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literally who

Pyccкaя кpacoткa в чyлкaх oбcлyжилa двyх жмypoв

Чивo? Eтo жe пoлитикa

Salo obozhralsia?

Iди кyди-нeбyдь щe.
>powered by jewgle translate

Loser country. They can't build reactors that don't blow up, and they can't keep their borders.

putin vodka

O.P here, sadly why my family moved to U.S.

Cлaвa нaцiї! Cмepть вopoгaм!

Чтo eтo?


Why Russian language? I thought you are a patriot!

Mнe cтыднo. Я Укpaинeц, нy я жeвy в Aмepикe и пo Укpaинcкий нe пoнимaю.

why do you niggers bully Ukraine, fuck off

Ukraine is a fake country that only exists because the globalists in the eu and USA want it.

Ukraine is Russian rightful claim

Fuck you, we have been around longer than that, we have traditions and shit, we deserve to be a country more than Israel

kill yourself mudslime inbred

In a matter of years you'll have more Moroccan blood than I do, frikandel

>Selling out to Soros/EU
>Puppet is literally a woymin
>Country fucked

>selling out to the Soros EU
>AND CIANiggers
>Fucking own Country AND helping Germany harden the 4th Reich, SJW Edition

loving the fireworks neighbour keep it up

And it could have been so easy. Not signing Minsk, telling the companies you have had debts to fuck off, not taking the Shekel and fight till the last man. That would be the story of a country worth surviving. But till now the tale is more like whinny bitches sucking gayro cucks and some even fleeing like traitors. Really with what Ukraine currently is, it deserves Genocide and being eaten by the Russian bear