Why does America let fat people serve in the military?

Why does America let fat people serve in the military?

Why are many American veterans so badly adjusted to life after service even when they did not get shipped off to a war zone?

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we let illegal aliens, literal nigger gangsters, transvestites and fairy queer faggots serve in the military. Why not fatties? It's every person's right to serve in the us military in a branch of their choosing.

I have to speak with you, South Africa bro.

I got offered a job being a teacher in Pretoria. Should I take it? They are offering me R4.5 million for a one-year contract.

1) That's a POG reservist. Active duty military has very strict rules on weight and fitness, but reservists have fewer check-ins and looser restrictions, especially on rear-echelon shit like typists and admin work.

2) Because they spend years being told that they're serving an essential role in protecting their homes and families and communities, but when they get home they see no meaningful contribution their years of deployments and cuckoldry made. They're soldiers one minute, and the next their biggest contribution to society is buying Dockers.

fucking POGs

Why does the American military let all those people in them?

I don't think any self-respecting country should let any of the groups you mentioned serve.

Why does this not happen to soldiers from other countries though?

I am from Belgium originally and I have met soldiers and veterans from several countries in Europe as well as South Africa and Turkey.

All of them seemed better adjusted than some of te veterans I took classes with at the University of Arizona.

Many of these veterans based their entire lives around the fact that they served one tour and would constantly talk to anyone they could about it.

Because America has a huge identity thing built around our military. People reflexively thank servicemen, they get coupons and discounts and shit, it becomes a massive part of their life whether they want it to be or not. Some people get a stick in their ass about it and wear multicam pants all the time and use any excuse to say how they would do it "in Afghanistan", and some can't escape it no matter how hard they try.

I don't think it suits the original American spirit to have a standing professional army. We're supposed to be a nation where everyone CAN fight if needed, but the rest of the time should be working and learning.

Hegemony is eating our country away from the inside.

Because most american veterans are just grunts, high school drop outs

for countries that don't go to war and are not constantly invading and shooting foreigners, the grunts are not very useful so they do not get past recruitment

GWOT American soldiers were the best educated and more financially secure soldiers we've ever fielded. The Marines are the only branch that accepts recruits without at least a GED, and only for menial/non-combat jobs.

There's a lot more going on than dumb idiots not knowing what's going on.

>Why does America let fat people serve in the military?
Because most Americans are fatties

No one else wants to serve - the US forces have actually had to get into some actual fighting in the last few decades.

>Active duty military has very strict rules on weight and fitness



Going over your allotted BMI and failing your fitness tests is an easy way to get dropped from a combat unit. Most POGs get a medical restriction on their meal options and are barred from promotion in most cases.

The answer is sexual pleasure. Niggerfolk account for a disproportionately-large percentage of the US military, and most of them are chubby chasers. Fat men are more useful than fat women, so the services admit fat men to satisfy the niggers down range. Since the fatties can work it's cheaper in the end than flying grape drink and fried chicken to the desert.

How does a guy like this even pass the APFT?

is this bait or are you just retarded.

Hes in supply

Because otherwise they would have a small military

>American """"military""""

Operation Dessert Storm

Failing is only easy for lazy fatasses. A determined fatass can pass without too much of an issue though.

Whether they dehydrate themselves to make weight, increase their neck size to pass the tape, or they just barely pass on the run, it's not terribly hard.

It's even easier in the Navy; where they can do alternatives to running.

The military has rules on weight and fitness, but they can hardly be called "very strict".

Probably a pog serving in some kind of non-combat support mo although I don't remember any shit like that. Army does shit differently.
It seems like a lot of shit is changing now. The more people I talk to it seems like a lot more active duty are being discouraged to reenlist or just aren't being allowed to at all because of the most minor shit. See the doc for more than one migraine, sprained ankle, overweight, etc and you become a liability. Apparently the army is getting tired of paying people for the rest of their lives because of medical bullshit.

Live next to a military base, can confirm. You want niggers? Let the military move in next door, that's how you get niggers. Oakland is a perfect example of the end results of military occupation.

Fat people can kill the enemy dumbass. OP when did you become homosexual? Before or after your father raped you?

>British """teeth"""

Depends on the branch and MOS.

Fucking KEK

The USA has the greatest Marksmen in the world. Without those fat folk the stats wouldn't be the same.

Do you want to get murdered by nignogs?
In that case go.
If not you know what not to do.

But the longest sniper shot ever was a Canadian with a .50, really makes ya think eh?

Think of it like this.

That soldier is probably on a waiver for participating in PT.

Has a medical diagnosis that prevents him from performing exercises to keep him in shape.

50% chance it is legitimate.

50% chance he is faking it cause he is lazy.

Either way, the military goes through phases of physical force shaping those folks out, but understand that if they booted him out right now he would just turn into a leech with government assistance.

If he can perform his technical duties, why not let him continue serving?

Should he be a fatty McFat Pants? Negative, but it happens a lot.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here

They were badly adjusted before service and now they don't have any routine to keep them stable.

Not since 2009, it's a bong and your government doxxed him as a reward.


Your top sniper is 23rd in terms of confirmed kills.


Probably a O4+

Took like 6 shots. Was like 2k+ meters