The next false flag will be blamed on the alt right

the next false flag will be blamed on the alt right.

the plan is already in motion.

it's a train or a ship.

or on a train from a ship

manifest is Canadian

cargo is Israeli

what if it is a train on a ship?

posting in potential ebin toast

bread not toast.

Nigga what?


What are your sources?


So what are your actual sources? Or do you really possess the ability to communicate with planets?


hes probably inferring hes a satanist or some shit with the use of the planet saturn, that allows him to know thru magic of some sorts

pls, don't be nuke.


Enlighten us with the location of this False flag?

And time, please.

late july early august

southern california

between LA and Mexico

K.... Keep me posted

End of May. A train full of ebola will crash into a ship full of nuclear materials, near a crowded park or shopping mall

latino neighborhood close to the beach

Put me in the screencap

prepare to be vaporized/pulverized

majority of the dead will be catholic...

no remorse

me to

Seems like b8 but put me in the screenshot for the redditards.

Someone better have sceencapped this. Can't wait for some fresh HAPPENINGS this summer.

it's as if nobody knows what a sniffer is

or a drift net

or linux.

pretty shocking what you can do with a used
work van, a hard hat, a walkie talkie, a clip board, an ID badge and a safety vest.

You got your hands on classified information? This is basically a false flag, huh?

attack* What do you think the end goal is, though? Heating up for world war 3?

it's not classified if it's from a private entity.

they think they're smart because they're rich.

well, i'm here to tell you they don't know shit

about IT.

it's fairly laughable to think their networks are secure.

everything is tracked.

encrypt all you directory and sccm is already compromised.

two factor login doesnt mean shit.


Nukes don't exist.


Ok so spill the beans or something faggot

CA here

Where is this shit going to happen?

nice larp 2/10 i replied