idea what you're blabbering about





I'm just saying our "actual" system would work better... if anyone ever tried it. But people here like to centralize everything.

Is misunderstood you then, sorry m8

Why do you even care. Nothing better to bother yourself with in your own home country/Europe?

At this point, nuking Brazil would be an act of mercy. Put these poor fuckers out of their misery.


Nuke Brasília, São Paulo and Rio

Because being a closeminded retard is what is turning our civilization world wide into rubbish, and also I'm Portuguese and I'd love to see Brazil get better, or at least see the best parts save themselves from this mess before it's too late.

>inb4 Temer resigns and the new president gets caught in another corruption scandal within a year

foda-se isso é que era caralho. mas provavelmente os (((maçons))) fodiam-nos a economia e manipulavam a opinião pública, e depois depunham o governo, em nome da (((liberdade e democracia)))

Ok so. A very good sociologist and leight Sup Forums tier we had (Oliveira Vianna) said that we work with systoles and diastoles: we alternate cycles of more centralism (systole) and more federalism (diastole). Something like this: Monarchy (systole), Old Republic (diastole), Vargas Period (systole), Democratic Period (diastole), Military Period (systole), New Republic (diastole). Now we are facing the decomposition of this last cycle.

If anyone nukes São Paulo, please aim them a couple miles to the west. I live within the "horrible 3rd degree burns" radius and this small change would put me in the "became dust" radius, which is a much better ending.

>Muh middle-class is the engine of hue-society

i have to disagree... but yeah... the pattern is there.

>Dollar rises instantly again

Nuke us already.

This works with most countries with democratic elections actually, although often in slight variations. In most European countries there's an alternation between more socialist and more conservative governments every couple of years, effectively killing the small achievements every last government makes every time.

How long do you think the decomposition of the current cycle will take before Brazil (or what will be left of it) gets its shit together again?

Wild guess of 4-5 years

I should have bought Puyo Puyo Tetris yesterday :(
Vianna wrote this in 1920, we didn't have middle class back them
But they don't disrupt the constitutional order every end of cycle like we do. Plus, our federative system is chaotic, for two reasons: 1) we are together with Nicaragua the only country which also consider CITIES also as unitis of federation; 2) we have a more-than-communist chaotic tax system (pic related, this tax lawyer release this book containing ALL tax legislation we have at ALL federative levels). Plus, most of the income of them goes to Federal government, resulting that States and Cities are forever dependents on gibs, and forever in debt. In sum, we are fucked.

>a brazilian was ripping people off



>for every Bolivian there are 130 Indians
really makes your poo steam

Maia has 30 days (not 90) to call for indirect elections in case of resignment or impeachment, but Congress could approve an emendment for direct elections. Given how center-left parties (Novo, Rede) are well-liked and popular figures expressed support it's pretty likely if demonstrations increase.

If SEC/TSE revokes the Dilma-Temer ticket it will be a direct election too.

>it's gotta be someone we can kill before he makes a delation

Couldn't care less about our sovereignty when we're getting shot and robbed daily on the streets and rotting in hospital corridors. I just want to live in piece. Fuck

We never stopped being it, user.


Thank you for the correction of the period, but my argument of the judicial controversy of the effect of this CA doesn't change. See the Constitution:
“Art. 16. A lei que alterar o processo eleitoral entrará em vigor na data de sua publicação, não se aplicando à eleição que ocorra até um ano da data de sua vigência"

I was about to buy an SSD and a video card through some parents in the US. For fucks sake.

Stay safe brother's of the north