Depression isn't real haha feel better stupid

>depression isn't real haha feel better stupid

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It's not. Work out, you'll feel better, stupid.

It's what happens when your stress out for too long. Of course, it's bad for you; willpower is a limited thing.


well, the antidepressants are vastly overprescribed. there are some people who's brain actually is just fucked and makes them sad and exhausted for no helpful reason

but if you sit around all day and get fat and dont socialize and it makes you feel sad, well, you arent depressed

a total lie


>famous rich rockstar

Fuck that guy

>spoiled little bitch that probably killed himself because MADAME wasn't PRESIDENT


Exercise, sunlight, fresh air and hard physical labor towards a real goal all work better than antidepressants and talk therapy. The problem is that those are all of things you feel driven to avoid when depressed.

>spend you whole life rocking
>now you're old and the next thing on the calendar is 10 more shows and then doing drugs until you die
>realize you weren't even ever that good at rocking out
I'd hang too te be he

false. I get plenty of exercise, sun, and work and I'm more in the dumps than I've ever been. It's not a panacea.

Have you tried listening to audio books while exercising? Are you getting more of your calories from fats and proteins than carbs and sugars?

Hush, take your pills like a good citizen should

yes I listen to audio books and podcasts while exercising. I have to, since otherwise I'd be bored out of my mind. Calories is probably 33-33-33 carbs/fat/protein, if I had to estimate.

The idea that you can just exercise your way out of depression is total bullshit. I don't know why I feel so miserable, but it isn't because I'm living some unhealthy lifestyle. quite the opposite

It works for most people, that's why the Roosevelts were all obsessed with athletics and military service. You should probably see and doctor to rule out physiological causes.

>have depression
>work out
>feel tired when working out, feel more tired after, struggle with the lifting because I am tired both physically and mentally and cant keep good form
>give up on gym

Nah it's both biological and psychological in varying degrees. Sometimes working out won't fix shit.

t. on antidepressants

Depression is real. Just look at all the losers on pol.

Keep exercising Shaggy.

A fucking lea...